One Health Surveillance in the Arctic


Dr. Tom Hennessey, CDC MD (left) and Dr. Arleigh Reynolds, ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê DVM (right) Opening statements

Understanding What It Means

One Health recognizes the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health and that holistic approaches to the well-being of all will lead to improved health outcomes and enhanced resilience.

Health Surveillance in the Arctic Agenda

Department of State International Leadership

May 21-22, 2018

9:00 – 9:20 am Welcome and goals Dr. Arleigh Reynolds / Tom Hennessy

9:20 – 10:30 am Presentations in novel techniques in research (10 min ea)

Jim Berner – Village-based environmental biomonitoring research

Todd O’Hara- Mercury and the food web

Arleigh Reynolds- Dogs as sentinels in rural Alaska

Karsten Hueffer- One Health zoonotic disease management

Tuula Holmen- Subsistence food safety and security in Alaska

Todd Brinkman- Climate change effect on availability of game

10:40 – 11:45 am Presentations in novel techniques in research (10 min ea)

Diane O’Brien-Monitoring dietary change in AK Native people using stable isotopes: a case study of traditional foods and vitamin D

Kelly Drew, Brian Barnes- Hibernation as comparative model

Srijan Aggarwal- biofilms

Erin Trochim, Lyndsey Heaney - Predict Fest team

Mary Ehrlander- One Health and the Social Sciences

2:15 – 4:15 pm Explore innovative educational programs OHM and Veterinary students

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

9:00 am – 11:00 am Breakout sessions Next Steps, Research Collaborations

11:45 – 12:20 Bill Justice and/or Brian Beardon, TCC Water Sanitation Discussion

3:00 – 5:00 pm Public Forum on One Health Issues – 501 IARC

Panel: International Guests, Tom Hennessy (CDC), Tuula Hollmen, Arleigh Reynolds, Todd O’Hara and Karsten Hueffer

Topics: Food safety and sustainability in the Arctic

Water Safety and availability

Climate Change and One Health

Zoonotic Diseases

Dr. James Berner Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Todd O'Hara Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Arleigh Reynolds Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Karsten Hueffer Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Tuula Hollmen Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Todd Brinkman Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Diane O'Brien Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Brian Barnes and Dr. Kelly Drew Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Sirjan Aggarwal Presentation (PDF)

Dr. Mary Erhlander Presentation (PDF)

Public Forum Discussion by Participants

No longer available