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\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz0\sprstsp\otblrul\brkfrm\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\sprstsm\truncex\nolead\nospaceforul\msmcap\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb _}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnf2\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb o}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pnf14\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb _}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang {\pntxtb _}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pnf2\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb o}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnf14\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb _}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnf3\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb _}}{\*\pnseclvl8 \pnf2\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb o}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnf14\pnstart1\pnindent360\pnsp120\pnhang{\pntxtb _}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {MINUTES \par 极速六合彩 FACULTY SENATE MEETING #121 \par MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2004 \par Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 I\tab The meeting was called to order by President Pinney at 1:10 p.m. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab A.\tab ROLL CALL \par \tab \par }\pard \ri-360\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab }{\caps Members Present:\tab \tab Members Absent:}{ \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\tab Allen, J. (D. Moses)\tab \tab Barnhardt, C. \par \tab Berman, G. \tab \tab \tab Gradinger, R. \par \tab Box, M. \tab \tab \tab \tab Kupries, M. \par \tab Bult-Ito, A. \tab \tab \tab Luick, B. \par \tab Cysewski, S. \tab \tab \tab Ma, Z. \par \tab Davis, M. \tab \tab \tab McBeath, J. \par \tab Dinstel, R. \tab \tab \tab McCarthy, P. \par \tab Erickson, K. \tab \tab \tab Nakaneczny, M. \par \tab Hannigan, M. \tab \tab \tab Patil, S. \par \tab Haugen, L. \tab \tab \tab Roberts, L. \par \tab Herman, S. \tab \tab \tab Schneider, W. \par \tab Leguard, J. \tab \tab \tab Smith, J. \par \tab McRoy, P.\tab \tab \tab \tab Zhang, S. \par \tab Newberry, R. \tab \tab \tab Zilberkant, E. \par \tab Odess, D. \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Pinney, P.\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Reynolds, J. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Shur, Y. \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Weber, J.\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Wisen, C. \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par \tab OTHERS PRESENT: \par \tab Anahita, S. \par \tab Basham, C. \par \tab Davis, K. \par \tab Gingrich, P. \par \tab Gold, C. \par \tab Kramer, C. \par \tab Layer, P. \par \tab Layral, S. \par \tab Lind, M. \par \tab Merrit, P. \par \tab Morrison, J. \par \tab Morrow, P. \par \tab Reichardt, P. \par \tab Schamel, D. \par \tab Todd, S. \par \tab \par }\pard\plain \s19\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:\tab \par \tab Collins, J. - Dean, SOM \par \par NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: \par \tab Walker, T. - President, AS极速六合彩 \par \tab Graduate Student, GSO \par \tab O'Neill, R. - President, 极速六合彩SC \par \tab Stickel, T. - Registrar \par \tab Joseph, B. - Dean, CRA \par \par \tab B.\tab The minutes to Meeting #120 (February 2, 2004) were approved as distributed via e-mail. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab C.\tab The agenda was approv ed as distributed via e-mail with the addition of new business items VI., B. Course Level and Grade Definitions and C. Budget Liaison Update and the addition of discussion items IX, B. HB 282 and C. Dial-up access to the internet. \par \par \par II\tab Status of Chancellor's Office Actions \par }{\b \tab }{A.\tab Motions approved: \par \tab \tab 1.\tab Motion to approve a Certificate in Yup'ik \par \tab \tab \tab Language Proficiency. \par \tab \tab 2.\tab Motion to approve an A.A.S. in Yup'ik \par \tab \tab \tab Language Proficiency. \par \tab \tab 3.\tab Motion to approve the Unit Criteria for \par \tab \tab \tab the School of Education. \par \tab \tab 4.\tab Motion to amend the Faculty Senate \par \tab \tab \tab Section 3, (Article V, Committee, \par \tab \tab \tab Permanent) of the Bylaws pertaining to \par \tab \tab \tab the Developmental Studies Committee. \par \tab \tab 5.\tab Motion to support the Faculty Liaison position. \par \tab B.\tab Motions pending: none \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {III\tab Public Comments/Questions - \par \par \tab A.\tab Kim Davis, 极速六合彩 Development Office \par \par Kim Davis presented information on the new 极速六合彩 employee contribution campaign--Pride and Power from Within. This campaign gives all employees the opportunity to give to the University. T hey are looking at increasing participation. Support can go to any existing fund or new funds can be established. For more information see their web site at: http://www.uaf.edu/giving/pride \par \par \par \tab B. \tab Patty Merrit urged the Senate to approve the proposal for the B.A. in Child Development and Family Studies. This has been ten years in the making and is well supported. It passed the Curriculum Review committee unanimously. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Page Gingrich indicated that the AS极速六合彩 academic subcommittee is looking for ideas for the Nanook Spring Fest. They are looking to offer more things such as seminars, review sessions, workshops, guest speakers, and any other presentations. All ideas are welcome. They are looking at trying to keep all the study areas open later, the computer labs, and the Library. Ideas or suggestion can be sent to her at: fysaver@uaf.edu \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that Curricular Affairs had mentioned that it would be good if they could find ways of having faculty involved. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab Carol Gold, His tory and Women's Studies. She spoke in support of the bylaw amendment to add a Committee on the Status of Women. This idea grew out of the faculty survey done by HR last fall. It showed that the rate of agreement with the statement "Women are treated f a irly at UAF" was much lower here than it is nationally. A group of senior women faculty met with Provost Reichardt last November and the idea of a committee came out of that meeting. We really don't know what all the issues are; why there are so few wom e n represented at various levels here. We think we need first to talk about what the problems are, to brainstorm, and then to address some of them. This is Women's History Month. Also, an article in CNN stated that women get more than half the Ph.D.s. We are not represented at other echelons to that degree. \par \par \par \par IV\tab Governance Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab President's Comments - Pete Pinney \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that he has submitted two names to the Chancellor for consideration on the strategic planning committee. \par \par Th e 极速六合彩 Chancellor search committee will meet again on March 9th. A Public Forum was held on February 19th. There are now 17 applications. The consulting firm also has about 10 or so other names. We hope to narrow the field and bring up the finalist bef ore the end of the semester. The UAA chancellor search committee has narrowed their field down to four. \par \par Pete Pinney is a member of the statewide Ad hoc Committee on Accountability and Sustainability (ACAS). They met over the past weekend. Cross-MAU te ams have been looking at system review of administrative operations and efficiencies. Their next meeting is March 19-20. The data will be compiled into a summary report that Pete Kelly will use to go to the legislature. You can go to www.alaska.edu/ac as and look at the reports that are up there and provide feedback to the ad hoc committee. Pete will be working on editing the summary report that goes to the Board of Regents. They will be looking at this report at their April meeting. \par \par \par \par \tab B.\tab President-Elect's Comments - Abel Bult-Ito \par \par Abel Bult-Ito indicated that he had two items to report. Many of the senate members have seen the email exchanges about the Faculty Liaison position. He would like to thank those who responded to President Hamilton. It l ooks like the position has been eliminated and will be replaced by a vice president for academic and student affairs. \par \par Abel Bult-Ito reviewed his handout on the Analysis of Pat Pitney's Next Steps memo. Pat Pitney's Next Steps 02-19-2004 memo would sugg est that the outcome targets in her memo are recommended by the faculty. This is, however, far from the truth. Although Pat Pitney decreased the FY2005 targets slightly in the direction of the targets proposed by the Faculty Alliance, the more important recommendation of the Faculty Alliance for targets for FY 2009 was ignored. This recommendation included: "Considering the current budget crisis at the University of Alaska, we believe that maintaining current levels for the five measures is absolutely t h e best that can be expected for the FY 2005 - FY 2009 budget period. If this were realized, it would in fact be an extraordinary result, which we believe is highly unlikely, but we like to be optimistic." Despite this realistic recommendation, which was unanimously endorsed by the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate, Pat Pitney has maintained the unrealistically high FY 2009 targets for all measures developed to date. \par \par Therefore, the 02-19-04 memo represents a serious misrepresentation of the faculty's role in the process and a disregard of carefully researched and articulated recommendations by the faculty. \par \par Another observation is that UAF appears to be held to higher standards compared to UAA and UAS for 4 out 5 of the measures. This finding results in the following questions: \par Is 极速六合彩 being set up for failure? \par Why is 极速六合彩 held to substantially higher standards compared to the other MAUs? \par How are Chancellor Lind and Provost Reichardt going to correct this problem? \par \par The analysis of Pat Pitney's Next Steps 02-19-2004 memo is provided as a handout for the 5 developed measures. The "percent change2005}{{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 224 \\f "Wingdings" \\s 12}{\fldrslt\f14\fs24}}}{ 2009," "percent change2003}{ {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 224 \\f "Wingdings" \\s 12}{\fldrslt\f14\fs24}}}{ 2009," and "Left out of Pat Pitney's Next steps 02-19-2004 memo" sections were added by Abel, while the other information was taken from Pat Pitney's memo. \par \par Dan Odess asked about the percentage of workload available to allocate to grant work. You can't be committed to over 100%. There are many faculty who can't take on more grant work because they are fully committed at this point. \par \par Peter McRoy commented that the current unemployment rate in Alaska is close to 9% and probably explains the record enrollment at the university. \par \par Susan Herman commented that these seem to be unfunded mandates. Pete Pinney indicated that we need to look at quality issues as well as quantity. \par \par Jenifer Reynolds and Steve Cysewski suggested that a price tag to realize these target be part of the equation. \par \par Dan Odess indicated there are a finite number of student, and faculty available to fill these goals. We can't keep growing forever. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Staff Council - Rory O'Neill \par \par Rory O'Neill was not available for a report. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab AS极速六合彩 - Thom Walker \par \par Thom Walker was not available for a report. \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Faculty Liaison - Eva Kopacz \par \par Eva Kopacz was unable to attend. \par \par \par \par V\tab Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind - \par \par Chancellor Lind thanked Abel for getting into the measures in such a sincere and in-depth way. He recommends that the senate not take any action yet and give them a chance to work with statewide. This will be a top ic of discussion at the April Board of Regents meeting. Between now and that time we can arrive at some figures that are more realistic. Chancellor Lind has listened carefully to all the concerns and will convey them to President Hamilton. He will stay in touch with Abel and Pete and will work with the senate. There will be another senate meeting prior to the next Board meeting. \par \par This week the three MAU's and statewide will have a chance to address Commonwealth North. They did an extensive report las t year on the university. They want to have a follow up on that report. They want to know where we are going as a result of those recommendations. He will have the opportunity to talk about what we are doing at UAF; everything from accountability measu res to what we are doing with our community campuses and what happens if our funding does not materialize to the extent we are asking. They will be with Commonwealth North on Friday, March 5th. \par \par Last week the Board of Regents met and approved the central ized animal facility planning. It is part of the BICS building. At the Board of Regents meeting there were a number of students from 极速六合彩 and throughout the state that showed up. Our students represented us extremely well. Their theme this year was a p uzzle where all the pieces fit together. The puzzle pieces were of the state and included 14 pieces. It is part of the full funding support for the University. Our students were a great support. \par \par It is too early to tell how the budget is going. There is more discussion about support for education and PERS, TERS. There is even a fair amount of talk about taxes. Chancellor Lind is pleased with the fact they are looking at two areas that are important to us. We will continue to do what we can to conti nue the momentum. \par \par We are recruiting now for filling the first endowed chair in Journalism. The Journalism department is moving forward with that recruitment for the C.W. Snedden chair in Journalism. They are hoping to have a person on this fall. All o f the money is in for that chair as well as for the endowed chair in History. We are waiting now for that one to generate some earnings. And in a few weeks we hope to announce a third chair. \par \par Chancellor Lind wants to emphasize becoming involved with th e Nanook Spring Fest. We have a committee working really hard to make this a positive event. There is a whole series of community activities. Great things are happening as a result of the new direction for this day. \par \par \par \tab Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt - \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { Provost Reichardt spoke about the flurry of interest in the recreation courses. They will continue offering the 1 credit recreation courses. Beginning next fall they will be administered by TVC rather than CLA. Students shouldn't notice any di fferences. \par \par Academic Performance Criteria. There is a scheduled discussion later. An updated version was provided as a handout. The criteria are two-fold. Ask the question, "Collectively, do they seem like a reasonable way to measure the performance of the academic programs at UAF." And the second question is, "Are they useful in terms of judging the academic performance of individual units." This project will be revisited at the Provost Council on Wednesday and begin to collect data. The next pha se will be to look at the data collected and see if it is useful. \par \par Provost Reichardt would like the Senate to think about the process used for awarding Emeritus status. The qualifications for faculty who have retired at the rank of professor and have bee n here for 10 years is straight forward and the process is that they are nominated by at least three faculty, one of whom must be a member of the primary academic unit of the retiree. Then it goes to the Provost and the Chancellor. There is also an exce p tional provision clause. About half of this year's nominees fall under the exceptions. Some of the nominees over the past years have been self-nominations, nominations where all three nominating faculty are emeritus faculty, nomination of individuals wh o have been retired for up to 20 years, nominations of faculty who were not at the rank of professor. Provost Reichardt is not comfortable with the idea that three faculty members can come up with a nomination and without any further review or formal inpu t the decision falls to the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Provost. Reichardt would like the Senate to revisit that process. More faculty involvement is something to look at. The issue was referred to Faculty Affairs. \par \par Steve Cysewski asked h ow the Academic Performance Criteria fits into or reacts to the statewide metrics. Provost Reichardt indicated that he is interested in us defining for ourselves what we think is a good way to look at our academic performance and then shape what is happe n ing systemwide. There are five measures in front of us now and there will be 20 measures. What we come up with now may influence some of the other measures. Abel Bult-Ito indicated concern about the use of the promotion/tenure statistics as part of the criteria. \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { Pete Pinney asked about the memo concerning hiring of faculty. Paul Reichardt recently sent a memo to deans and directors requiring a face to face conversation with those hiring permanent faculty members. It is a matter of knowing how critica l it is to fill the position and that it is done in the context of some plan to deal with the worst case scenario with respect to budget. Jane Weber asked how it pertains to CRA and if the chancellor would have a similar policy for CRA. \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par VI\tab Old Business \par \par \tab A.\tab Classified Research - \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that there is a more recent version of the classified research policy. Meetings of the reconciliation committee are scheduled for March 3 and 11. After a meeting in October the faculty senate represent ative revised the policy and sent it to the administrative side of the committee. They finally heard from them in February. They are now pushing for a meeting so they can get this through the Senate this semester. The latest draft will be circulated to the Senate. There was a lot of concern about the faculty committee reviewing proposals. It will take a little bit more time. The Chancellor has not spent a lot of time on this issue, as he is waiting for the reconciliation committee to make a recommend ation. The guidelines now will apply to the faculty committee conducting the review, advising the Chancellor. \par \par \par B.\tab Course Level and Grade Definitions - \par \par Pete Pinney indicated this is old business from Faculty Alliance from years ago. After this was pa ssed last time the new registrars wanted to work on it again. This is not changing the rule on how we use the grading system. Each MAU may select from this array of grading. This will make it uniform for articulation purposes. Jane Weber made a motion to amend the definition of Professional Development Courses to delete the phrase "at a post-baccalaureate level." Rainer Newberry would like to see the grade of "D" change to delete "below average" and replace it with "minimal." There was no objection t o forwarding this back to Faculty Alliance with these modifications. \par \par \par C.\tab Craig Wisen, budget liaison report. \par \par Craig Wisen reported on the question that Abel raised last year in regards to the portion of the budget allocated to administrative vs. facult y categories. We are asking the same question when using national expenditure categories. Craig is meeting with Paul Reichardt, Marshal Lind, and Joe Trubacz. Joe has been very helpful in pulling the data we need. We will be looking at FTE and dollar s associated with those FTE as well as overall expenditures for the entire category. We are not looking at just administrative and faculty, but skilled/craft, secretary/clerical/professional. There are seven different categories. Craig should have a re port for the senate in April. \par \par \par \par VII\tab New Business \par \par \tab A.\tab Motion to approve a B.A. in Child Development and Family Studies, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Rainer Newberry had nothing further to add to the request. Dan Odess asked about the continuing cost. It was indicated that the dean had signed off on the resource commitment form. The motion passed with no objection. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a BA in Child Development & Family Studies. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2004 and/or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval. \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See new course requests #64-71 and full \par \tab \tab program proposal #72 from the Fall 2003 review cycle \par \tab \tab on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \tab \tab ECE major requirement of 33 credits and three specialized \par \tab \tab concentrations of 15 credits in Administration, Curriculum \par \tab \tab and Teaching, and Family Support for a total of 126 \par \tab \tab credits; requires seven new courses. \par \par \par }{\f0 \tab \tab \tab \tab }{ \par \par Brief Statement of the Proposed Program \par Bachelor of Arts in Child Development & Family Studies \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s26\widctlpar\tx-720\tx0\tx720\tx1080\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\adjustright \f7\fs20\cf1\cgrid {\b\fs24 Mission:}{\fs24 The mission of the CDFS program is to provide necessary preparation for early childhood educators who wish to advance their professional knowledge and career opportunities with specialized study in curriculum, administration or family support. \par \par }{\b\fs24 Delivery Method:}{\fs24 The program will be offered through flexible course delivery methods to early childhood educators, living in both rural and urban Alaska outside of Anchorage bowl. \par \par }{\b\fs24 Intent:}{\fs24 The intent of this degree is to qualify persons interested in upper level, higher paying employment in the early childhood career field. \par \par }{\b\fs24 Background:}{\fs24 In the Headstart Reauthorization Act, 50% of Headstart Teachers are required to have a Bachelors degree by 2008, with the intent that e ventually all Headstart teachers will be so qualified. In addition, qualifications beyond an Associate degree are required or recommended for all preschool teachers and many other positions in the field including: family advocates, home visitors, curricu lum coordinators and administrators. Employers for all of these positions regularly seek applicants with baccalaureate degrees. Recently employers have been hiring candidates from out of state in order to find qualified applicants. \par \par Furthermore, many of t he current graduates of the ECE AAS degree want greater knowledge in this field, even if it is not required for their jobs. Since there is no relevant degree available here, they go out of state, seek a less satisfying degree through the complex interdis ciplinary process, change careers completely, or leave the university with unfulfilled career aspirations, unprepared for the more challenging positions in the early childhood profession. \par \par According to multiple sources there are approximately 5000 early chi ldhood jobs in Alaska. The new BA in ECE at the UA campus is trying to prepare people for approximately 50% of those jobs, plus K-3 teachers in the Anchorage bowl. The 极速六合彩 program is intended to serve the rest of the state, focusing on Child Development and Family Studies, rather than Education. Most early childhood professionals are mature women, with growing families and strong family values. Many work in small villages and cannot leave their families and communities to move to the city and obtain the UAA degree. The BA CDFS, with distance delivery, is designed for them.{\*\bkmkstart _Toc485720839}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc486226066}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc486323843}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc488882956}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc488883104}{\*\bkmkstart _Toc489112942} {\*\bkmkstart _Toc492231036} \par {\*\bkmkend _Toc485720839}{\*\bkmkend _Toc486226066}{\*\bkmkend _Toc486323843}{\*\bkmkend _Toc488882956}{\*\bkmkend _Toc488883104}{\*\bkmkend _Toc489112942}{\*\bkmkend _Toc492231036} \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par ** \par \par \tab B.\tab Motion to amend the Faculty Senate Section 3, (Article V, Committee, Permanent) of the Bylaws, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright {Abel Bult-Ito presented t he motion and indicated that this came to the Senate from Carol Gold. This is in response to the faculty survey done last year. This will establish a permanent committee to research some of the questions that came up and to provide advise to remedy any problems that may exist. Lee Haugen asked how advise from the committee would be forwarded. As a permanent committee action can be forward to the Senate in the form of a resolution or motion for further action. The motion passed unanimously. }{\caps \par }{\f0 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3, (Article V, Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws to establish a permanent "Committee on the Status of Women." \par \par CAPS - Addition \par [[ ]] - Deletion \par \par \par }{\ul PERMANENT \par }{ \par 7.\tab THE COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. }{\b\ul MEMBERSHIP}{ WILL CONSIST OF EIGHT PEOPLE, ONE OF WHOM WILL BE A SENATOR, THE OTHERS TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE FROM AMONG 极速六合彩 FACULTY. \par \par THE }{\b\ul PURPOSE}{ OF THIS COMMITTEE IS TO MONITOR THE STATUS OF WOMEN FACULTY AT 极速六合彩 AND TO WORK PROACTIVELY FOR GENDER EQUITY. \par \par SUCH ACTIONS WILL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: \par \tab MAINTAINING LISTS OF WOMEN FACULTY WITH HIRE, TENURE AND PROMOTION DATES. \par \tab ORGANIZING AND SUPERVISING SURVEYS ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN AND ASSESSING THE CULTURAL CLIMATE OF THE UNIVERSITY AS IT PERTAINS TO WOMEN. \par \tab RECOMMENDING POLICY TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF WOMEN FACULTY. \par \tab SUPPORTING MENTORING OF WOMEN, BOTH NEW AND MID-CAREER FACULTY, INCLUDING RUNNING WORKSHOPS ON MENTORING, PROMOTION & TENURE, NEGOTIATING TECHNIQUES AND OTHER FORMS OF FACULTY DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFIED AS NECESSARY. \par \tab ADDRESSING FAMILY-WORK ISSUES, SUCH AS CHILD CARE, PARENTAL LEAVE, SPOUSAL/PARTNER HIRE. \par \tab COORDINATING WITH OTHER CAMPUS AND UNIVERSITY GROUPS WHICH DEAL WITH WOMEN'S AND GENDER ISSUES. \par \tab AND ANY OTHER ISSUES WHICH WOULD HELP WOMEN TO ACHIEVE EQUITY AT 极速六合彩. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {RATIONALE: \tab Women faculty at UAF have not achieved a level of equity congruent with their numbers either at the University or in the academic profession. This is apparent through several miscell aneous data, any one of which might be explained away, but which together make up a picture of inequity. For example: \par \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc1\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr1\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {The Faculty Opinion Survey prepared for Statewide Human Resources, July 2003, found that only 55% of faculty (male and female) agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, \ldblquote Women faculty are treated fairly here.\rdblquote This compares with a nationwide response rate of 85% agreement. When men\rquote s and women\rquote s responses are separated, women\rquote s disagreement rate goes up (}{\cs28\ul\cf2 http://www.alaska.edu/hr/hractivities/surveys/FacultyReport2003.pdf} {), p. 37. \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright { \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc2\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr2\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {Since the formation of the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate in 1988, there has been only one woman president. \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright { \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc3\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {In the 12 years of Usibelli Awards, only five awards have gone to women\emdash 3 women received awards for service and one each for teaching and research. Out of a total of 36 awards, women have received only 14% (}{\cs28\ul\cf2 http://www.uaf.edu/univrel/awards/faculty/index.html}{). \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright { \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc4\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr4\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {According to the United Academics website (}{\cs28\ul\cf2 www.unitedacademics.net}{), there were 11 recipients of retention raises in the past year and a half. None went to women. \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright { \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc5\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr5\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {Of the 26 members of the 极速六合彩 Chancellor Search Committee, only 9 (36%) are women. Of the 8 极速六合彩 faculty members, only 2 (25%) are women. CLA, which has the largest number of women faculty, is represented on the committee by two men (}{ \cs28\ul\cf2 www.uaf.edu/chancellor/search/committee.html}{). \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\ilvl12\adjustright { \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1 \fi-360\li720\widctlpar\ls1\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc6\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr6\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {There are 158 full professors at UAF; of these, 20 (13%) are women. Of these, only 10 are in the liberal arts, the disciplines which have the highest concentration of women faculty. \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar\adjustright {Put another way, out of 200 women faculty at UAF, only 20 (10%) are full professors. Out of 407 men faculty, 138 (34%) are full professors. \par Or, out of a total of 607 faculty members, 33% are women, mostly concentrated at the lower levels of the academic hierarchy (}{\cs28\ul\cf2 www.uaf.edu/pair/2003/D4spr03.html}{). \par \par {\listtext\pard\plain\f3 \loch\af3\dbch\af0\hich\f3 \u-3913\'b7\tab}}\pard \fi-360\li720\ri-720\widctlpar\ls2 \fi-360\li720\ri-720\widctlpar\ls2\pnrauth1\pnrdate1719910982\pnrstart0\pnrxst0\pnrxst1\pnrxst240\pnrxst183\pnrstop4\pnrstart1\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrrgb0\pnrstop9\pnrstart2\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255 \pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc255\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc1\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrnfc0\pnrstop18\pnrstart3\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr1\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0 \pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrpnbr0\pnrstop36 \adjustright {58% of the students at UAF are women (}{\cs28\ul\cf2 www.uaf.edu/pair/2003/C3bsp03.html}{). \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par It is not unreasonable to expect that women would make up a greater percentage of the total faculty at UAF and be more equitably represented in various faculty venues. \par \par These inequities may be due to any number of individual reasons, to conscious or unconscious discrimination, or the unwillingness or inexperience of women to take advantage of opportunities. In any case, we need to find out why and then take action to address the problem. A Committee on the Status of Women would be the focal point for remediative action. \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright {\caps \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {* \par \par C.\tab Outstanding Senator of the Year Award nomination \par \par Pete Pinney announced that nominations for Outstanding Senator of the Year were open. Letters of nomination will be accepted until March 22. Susan Herman nominated Rainer Newberry. Karen Erickson nominated Peter McRoy. \par \par \par D.\tab President-elect nomination. \par \par Abel Bult-Ito indicated that nominations for the position of President-elect were open. Nominations will close at the next meeting with elections to be held at that time. \par \par \par \par VIII\tab Committee Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab Curricular Affairs - R. Newberry \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy \par \par The following report was submitted as a handout. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx1170\adjustright {FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, 16 Feb 2004, 2:00-3:30 pm \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Present: Mark Box, CLA; Joan Braddock, CSEM; Joan Leguard, CLA; Peter McRoy, SFOS; Dan Odess, CLA; Craig Wisen, SOM \par \par Guests: Scot Ebanez, Asst. Dir. Proc. & Business Services; Terry Kelly, Dir. Proc. & Business Services; Becky Phillips, Bookstore Mgr.; Steve Tate, Textbook Coordinator; Terry Fricks, Asst. Textbook Coordinator \par \par 1. Bookstore \par \tab The meeting concentr ated on discussion with the bookstore management and staff of problems raised by faculty over the supply of textbooks for classes. The major issues brought to the attention of Faculty Affairs include inadequate number of books for registered students in classes, switching titles from those ordered by a faculty member for a class, long delays in supplying late book orders and little or no feedback to faculty. \par \tab Bookstore management presented an overview of their operations with supporting materials showing t he process of textbook ordering from initial faculty request to sale to students. An important feature of the 极速六合彩 Bookstore program is the repurchase option for students, which is not available if books are purchased elsewhere. The bookstore is a 极速六合彩 au x iliary and, as such, it is required to generate its operational budget internally. Terry Kelly noted that the bookstore had accumulated a debt of $912K over a seven-year period but that last year, through management revisions, the operation gained $75K. Such "profits" are reinvested in the operation and not transferable to other university funds. Scott Ebanez pointed out that the bookstore orders over 1600 titles annually, which includes about 10% of titles from custom publishers. For the latter orders , the minimum access time is 6 weeks with no returns; if a title is from a foreign publisher the time line is abut 3 months. The time line for most books ordered is a national process and 极速六合彩 is on this schedule. \par }\pard \fi720\widctlpar\adjustright {The problem of excess returns was discusse d. Book orders are adjusted by staff based on the enrollment history of a class. The bookstore seeks to have excess returns charged to departments. FA members were quick to note that no such funds existed in department budgets for this. Apparently t h ere are some departments that are repeated offenders in ordering excess texts but no action has been proposed to modify orders. The operating guideline for textbook orders is to order whatever the faculty member requests but this is modified by staff bas ed on expected enrollment. \par In sum, Faculty Affairs recommended the following modifications to the book ordering process and bookstore operations. First, the bookstore management has only cursory data on its actual market share. While numbers were often p rovided to FA committee members questions, the data were from national trends rather than 极速六合彩. Faculty Affairs encourages the bookstore management to acquire actual marketing data on 极速六合彩 student purchases and returns. The second recommendation is that t h e bookstore should make every attempt to streamline the book order process using electronic communications. Feedback to faculty members as to the titles and numbers of books that were actually ordered would be a large benefit to faculty and would allevia te many problems. Some discussion occurred on how this could be implemented. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par 2. Classified and Proprietary Research Policy \par }\pard \fi720\widctlpar\adjustright {Meetings are now scheduled for the Reconciliation Subcommittee on 3 and 11 March. If agreement is reached the revised policy will be returned to Faculty Affairs in the next meeting. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par 3. Parking \par \tab No action on the parking resolution from last semester. The problems addressed by that resolution persist and FA seeks to return a revised resolution to the Senate. \par \par 4. Intellectual Property/Faculty Rights \par \tab No activity here. \par \par 5. Budget \par \tab Craig Wisen reported that he met with Joe Trubacz, Director of Financial Services, to discuss split in administration and academic expenses in the 极速六合彩 budget. A revised report will be forthcoming. \par \par 6. Faculty Opinion Survey \par \tab Joan Leguard reported that a committee to deal with woman's issues, raised in the Faculty Opinion Survey and elsewhere, is being formed by Carol Gold. \par \par 7. Next meeting will be at 2 pm on 22 March in the Runcorn Conference Room, NFS. \par \par Submitted by Peter McRoy \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \endash C. Mulder \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab Core Review - D. Schamel \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Curriculum Review - W. Schneider \par \par The committee will meet in April to review the spring requests. \par \par \par \tab F.\tab Developmental Studies - J. Weber \par \par Jane Weber reported they are working on mandatory placement. \par \par \par \tab G.\tab Faculty Appeals & Oversight - P. Layer \par \par Paul Layer report they will meet again on March 2nd to continue their work on administrator evaluations. \par \par \par \tab H.\tab Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement \endash P. McCarthy \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab I.\tab Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria - \par \par Dan Odess indicated they met last week to review the CSEM criteria and the Anthropology criteria. Based on Paul Reichardt's recommendation they were sent back to the units. They will meet on Friday, March 5th to review them again. \par \par \par \par IX\tab Discussion Items \par \par \tab A.\tab 极速六合彩 Academic Performance Criteria - \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that Paul Reichardt had addressed the academic performance criteria in his remarks. There was no additional discussion. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab HB 282 - \par \par Pete Pinney brought this up because he heard about it at the Faculty Alliance meeting. Pete Kelly mentioned that his w as going through the legislature. He wanted some clarification on how this effects faculty and the collective bargaining agreement and our current policy on intellectual property. \par \par Provost Reichardt indicated that basically what it allows is the presid ent to sign a contract that would allow a faculty member who has created something of value to have a financial interest in the corporation that markets it. Up until now the faculty member under the collective bargaining agreement has certain intellectu a l property rights, but the contract that the university would sign with somebody to commercialize it would not allow the faculty member to be part of that group. This bill changes that so that you could get the intellectual property rights given to you u nder the collective bargaining agreement plus you could be part of the spin off company that markets the product. Provost Reichardt indicated that we might be one of the only states which currently does not have some version of this. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Dialup modem access to aurora - \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that the sustainability and accountability committee made recommendations to cutting the cost of the dial up modem. \par \par Dan Odess stated that he and a number of other faculty rely very heavily on access to the inter net and do a lot of work at home. This is a basic service to enable us to do our job. Cutting this would greatly impact his personal cost. Susan Herman indicated that mainly students use that service much more than faculty. It is hard for them to affo r d to pay the monthly provider fee. This is also an issue with the rural students. There was a spreadsheet which showed the breakdown in users. At 极速六合彩 there was 90-100 different faculty accounts used every month. There were 500-600 different student ac c ounts used every month. Pete Pinney indicated that this is the type of report/conversation that will be coming out of the committee. He invites everyone to look at the reports and make comments to the leads. Michael Hannigan made comments on how this w ould effect rural students. Dan Odess asked if this had been conveyed to AS极速六合彩. Pete indicated there were two students on the committee. \par \par \par \par X\tab Members' Comments/Questions \par \par Pete Pinney indicated that on March 3rd there will be a faculty development workshop at TVC for adjuncts. Joy Morrison from Faculty Development Office is planning a Women's Conference, April 8-10th. The Rasmuson Library is hosting an authors\rquote reception, April 23rd. Paul McCarthy would like assistance in identifying all faculty and staff authors for that reception. \par \par Jane Weber asked about the absent Senate members. \par \par \par \par XI\tab Adjournment \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. \par }\pard \s19\fi-1800\li1800\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \s19\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the complete tapes. \par }\pard \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }}