General Finance

  Account Codes
OFA's web version of the UA Accounting and Administrative Manual

  Activity Codes
Purpose, guidelines, current listings and instructions for requesting a new activity code

  Banner Finance
Page elements, naming convention and 极速六合彩 accounting structure plus tools for researching finance transactions and documents
  Excel Macros
Coverts a column of data to a single cell with commas and parentheses to easily insert into a TOAD query
  Factual Fridays

Open forum with our office to ask questions, get help, collaborate with other departments and more.

  Finance Google Group
Join the "极速六合彩 Financial Services" Google group to stay up-to-date on 极速六合彩 finance information and procedures
  Financial Exigency

Announcements and information from UA's FY20 financial exigency
  Financial Manager Meeting
Monthly meeting for 极速六合彩 Financial Managers to provide updates and announcements in an open forum atmosphere
  Match Funds

Information on the purpose and use of UA match funds including transfer guidelines
  Month-End Schedule (PDF)
Month-end close dates plus JV and external feed deadlines for the current fiscal year
  Multi-Year Events

Set up a unique fund to track revenue and expenditure activity associated with a special event that spans multiple fiscal years
  Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) Override
Overview of and override procedures for NSF flags in Banner finance
  Program Code Compliance
Proactively identify and correct mismatches before they show up on the SW compliance review
Web interfaces to the Decision Support Database (commonly referred to as "DSD," "RPTP" or "data warehouse")
  Recharge Centers

Rate proposal requirements and tools plus general information on the "what" and "why"
  Reimbursable Service Agreements
Contractual agreements between an appropriation requesting a service and an appropriation providing a service
  Rule Class Codes

Acronym definition for document types used in Banner

Guidelines for handling the various types of inter-departmental activities

Tool used to access information from Banner tables to customize reports and eliminate repetitive steps in Excel

Client server application for distributing, viewing and managing reports online
  Working Capital Agreement
极速六合彩 process standards and WCA request form

  Year-End Information
Key dates and instructions for year-end closing process



Budget & Labor

  Budget Revision

Move budget authority (expenditure, revenue or both) between allocations, NCHEMS, funds, orgs, accounts and/or program codes
  Continuation Budget
Important aspects of budgeting and endeavors to guide fiscal managers through the continuation process plus access to the continuation files
Used to calculate salaries when preparing management reports (accessed through a restricted Google Drive)

  Foundation Fund Expense Account (FFEA)
Information on how to request a new UA Foundation fund and how to manage current funds

Correct fund, organization, account and program code errors for labor charged in a prior fiscal year
  Labor Redistribution
Correct fund, organization, account and program code errors for labor charged in the current fiscal year

  Management Report Prep
Year-to-date data used in the management report and tools to assist Financial Managers with preparation of their reports

  Pay Factor Calculator (Excel)
Quickly calculate the number of pay periods based on a begin and end date of a position, or determine the end date based on the begin date and number of factors
  Pay Factor Executable File
Download the executable file
Note: You will receive a message from antivirus software warning you about the use of this file. Use the Excel version if you are uncomfortable downloading it to your computer.
  Position Management
Necessary tools to stay on top of the constantly changing atmosphere associated with position management
  Unreserved Fund Balance
UFB management principles and UFB calculator


Payments & Transactions

  Cash Advances

Request and reconcile travel and non-travel cash advances


Issue payment for a research award to students and non-students
  Foreign Checks

Acceptance policies for payments from foreign entities

  Graduate Research Assistantship Tuition Program

This program uses institutional resources to provide central tuition support for new graduate students on sponsored program activity that already supports graduate students.

  Journal Vouchers

Process current accounting entries, allocations and corrections
  Non-Cash Gifts/Awards & Raffles
This program uses institutional resources to provide central tuition support for new graduate students on sponsored program activity that already supports graduate students.
  Payment Processing

Process payments through a Purchase Order or direct pay
  Payments to Employees
Employee reimbursements for business expenses including local mileage
  Payments to Students
Options for issuing payments to students: assistantships, scholarships and fellowships
  Payments for Utility Services
Set up payments for on-going support services that do not require quotes or bids
  Rep Allowance Expenses
Processes and requirements for entertainment, gift and meal expenses
  Tax Reporting (Non-Payroll)
Information on Non-Resident Alien Tax (NRAT) and 1099-MISC reporting
  Unidentified Checks & ACH Deposits
Unidentified payments received via check or ACH deposits
  Vendor Payment Options
Electronic payment options for vendors: direct deposit & single-use accounts card
  Wire Transfers

Request payment issuance via outgoing wire transfer