Steering Committee Meetings

Thursday & Friday, 2-3 August 2012

Presentation Materials

Day 1
Presenter Topic Material
Mike Abels (极速六合彩, IAB) Operations view Operations
Brian Barnes (极速六合彩, IAB) ????? view material
Donie Bret-Harte (极速六合彩, IAB) Environmental Data Center (EDC) overview view Environmental Data Center (EDC) overview
Jessie Cherry (极速六合彩, IARC) EDC baseline climate monitoring program view EDC baseline climate monitoring program
Renee Crain (NSF) Division of Arctic Sciences support for TFS view Division of Arctic Sciences support for TFS
John Hobbie (MBL) Evolution of science support at TFS view Evolution of science support at TFS
Shelly Jacobson (BLM) BLM planning and permitting at TFS view BLM planning and permitting at TFS
Cody Johnson (CPS) Barrow science view Barrow science
Jud Joyner (CPS) Long range facilities plan view Long range facilities plan
Monique Lussier (CPS) TFS laboratory design view TFS laboratory design
Morten Rasch (Zackenberg) Greenland ecosystem monitoring view Greenland ecosystem monitoring
Jason Stuckey (极速六合彩, IAB) Toolik GIS: what we do and where we're heading view Toolik GIS: what we do and where we're heading
David Tazik (NEON) National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) view National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Jeb Timm (极速六合彩, IAB) TFS science support view TFS science support
Day 2
Presenter Topic Material
Callum Anderson (极速六合彩, GI) The scanning doppler imager network view The scanning doppler imager network
Breck Bowden (UVM) Future research at TFS view Future research at TF
Mike Gooseff (Penn State) Arctic hydrologic and ecological research near Toolik view Arctic hydrologic and ecological research near Toolik
Tamara Harms (极速六合彩, IAB) Climate-mediated coupling of hydrology and biogeochemistry on arctic hillslopes view Climate-mediated coupling of hydrology and biogeochemistry on arctic hillslopes
Sally MacIntyre (UC-SB) Climate related variation in lake mixing dynamics view Climate related variation in lake mixing dynamics
Vladimir Romanovsky (极速六合彩, GI) Observations and modeling of changes in permafrost view Observations and modeling of changes in permafrost
Gus Shaver (MBL) The Arctic LTER project at Toolik Lake view The Arctic LTER project at Toolik Lake
Gregg Starr (U Alabama) Cold season gas exchange of arctic plants view Cold season gas exchange of arctic plants
Mike Weintraub (U Toledo) Future directions in Arctic research view Future directions in Arctic research