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{\info{\title MINUTES}{\author Governance Office}{\operator Governance}{\creatim\yr2003\mo1\dy28\hr10\min19}{\revtim\yr2003\mo1\dy28\hr10\min19}{\version2}{\edmins1}{\nofpages42}{\nofwords10790}{\nofchars61508}{\*\company U of A}{\nofcharsws75536} {\vern115}}\margb720 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz0\sprstsp\otblrul\brkfrm\sprstsm\truncex\nolead\msmcap\lytprtmet\hyphcaps0\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex-32767\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1 \pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5 \pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {MINUTES \par 极速六合彩 FACULTY SENATE MEETING #112 \par MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2002 \par Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\ri-540\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 I\tab The meeting was called to order by President Chukwu at 1:05 p.m. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab A.\tab ROLL CALL \par \tab \par \tab }{\caps Members Present:\tab \tab Members Absent:}{ \par \tab Barnhardt, C. (L. Hogan)\tab Barnes, D. \par \tab Box, M. \tab \tab \tab \tab Berman, G. \par \tab Bruder, J. \tab \tab \tab Goering, G. \par \tab Bueler, E.\tab \tab \tab \tab Holton, G. \par \tab Bult-Ito, A. \tab \tab \tab Ma, Z. \par \tab Chukwu, G. \tab \tab \tab McBeath, J. \par \tab Curda, L. \tab \tab \tab Morrison, J. \par \tab Dinstel, R. \tab \tab \tab Whiteledge, T. \par \tab Duffy, L. \tab \tab \tab \tab Zilberkant, E. \par \tab Gladden, J. \tab \tab \tab Zhang, S. \par \tab Gradinger, R. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Hannigan, M. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Illingworth, R. \tab \tab \tab OTHERS PRESENT: \par \tab Leguard, J. \tab \tab \tab Anderson, J. \par \tab Luick, B. (A. Wilson)\tab \tab Kopacz, E. \par \tab McCarthy, P. \tab \tab \tab Layral, S. \par \tab McRoy, P.\tab \tab \tab \tab Matthews, M. \par \tab Newberry, R. \tab \tab \tab Martin, W. \par \tab Odess, D. \tab \tab \tab \tab Poole, J. \par \tab Patil, S. \tab \tab \tab \tab Reichardt, P. \par \tab Pinney, P.\tab \tab \tab \tab Sokaitis, A. \par \tab Schneider, W. \tab \tab \tab Thomas, D. \par \tab Simmons, B. \tab \tab \tab \par \tab Weber, J.\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT:\tab NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: \par Slominski, R. - University Registrar \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Miller, D. - President, AS极速六合彩 \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Holmes, J. - GSO \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Ledlow, L. - President, 极速六合彩SC\tab \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Joseph, B. - Dean, CRA \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Woodall, D. - Dean, CSEM \par \par \par \tab B.\tab The minutes to Meeting #111 (October 28, 2002) were not available for approved. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab C.\tab The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail. \par \par \par II\tab Status of Chancellor's Office Actions \par \tab A.\tab Motions Approved: \par \tab \tab 1.\tab Motion to amend the AA degree requirements. \par \tab \tab 2.\tab Motion to amend the Guidelines for the \par \tab \tab \tab Evaluation Process of Administrators. \par \tab \tab 3.\tab Motion to approve the establishment of a \par \tab \tab \tab Senator of the Year Award. \par \tab B.\tab Motions Pending: none \par \par \par III\tab Resolution of Recognition of the 极速六合彩 Men's Basketball Team, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par The following resolution of recognition was approved unanimously and a formal presentation was made to the 极速六合彩 Men's Basketball Coach Al Sokaitis. Jake Poole, Acting Director for Athletics, was also in attendance for the presentation. \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s1\qc\keepn\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f4\fs32\cgrid {\f12 RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION \par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\f20 \par \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f20 WHEREAS}{\f20 , The 极速六合彩 men's basketball team made history as the first NCAA Division II team to win an eight-team Division I tournament in the history of college basketball, and \par \par }{\b\f20 WHEREAS}{\f20 , Several 极速六合彩 players were formally recognized for their exceptional performances, and \par \par }{\b\f20 WHEREAS}{\f20 , The 极速六合彩 men's basketball staff and players exhibited their dedication to teamwork and sportsmanlike conduct, and \par \par }{\b\f20 WHEREAS}{\f20 , Throughout the tournament the entire team and staff were outstanding representatives of 极速六合彩, now \par \par }{\b\f20 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED}{\f20 , That the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate wishes to recognize the outstanding achievement of the 极速六合彩 Men's Basketball Team. \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f20 \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {*** \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {IV\tab Remarks by Provost P. Reichardt \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Provost Reichardt spoke about the Board of Regents' meeting held last week. The Regents approved the MA in Applied Linguistics. \par \par The administration has been worki ng on a strategic plan for the UA system. A copy is available in the Governance Office. The Senate should keep an eye on what is going on. For the most part the administration in drafting this is trying to build on existing documents. They are paying attention to 极速六合彩 2005, the academic development plan, the master plan, and similar plans and documents from the other MAU's. The major issues for debate and resolution will revolve around a couple things. One issue came from the revised mission statemen t from UAA submitted and that did not pass. Questions about the mission statement had to do with a statement about diversity, breath of interest, and special recognition of the University's relationship to and responsibility for education delivered to Al a ska Natives. The Board agreeing that it needs to set a framework for all the MAU's to deal with that issue. The second issue is the future with respect to granting of Ph.D.'s within the system. SAC was charged with writing up a paper on what it takes t o deliver a Ph.D. in an area, what are the implications for a Ph.D. granting institution. \par \par Another document related is a report on the University of Alaska that has been produced by Commonwealth North. It is an enterprise centered in Anchorage that is concerned about the future of the state. They have spent the last six months studying the university and have produced a report. \par \par Elections and appointments--The elections are certain, but you need to be aware of some dynamics. A number of Regents left Fairbanks early Friday afternoon. Elections for Board officers were taken late Friday afternoon and some of the Regents may be unhappy. By the time the Regents meet again it is unsure how many there will be. They decided to postpone their scheduled January retreat because of the uncertainty of who will be there. The law says that within five days of the start of the next session, the governor needs to validate the latest appointments to the Board. In addition, Joe Thomas and Chancy Croft terms have exp ired. \par \par Part of the FY04 state budget process will be a report from the three MAU's on what has been done in the way of true budget reallocation. Reallocation base budgets will be part of the considerations for the future budgets. \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Peter McRoy asked about the strategic plan. Larry Duffy indicated that Jim Johnson has been presented a preliminary draft to the Systemwide Governance Council. \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {V\tab A. \tab Faculty Concerns of rural campuses \par \par John Bruder, Dillingham--his main concern is a lack of faculty, especially to deliver the B.A. in Elementary Education degree. They don't have enough science faculty to deliver the required courses. Godwin Chukwu asked how enrollments impact the situation. John Bruder indicated that it's not so much enrollments, as it is to get teachers in the villages. \par \par Paul Reichardt indicated that SAC recently tasked Jason Oler in statewide to work on distance delivered programs to do an inventory of the courses that are scheduled to be delivered in terms of the B.L.A. from UAS and the B.A., Elementary from 极速六合彩. At this point--at least on paper--we have a distance delivery version of every course in each of those two programs, with the possible exception of enough upper division electives in the B.L.A. We now need to look at a three or four year cycle of courses. We need to look at the two degrees and see if there are any holes in the delivery and figure out whom will be responsible for that delivery. \par \par Mike Hannigan, Nome--An associated issue link with the shortage of faculty is a cross-regional bridge and preference for getting into courses. There are some courses that have urban students registering. Science is an example of the limited space. There needs to some effort during the early registration period to all ow a rural preference getting into those courses. Often the urban bases have a variety of options available to them. The rural students do not have other options. John Bruder indicated that problem use to be monitored by CDE. \par \par B.J. Wolter, Nome--He agreed with Mike Hannigan and indicated there is physical limitations of being able to offer lab courses at a distance. We can only have a limited number of sites and quite often non-rural students take up those sites . Paul Reichardt indicated that he would take this issue to SAC. It will not be easy because of all the different start dates. \par \par Ron Illingworth--he did a check on the registration for spring semester and during the first few days about 4/5 of the students that had signed up were from S outheast. Suggestions on restricting enrollment to a certain time may be solutions for problem. Another area of concern is that our students are restricted to a semester-based course. We're finding that in some disciplines the time frame is too compressed to complete the course successfully. \par \par Paul Reichardt mentioned that one of the distance education proposals that SAC is looking at is a two year funding for a position at TVC to direct and deliver an associate degree online. Ron Illingworth stated that m any students/communities do not have internet access. Jane Weber indicated that online delivery of math courses presents problems. \par \par B.J. Wolter commented that he tried to teach a geoscience course entirely online and in his experience, it is not possible to teach a lab science course entirely online. You just do not have the ability to communicate the information to the student online. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Public Comments/Questions - \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Mary Matthews, Director of Student Support Services (SSSP)--This is a new federa l program on campus. It is one of the TRIO programs; the other two are Upward Bound and Upward Bound, Math/Science. It is an academic support program for at risk college students. There is criteria to be eligible for the program--low-income students, fi rst generation college students, and students with disabilities. They are setting up tutoring, small study groups and extra advising. They can accommodate 160 student. They currently have about 100 students and they need referrals of students into the p rogram. This program is available on the main campus and TVC. A second program is a collaboration between the SSS and the Advising Center--The Learning Resource Center. Flyers list all the tutoring services on campus. This semester there were study g roups and next semester there will be supplemental instruction for BIOL 106, CHEM 105, DEVM 105, MATH 107, and some History. The program is in its second year of a four-year grant. Jane Weber indicated that the 1-800 math tutoring help is available. If faculty make referrals they will make the determination if they are eligible for the program. If they don't they will refer them to other areas. \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {VI\tab Governance Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab President-Elect's Comments - P. Pinney \par \par The Ad Hoc Committee on Classified Rese arch is still working to develop a policy language draft. There will be a policy, suggested procedures including faculty oversight, and a white paper on how they came to the policy language draft, a review of other institutions and their policies, and th e issues that pertain to our relationship with various constituencies within the University of Alaska. Pete Pinney hopes to have this to Faculty Affairs by their January meeting. \par \par Pete Pinney indicated there was a flyer on the table about the UA Academy February 4-5, 2003. Faculty are invited to make proposals and send them to Josh Horst. The deadline is December 13th. \par \par The next Faculty Senate newsletter will come out in January. We will be collecting information about the rural campuses. Any distribution problems should be sent to Sheri Layral. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab President's Comments - G. Chukwu \par \par Godwin Chukwu also spoke about the call for papers for the UA Academy 2003. \par \par He mentioned about his attendance at the Core Review Committee and encouraged them to look at the process for adding new Core courses. \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Staff Council - L. Ledlow \par \par Larry Ledlow was not available to give a report. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab AS极速六合彩 - D. Miller / GSO - J. Holmes \par \par Derek Miller was not available to give a report. Jeff Holmes was not available to give a report from the Graduate Student Organization. \par \par \par \tab E. \tab Eva Kopacz, Faculty Liaison \par \par Eva Kopacz indicated that an email was distributed about the status of the search for a Vice President for Human Resources. There are flyers available, please ta ke them and share with other faculty. There are four finalists. They will interview December 13, 16, 17, and 18. Time has been scheduled to meet with governance groups from 10:00-11:00 a.m. on each of those days. There is a public presentation schedul ed for 2:30-3:30. All faculty and staff can meet with the candidates at that time and it will including audio and video access. The search committee would like feedback by the morning of the 19th. \par \par Peter McRoy asked why the search was on such a fast track. Eva Kopacz indicated that the current acting director has retired and there are a number of key issues that need to be addressed. \par \par \par \par VII\tab New Business \par \par \tab A.\tab Motion to amend the GCC Procedures, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par Godwin Chukwu introduced the motion. This adds a committee to the GCC Procedures and must be approved by the various governance bodies. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the 极速六合彩 Governance Coordinating Committee (GCC) Procedures for the purposes establishing a new standing committee for Diversity and Tolerance. The GCC Procedures shall be amended as indicated below. \par \par EFFECTIVE: Immediately \par \par RATIONALE: The promotion of diversity and tolerance at UAF \par \tab \tab transcends any single group of constituents, and the \par \tab \tab activity extends beyond a limited timeframe. The GCC \par \tab \tab has determined the need to address topics of \par \tab \tab discrimination, freedom of speech, and a multi-cultural \par \tab \tab campus environment can be served best by leveraging \par \tab \tab support from all 极速六合彩 governance bodies. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par }\pard\plain \s22\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\loch\af23\hich\af7\dbch\f23\cgrid {\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Deletions = [[ ]] \par \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Additions = CAPS \par }{\b\fs24 \par \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 GOVERNANCE COORDINATING COMMITTEE PROCEDURES \par }{\b\fs24 \par }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ARTICLE V\tab Committees \par \par \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Sect. 1\tab The standing committees of the 极速六合彩 Governance \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Coo\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 rdinating Committee shall include: \par \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Intercollegiate Athletics Committee \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Rural Affairs Committee \par \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Health Issues \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE \par }{\fs24 \par }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Sect. 2 \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 A. Standing committees shall have at least one \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 representative from each of the governance \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 constitue\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ncies, exception will be made when agreed \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 upon by all constituencies. \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 B.\tab Terms of all committee members will be one year \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 for students and two years for faculty and staff. \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 C.\tab Committee chairs will be elected from and by the \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 respective committees. \par \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 D.\tab Committee chairs shall forward committee \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 business to the 极速六合彩 Governance Coordinating \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Committee for disposition, except when limited by \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 University of Alaska regulations. \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 E.\tab Policy items from the standing committees must \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 be forwarded to the\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 individual governance bodies \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 for action. \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 F.\tab In addition to the committees' specific charges, \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 the primary responsibility of the committees are \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 formulation and oversight of university-wide \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 policies under the purview of each committee. \par \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 G.\tab Comm\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ittees will meet as needed during the academic \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 year to fulfill their duties. \par }{\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 H.\tab The chairs of the standing committees will report \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 recommendations at the [[monthly]] 极速六合彩 Governance \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Coordinating Committee meetings. \par }{\fs24 \par }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Sect. 3\tab Standing Committees Charg\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 es \par }{\fs24 \par \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 A.\tab Intercollegiate Athletics Committee \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 The charge of the Intercollegiate Athletic \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Committee shall be to: \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 1.\tab exercise oversight of the direction of the \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Intercollegiate Athletics Program. \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 2.\tab investigate compliance with NCAA and \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 conf\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 erence regulations. \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 3.\tab participate in the evaluation of \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 intercollegiate programs \par }{\fs24 \par \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 B.\tab Rural Affairs \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 The charge of the Rural Affairs committee shall be to: \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 1.\tab oversee the general welfare of the 极速六合彩 \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 community not residing on the Fairbanks \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 campus. \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 2.\tab monitor all activities affecting compliance \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 with the Rural College mission statement of \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 the 极速六合彩. \par }{\fs24 \par \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 C.\tab Health Issues Committee \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 The charge of the Health Issues committee shall be to: \par \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 1.\tab address health \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 issues which affect the work \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 environment. \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 2.\tab coordinate efforts with the Health Center, \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Fire Department, Risk Management, and Public \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 Safety to find solutions to health issues. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b \par }\pard\plain \s22\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\loch\af23\hich\af7\dbch\f23\cgrid {\fs24 \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 D.\tab DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE COMMITTEE \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 THE CHARGE OF THE DIVERS\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ITY AND TOLERANCE \par \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 COMMITTEE SHALL BE TO: \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 1.\tab ADDRESS ISSUES REGARDING THE PROMOTION \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 OF DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE OF THE 极速六合彩 \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 CAMPUS AND AFFILIATED RURAL SITES. \par }\pard \s22\fi-15\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 \tab \tab \tab \par }\pard \s22\widctlpar\adjustright {\fs24 \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 2.\tab RECOMMEND POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE NON-DISCRIMINA\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 TION, \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 HARASSMENT PREVENTION, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 AND MULTI-CULTURAL AWARENESS. \par }{\fs24 \par \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 3.\tab COORDINATE EFFORTS WITH THE OFFICE OF \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS, THE ASSISTANT TO \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 THE CHANCELLOR FOR CAMPUS DIVERSITY AND \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 COMPLIANCE, 极速六合彩 HUMAN RESOURCES, A\hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 S WELL \par \tab \tab \tab \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 AS OTHER OFFICES OR GROUPS NEEDED TO \par }{\fs24 \tab \tab \tab }{\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af23\loch\f7 ACCOMPLISH THE COMMITTEE'S MISSION. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws, submitted by Developmental Studies \par \par Jane Weber introduced the motion. This is a housekeeping motion to formally add the SSSP representative to the committee. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws pertaining to the Developmental Studies Committee membership. \par \par \par CAPS - Addition \par [[ ]] - Deletion \par \par PERMANENT \par \par }\pard\plain \s20\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid {\f7\fs24 \tab 2. \tab The Developmental Studies Committee will include \par \tab \tab one representative from each of the following \par \tab \tab units: Northwest Campus; Chukchi Campus; \par \tab \tab Kuskokwim Campus; Bristol Bay Campus; Interior- \par \tab \tab Aleutians Campus; College of Science, Engineering \par \tab \tab and Mathematics: Science Department (Biology, \par \tab \tab Chemistry, Geology, or Physics), and Mathematics \par \tab \tab Department; the College of Liberal Arts: English \par \tab \tab Department, and Cross Cultural Communications \par \tab \tab Department; the College of Rural Alaska \par \tab \tab Developmental Studies Division; Rural Student \par \tab \tab Services; Advising Center; STUDENT SUPPORT \par \tab \tab SERVICES PROGRAM; and two representatives \par \tab \tab from the Tanana Valley Campus. \par \par \tab \tab The Developmental Studies Committee shall \par \tab \tab consider policies concerning developmental \par \tab \tab education: programs, courses, instructional \par \tab \tab development, evaluation, and assessment. This \par \tab \tab committee will function as a curriculum council \par \tab \tab review committee for all developmental studies \par \tab \tab courses. Discipline based developmental courses \par \tab \tab will be reviewed by the appropriate college \par \tab \tab curriculum council before submission to this \par \tab \tab committee for review and coordination. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab SSSP is a component area \par \tab \tab and should be included as a member. \par \par \par \par \par \tab C.\tab Motion to delete the B.A. in Human Services, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth indicated that the B.A. in Human Services has been on the books but has not had any students in the program since 1987. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the B.A. in Human Service (HMSV). \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #23 on file in the \par \tab \tab Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \tab \tab Students no longer accepted into the program \par \tab \tab after 1987, last graduate was in 1994; all but \par \tab \tab two advising courses have been dropped. \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par B.A., Human Service \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\adjustright { The program was initiated in 1986 as an option for those interested in working in the human services. Insofar as human services program is not constrained by accreditation standards, it was seen at the time as a viable option for rural students who had limited course offerings. The social work program is constrained only in maintaining educational standards by its accreditors. The social work program has been successfully delivering its curriculum to rural sites since 1987. It was difficult to explain to students and others the differences between the two programs. There was neither need nor resources to deliver two programs to train social service providers. Therefore it was decided in 1987 that students would no l onger be accepted in the Human Services Program. The last graduation from the Human Services program was in 1994. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\caps \par }{ \par \par \par \tab D.\tab Motion to approve a B.S. in Computer Engineering, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth introduced the mo tion. The program will be housed in CSEM. Larry Duffy indicated that this is a growth area in Engineering. Paul Reichardt indicated that this would probably be held up in SAC due to UAA putting forth a similar proposal. SAC has already commission for t his year a systemwide study of engineering both in respect to access to instructional programs and organization and breadth of engineering research. SAC will not be acting on any proposals in engineering until the external review is complete. Larry Duff y indicated it was important for the Senate to approve this proposal so that UAF has a proposal on the table. Dan Odess asked how this proposal interfaces with the computer science program and existing engineering programs. Ron Illingworth indicated that the proposal uses existing courses from both computer science and electrical engineering. Rich Collins from Electrical and Computer Engineering indicated there was a lot of discussion on the impact on current programs. It was acknowledge that this was a viable new program area. As part of the process the committee analyzed the performance of computer science and electrical engineering students currently taking courses to see how they would deal with the material. They did not find any differences. Br ett Simmons asked about the number of possible students and jobs. Rich Collins stated that in their discussion with industry they do see a need. The motion passed with 1 nay. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a B.S. in Computer Engineering degree program. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #119 and 120 \par \tab \tab on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering \par \par Computer engineering is a relatively new discipline that merges the fields of electrical engineering and computer science. The discipline of computer engineering (CompE) educates engineers in the theory, design, technology a nd application of computing devices. This discipline draws on hardware (electrical engineering) and software (computer science) concepts to design and implement computer hardware and software systems to solve problems. The understanding of both software and hardware allows the computer engineer to view the design and development of hardware and software as two intimately linked parts of one activity. A computer engineer might be involved in fundamental research, hardware design and fabrication, software system design, or systems integration. Applications of computer engineering can be found in communication systems, the entertainment industry, mobile robot systems, motor vehicle systems, instrumentation, manufacturing processes, intelligent electronics, and many others. \par \par The graduates of the computer engineering program will fill technological needs in Alaskan industry that are increasing, and that are currently filled by immigrants to the state. The computer engineering program will retain Alaskan stu dents in state. The program will provide a high tech foundation for supporting state government, existing state industry, and high tech or computer start up companies, fostering economic growth. \par \par \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Motion to approve a Minor in Environmental Politics submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth introduced the motion. The proposal uses existing courses to provide a focused minor. The motion was approved unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a minor in Environmental Politics. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #22 on \par \tab \tab file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \tab \tab Uses existing courses to provide a focused minor \par \tab \tab requiring 15 credits--requires PS 101, recommends \par \tab \tab PS 100X as part of the Core, and 12 credits of 400 \par \tab \tab level courses. \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par Minor in Environmental Politics \par \par Students taking this minor will explore the local, national and intern ational contexts within which key political decisions about the environment are made. Courses examine philosophical and theoretical perspectives on the environment; the ways in which different countries address issues of resource development and environm e ntal regulation; international environmental laws, treaties and institutions; the relationship between environmental protection and national security; the relationship between politics and environmental science; and the interplay of environmental concerns and the international political economy. \par \par \par \par \par \tab F.\tab Motion to amend the Local Advanced Placement Credit for Foreign Language, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth indicated this motion amends the language that is currently in the catalog and clarifies the process for obtaining advanced credit for foreign languages. Dan Odess asked about exempting students. Ron Illingworth indicated that the university gives credit for local advanced placement in three areas: English, Math, and Foreign Languages. Students have the opportunity to receive credit for the preceding course(s). Abel Bult-Ito asked for clarification on how students can take courses at the 400-level without this prior credit. Larry Duffy indicated that we do give cre d it for prior learning. Bill Schneider asked about Native Languages. This was not addressed. Larry Duffy asked that the motion be referred back to the committee to review the policy in general and how it fits into the total credits. Bill Schneider indi cated there is confusion about not having to take the prior course and getting credit for the prior course because you qualify for the higher course. The motion was referred back to committee. \par \par MOTION REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE: \par ============================== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the Local Advance Placement Credit for Foreign Languages (p. 15, 2002-2003 catalog) as follows: \par \par [[ ]] = Deletion \par CAPS = Addition \par \par \par }{\b Foreign Language \par }{ \par After completing A FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSE TAUGHT AT 极速六合彩 (102-431) [[the course in which you were placed (above 101)]] and earning a "B" grade or higher, you may ask to receive [["bonus]] credit for the two [[immediately]] preceding [[prerequisite]] courses[[, if any]]. However, credit cannot be awarded for su c h courses if university credit has already been granted for them (for example, through College Board Advanced Placement national tests or credit transfer from another college). [[Bonus]] Credit will not be awarded IF THE COURSE TAKEN IS A CONVERSATION C O URSE, [[for]] special topics course[[s]], individual study course[[s]], [[literature or culture courses]] OR FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSE TAUGHT IN ENGLISH. YOU MUST SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE CREDIT FORM FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAG ES TO THE OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER IN WHICH YOU COMPLETED YOUR COURSE. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab Foreign Language's request to grant credits \par \tab \tab for prior courses for students who begin at the 400-level \par \tab \tab (rather than the 300-level, as is the current procedure) \par \tab \tab is to allow for the increasing number of native speakers, \par \tab \tab especially in Spanish. These students do not need to take \par \tab \tab 200- and 300- level language review classes, and should \par \tab \tab be able to start in the 400-level literature and culture \par \tab \tab courses. But since the 200- and 300- level courses are \par \tab \tab required for the major, native speakers of the language \par \tab \tab currently have to enroll for those courses. \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab G.\tab Motion to amend the A.A.S. degree requirements, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth indicated that this motion adds courses to the related instruction areas. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright {MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the requirements for the Associate of Applied Science degree as follows: \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab This amendment adds courses to the Related \par \tab \tab Instructional areas of Computation and Human Relations. \par \tab \tab Additionally, it brings requirements from various \par \tab \tab portions of the catalog together that affect the AAS \par \tab \tab Degree. \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright { \par [[ ]] = Deletion \par CAPS = Addition \par \par \par }{\b ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {Associate of Applied Science degrees are awarded in specific occupational fields with emphasis on entering the job market. This degree, usually seen as a terminal degree, can serve as the basis for additional education. For specific major requirements, refer to the degrees and programs section of this catalog. \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright { \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {Note: students planning to go on to a baccalaureate de gree need to work closely with their advisors and are encouraged to select courses meeting core requirements and courses designated within majors and minors. Only those courses with an "X" designator count towards the baccalaureate core \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }{\b Requirements}{\tab }{\b Credits}{ \par All credits for the A.A.S. degree must be at the 100-level or above and be distributed as follows: \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b Related Instruction \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b Communication (9 credits)}{\tab \tab }{\b 9 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b (Written Communication)}{\tab \tab 6}{\b \par }{ENGL 111X \endash Introduction to Academic Writing\tab \tab 3 \par AND \par CIOS 260 -- Business Communications (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {Or \par ENGL 211X \endash Academic Writing about Literature (3) \par or \par ENGL 212 \endash Business, Grant, and Report Writing (3) \par or \par }\pard\plain \s24\fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 ENGL 213X \endash Academic Writing about the Social and Natural Sciences (3)\tab \tab 3 \par }\pard\plain \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b (Oral Communication)}{\tab \tab 3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {COMM 131X -- Fundamentals of Oral Comm: Group Context (3) \par OR \par COMM 141X -- Fundamentals of Oral Comm: Public Context (3) \tab 3 \par \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b Computation (3 credits)}{\tab }{\b 3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {Any course at the 100 level or above in mathematical sciences (math, computer science, statistics) (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {or ABUS 155 -- Business Math (3) \par or CIOS 116 -- Business Math Using Calculators (3) \par or HLTH 116 -- Mathematics In Health Care (3) \par or TTCH 131 -- Maintenance Mathematics (3) \par OR DEVM 105 \endash INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\ri-270\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {OR ECE 117 \endash MATH SKILLS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {OR HSV 117 \endash MATH SKILLS FOR HUMAN SERVICES (3) \par Or other program approved discipline-based computation course [[or courses]] OR DISCIPLINE-BASED COURSES WITH EMBEDDED COMPUTATION CONTENT TO TOTAL\tab 3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright { \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b HUMAN RELATIONS (3 credits)}{\tab }{\b 3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {ANTH 100x/Soc 100x \endash Individual, Society And Culture (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {Or ABUS 154 \endash Human Relations (3) \par Or ANL 287 \endash Teaching Methods For Alaska Native Languages (3) \par Or ECE 245 \endash Child Development (3) \par Or HSV 120 \endash Cultural Diversity In Human Services (3) \par Or RHS 115 \endash Issues Of Personal Development (2) \par And RHS 110 \endash Cross-Cultural Bridging Skills [[2]](1) \par OR ED/PSY 245 \endash CHILD DEVELOPMENT (3) \par OR HLTH 106 \endash HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN HEALTH CARE (3) \par OR \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7740\adjustright {OTHER PROGRAM APPROVED DISCIPLINE-BASED HUMAN RELATIONS COURSES OR DISCIPLINE-BASED COURSES WITH EMBEDDED HUMAN RELATIONS CONTENT TO TOTAL\tab 3[[-4]] \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx6480\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b Major specialty}{\tab }{\b at least 30 \par \par Electives to total}{\tab \tab \tab }{\b 60}{ \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par [[}{\i Note: Students planning to go on to the baccalaureate degree need to work closely with their advisors and are encouraged to select courses meeting core requirements and courses designated with majors and minors}{.]] \par \par }{\i *ENGL 212 does not fulfill the second half of the written communication requirement for the baccalaureate degree. \par \par }{ \par \par \par \tab H.\tab Motion to amend the Certificate program requirements, submitted by Curricular Affairs \par \par Ron Illingworth stated that during the accreditation process it was noted that the certificate requirements did not address related instruction. Some certificate programs did not meet the requirements for related instruction. As a result i t may increase the number of credits required for some programs. This clarifies specifically what the courses are and then allows for meeting that requirement in many different ways. In most cases it does not mean a change in the number of credits for t he certificate. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright { \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the requirements for the Certificate Programs as follows. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: The accreditation self-study and the subsequent \par \tab \tab accreditation visit identified that UAF has no stated \par \tab \tab certificate requirements in the catalogue for related \par \tab \tab instruction nor any statement of a standard for the \par \tab \tab inclusion of related instruction in certificate programs \par \tab \tab to guide the design of curricula. Consequently, it has not \par \tab \tab been widely recognized that there is such a requirement. \par \tab \tab This motion corrects that deficiency. Additionally, it \par \tab \tab brings requirements from various portions of the catalog \par \tab \tab together that affect the Certificate Programs. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab *** \par }\pard \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright { \par [[ ]] = Deletion \par CAPS = addition \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s1\keepn\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f4\fs32\cgrid {\f7\fs24 CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b \par }{Certificate programs vary in length; however, you can usually complete them in one year. CERTIFICATES ARE AWARDED IN SPECIFIC OCCUPATIONAL FIELDS WITH EMPHASIS ON ENT ERING THE JOB MARKET. THESE CERTIFICATES CAN SERVE AS THE BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL EDUCATION AND ARE THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS AN ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE. FOR SPECIFIC MAJOR REQUIREMENTS, REFER TO THE DEGREES AND PROGRAMS SECTION OF THIS CATALOG. \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {O nly degree requirements in effect within five academic years prior to your graduation date for a certificate may be used. You are considered enrolled in your degree program when you complete the appropriate degree student registration procedure. If you d o not enroll for a semester or more, or if you enroll through the non-degree process, you are not considered enrolled as a degree student during that time. IF YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM IS DELIVERED COLLABORATIVELY WITHIN THE UA SYSTEM THEN THE CREDITS YOU EARN FROM EACH UA INSTITUTION WILL BE COUNTED TOWARD FULFILLMENT OF THE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS AND FULFILLMENT OF THE MINIMUM INSTITUTIONAL RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS. \par \par YOU MAY ENROLL IN ANY COURSE FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE. TO EARN A CERTIFICATE, YOU MUST FORMALLY BE ADMITTED AND YOU MUST EARN AT LEAST 30 CREDITS, INCLUDING TRANSFER CREDIT. FIFTEEN SEMESTER HOURS MUST BE RESIDENCE CREDITS. YOU MUST HAVE A CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE OF AT LEAST 2.0 IN ALL WORK, AS WELL AS IN YOUR MAJOR. PROGRAMS OF STUDY FOR W HICH CERTIFICATES ARE GRANTED MUST CONTAIN A RECOGNIZABLE BODY OF INSTRUCTION IN THE PROGRAM-RELATED AREAS OF 1) COMMUNICATION, 2) COMPUTATION, AND 3) HUMAN RELATIONS. ADDITIONAL TOPICS WHICH MAY BE COVERED AS APPROPRIATE INCLUDE SAFETY, INDUSTRIAL SAFET Y , AND ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS. INSTRUCTION IN THE RELATED INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS MAY BE EITHER EMBEDDED WITHIN THE PROGRAM CURRICULUM OR TAUGHT IN BLOCKS OF SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION. EACH APPROACH, HOWEVER, WILL HAVE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED CONTENT THAT IS PERTI NENT TO THE GENERAL PROGRAM OF STUDY. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { NOTE: STUDENTS PLANNING TO GO ON TO A BACCALAUREATE DEGREE NEED TO WORK CLOSELY WITH THEIR ADVISORS AND ARE ENCOURAGED TO SELECT COURSES MEETING CORE REQUIREMENTS AND COURSES DESIGNATED WITHIN MAJORS AND MINORS. ONLY THOSE COURSES WITH AN "X" DESIGNATOR COUNT TOWARDS THE BACCALAUREATE CORE \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }{\b REQUIREMENTS}{\tab }{\b CREDITS \par }\pard\plain \s26\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 [[To enroll in a certificate program, and before receiving a certificate, you must formally be admitted. To earn a certificate, you may enroll in any course for which you are eligible. To earn a certificate, you must earn at least 30 credits, including transfer credit. Fifteen semester hours must be residence credits. You must have a grade point average of 2.0 in all work, as well as in your major.]] \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \s26\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 [[Onl y degree requirements in effect within five academic years prior to your graduation date for a certificate may be used. You are considered enrolled in your degree program when you complete the appropriate degree student registration procedure. If you do not enroll for a semester or more, or if you enroll through the non-degree process, you are not considered enrolled as a degree student during that time.]] \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b \par RELATED INSTRUCTION \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b COMMUNICATION}{\tab \tab }{\b 2-3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {ENGL 111X \endash INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC WRITING (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {OR \par CIOS 160 \endash BUSINESS ENGLISH (3) \par OR \par CIOS 260 -- BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (3) \par OR \par ENGL 211X \endash ACADEMIC WRITING ABOUT LITERATURE (3) \par OR \par ENGL 212 \endash BUSINESS, GRANT, AND REPORT WRITING (3) \par OR \par }\pard\plain \s24\fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 ENGL 213X \endash ACADEMIC WRITING ABOUT THE SOCIAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES (3) \par OR \par }\pard\plain \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f7\cgrid {COMM 131X -- FUNDAMENTALS OF ORAL COMM: GROUP CONTEXT (3) \par OR \par COMM 141X -- FUNDAMENTALS OF ORAL COMM: PUBLIC CONTEXT (3) \par OR \par DEVS 104 \endash UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS (1-3) \par OR \par DEVS 105 \endash INTENSIVE READING DEVELOPMENT (3) \par OR \par OTHER PROGRAM APPROVED DISCIPLINE-BASED COMMUNICATION COURSE OR DISCIPLINE-BASED COURSES WITH EMBEDDED COMMUNICATION CONTENT TO TOTAL\tab 2-3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright { \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b COMPUTATION}{\tab }{\b 2-3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {ANY COURSE AT THE 100 LEVEL OR ABOVE IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (MATH, COMPUTER SCIENCE, STATISTICS) (3) \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {OR ABUS 155 -- BUSINESS MATH (3) \par OR CIOS 116 -- BUSINESS MATH USING CALCULATORS (3) \par OR DEVM 105 \endash INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA (3) \par OR ECE 117 \endash MATH SKILLS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (3) \par OR HLTH 116 -- MATHEMATICS IN HEALTH CARE (3) \par OR HSV 117 \endash MATH SKILLS FOR HUMAN SERVICES (3) \par OR TTCH 131 -- MAINTENANCE MATHEMATICS (3) \par OR \par OTHER PROGRAM APPROVED DISCIPLINE-BASED COMPUTATION COURSE OR DISCIPLINE-BASED COURSES WITH EMBEDDED COMPUTATION CONTENT TO TOTAL\tab 2-3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright { \par }\pard \li360\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {\b HUMAN RELATIONS}{\tab }{\b 2-3 \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {ANTH 100X/SOC 100X \endash INDIVIDUAL, SOCIETY AND CULTURE \par }\pard \fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright {OR \par ABUS 154 \endash HUMAN RELATIONS (3) \par OR \par ANL 287 \endash TEACHING METHODS FOR ALASKA NATIVE LANGUAGES (3) \par OR \par ECE 245 \endash CHILD DEVELOPMENT (3) \par OR \par ED/PSY 245 \endash CHILD DEVELOPMENT (3) \par OR \par HLTH 106 \endash HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN HEALTH CARE (3) \par OR \par HSV 120 \endash CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN HUMAN SERVICES (3) \par OR \par RHS 115 \endash ISSUES OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (2) \par AND RHS 110 \endash CROSS-CULTURAL BRIDGING SKILLS (1) \par OR \par }\pard\plain \s25\fi-180\li1080\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 OTHER PROGRAM APPROVED DISCIPLINE-BASED HUMAN RELATIONS COURSE OR DISCIPLINE-BASED COURSES WITH EMBEDDED HUMAN RELATIONS CONTENT TO TOTAL.\tab 2-3 \par }\pard \s25\fi-180\li900\widctlpar\tldot\tx7920\adjustright { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\tldot\tx6480\tldot\tx7200\tldot\tx7920\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b MAJOR SPECIALTY}{\tab }{\b AT LEAST 21 \par \par ELECTIVES TO TOTAL}{\tab \tab \tab }{\b 30}{ \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\i *ENGL 212 DOES NOT FULFILL THE SECOND HALF OF THE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENT FOR THE BACCALAUREATE DEGREE. \par }{ \par \par \par \par \tab I.\tab Motion to delete the M.A.T., Secondary, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \par \par Rolf Gradinger indicated that there are new opportunities for the students wishing a master's level degrees. This degree is no longer offered. The motion passed unanimously. \par \par MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the M.A.T., Secondary. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab Admission was suspended in 2000; new \par \tab \tab option in the M.Ed. has replaced this degree. See full \par \tab \tab program proposal #28 on file in the Governance Office, \par \tab \tab 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par M.A.T., Secondary \par \par \par In 1998, in conjunction with the development of new post-baccalaureate teacher education programs for elementary and secondary teachers, the School of Education developed a secondary program that allowed post-baccalaureate teacher education students to earn an MAT degree in conjunction with the coursework and internship required for a teacher education license. After three years, with ongoing review and reflection of the advantages a nd disadvantages of the MAT option (including the solicitation of a great deal of feedback from mentor teachers and administrators), the School of Education suspended admission to its MAT programs in 2000. \par \par In place of the MAT, the School of Education des igned an option for post-baccalaureate teacher education students to pursue the more respected and more rigorous M.Ed. This option allows post-baccalaureate students to use 15 of the required 30 credits from their licensure program to satisfy one-half of the 30 credits required for a M.Ed. degree in Curriculum and Instruction. \par \par This new option has been in place for two years and the response from students, university faculty, and school district personnel has been very positive. In contrast to the MAT deg ree, the M.Ed. provides the option for students who complete our post-baccalaureate teacher education programs to continue their graduate work with us, and it provides the opportunity for the School of Education to provide professional development and sup port for beginning teachers. The M.Ed. can also be used as a foundation for a Ph.D. because of its requirement for research and the completion of a research project or a thesis. \par }{\caps \par }{ \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab J.\tab Motion to delete the M.A.T., Secondary Licensed Teachers submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \par \par Rolf Gradinger indicated this was almost identical to the previous motion. The degree program is no longer offered and has been replaced by a new degree option. The motion was approved unanimously. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the M.A.T., Secondary Licensed Teachers. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab New option in the M.Ed. has replaced the need \par \tab \tab for this degree; no students currently in program. \par \tab \tab See full program proposal #29 on file in the Governance \par \tab \tab Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par M.A.T., Secondary Licensed Teachers \par \par In 1999, in conjunction with the development of new post-baccalaureate teacher education programs for elementary and secondary teachers, the School of Education developed: (1) a secondary MAT degree for teachers who held either BA/BS degrees and (2) B.Ed. degrees, and additionally were licensed K-12 teachers, to pursue a M A T degree to enhance their content knowledge and receive current educational philosophy and pedagogy courses. After four years, with ongoing review and reflection of the advantages and disadvantages of the MAT option, during which only one student applied for either option and then choose to complete a different degree, the School of Education made a decision to delete both options of this degree. \par \par In place of the MAT, the School of Education offers the option to pursue the more respected and more rigorous M.Ed. \par \par The M.Ed. provides the opportunity for the School of Education to provide professional development and support for teachers. The M.Ed. can also be used as a foundation for a Ph.D. because of its requirements for research and for the completion of a research project or a thesis. \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab K.\tab Motion of support for revisions to the Regents' policy & draft regulations for the selection of Distinguished University Professor, submitted by Administrative Committee \par \par Pete Pinney introduced the motion. Larry Duffy spoke about the existing policy and the need to write corresponding regulations. This is a way of honoring our distinguished professors. After adoption of the regulation, each MAU would need to formulate their own process. Peter M cRoy said this means a new category of faculty and it doesn't say anything about funding. He felt that it needs more faculty review and spoke against the motion. Abel Bult-Ito spoke in favor of the motion but asked about the elimination of the three diff erent categories. Jane Weber asked about the need for a rank about the current ones. The motion failed by a vote of 7 yes, and 13 nays. Paul Reichardt indicated that there is a current policy still in effect, however, there is currently no regulation. \par \par MOTION FAILED: \par =========== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to recommend that the proposed Revised Regents' Policy and draft Regulations 04.04.040.A.1.e(1) - "Distinguished and University Professors" as submitted by the Faculty Alliance be accepted. \par \par EFFECTIVE: Immediately \par \par RATIONALE: The Faculty Senate discussed the revised draft \par \tab \tab of the Regents' Policy and proposed Regulations for the \par \tab \tab selection of Distinguished University Professor, \par \tab \tab forwarded to the Faculty Senate for review, and moves \par \tab \tab to support the draft, with its recommendation that it \par \tab \tab be accepted by the Faculty Alliance. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab * \par }{\b \par REVISED REGENTS POLICY 04.04.040.A.1.e.(1) \par \par }{Distinguished [[and]] University Professors. [[Tenured a]] Appointment as Di stinguished [[Teaching Professor, Distinguished Research Professor, Distinguished Service Professor or]] University Professor may be given by action of the Board of Regents on recommendation of the faculty and concurrence of the Chancellor and the Preside nt. THE SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES ARE SET FORTH IN UNIVERSITY REGULATION. \par }{\b\cf6 \par }{ \par \tab \tab \tab \tab ** \par \par }{\b PROPOSED REGULATION 04.04.040.A.1.e. (1) \par \par }{ \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\ul DISTINGUISHED UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR* \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par The title "distinguished professor" is bestowed on members of the fac ulty who have distinguished themselves as exemplary teachers, scholars, and public servants, and who are individuals having extraordinary international importance and recognition. The designation of "distinguished professor" is established by the Policie s of the Board of Regents}{\cf1 .}{\b\cf1 }{\cf1 The title "Distinguished University Professor" is a lifetime award/honor, }{meaning that the award lasts as long as the professor is employed at the University of Alaska. \par \par }\pard\plain \s1\qj\keepn\widctlpar\tldot\tx7200\outlinelevel0\adjustright \b\f4\fs32\cgrid {\b0\f7\fs24\ul University-wide Criteria \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par The title "Distinguished Professo r" is extended to recognize the outstanding contributions of University of Alaska faculty members to their academic disciplines. Candidates recommended for a distinguished professorship must demonstrate accomplishments in exemplary teaching }{\cf1 and/or }{\cf6 }{\cf1 distinguished}{ scholarship or creative work. \par }\pard\plain \s27\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { The very nature of the title "distinguished" implies that there will be a limited number of faculty holding this title. It is intended to signify a select group of faculty members who are leaders in their respective f ields as attested to by national or international recognition and/or their significant public service achievements. }{\cf6 }{Candidates for the honor of being selected as Distinguished University Professor should have attained the rank of }{\cf1 tenured} { full professor. \par \par }{\ul Procedures}{ \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {1. \tab Each campus will develop its own internal procedures for \par \tab nominating distinguished professorships, consistent with Regents \par \tab policy. Such nominations must be reviewed by the dean of the \par \tab appropriate school or college, and must be screened by a \par \tab committee of senior faculty peers who will advise the chancellor \par \tab on the merits of each proposal}{\cf1 . Each MAU may develop its own \par \tab minimum criteria for nominations. \par }\pard\plain \s27\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {2. \tab Following campus review and approval by the chancellor, \par \tab recommendations and supporting documentation will be \par \tab submitted to the President's Office. The following materials \par \tab will accompany each recommendation: \par }\pard \fi-720\li1440\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\cf1 \tab A.}{\tab Evidence concerning the distinguished accomplishments \par \tab \tab of the }{\cf1 individual\rquote s tripartite or bipartite responsibilities}{, \par \tab \tab including letters from faculty peers both within and \par \tab \tab outside the institution who are qualified to judge the \par \tab \tab accomplishments of the individual; \par \par }\pard\plain \s24\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\cf1 \tab }{\f7\cf1 B.}{\tab }{\f7 Evidence concerning the national and, where appropriate, \par }\pard \s24\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab \tab international recognition of the candidate including \par \tab \tab national and international honors and awards, and \par \tab \tab significant original contributions to his/her discipline; and \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \s24\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\cf1 \tab }{\f7\cf1 C.}{\tab }{\f7 Evidence concerning the public service achievements of \par }\pard \s24\qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab \tab the candidate as appropriate to the discipline at interest. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \s28\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf1 3.\tab A systemwide committee of the Alliance shall review all the \par \tab proposals }{\b0\f7\cf0 FOR PROPER PROCESS AND COMPLIANCE WITH \par \tab MAU CRITERIA. THE ALLIANCE }{\b0\f7\cf1 and shall forward their \par \tab recommendations on to the President. \par }\pard\plain \s27\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {4.\tab Recommendations approved }{\cf1 by}{\b\cf1 }{\cf1 both the Alliance and}{\b\cf6 }{the \par \tab President will be transmitted to the Board of Regents for \par \tab action, accompanied by appropriate documentation. If the \par \tab President does not approve a campus recommendation, he \par \tab will transmit his reasons to the }{\cf1 Alliance and the}{\cf6 }{campus \par \tab chancellor. }{\fs20\cf6 \par \par }{\cf1 5.\tab This is a single type of appointment and the number should be \par \tab capped by the MAU and the president. Since this is selective, \par \tab the }{number should not NORMALLY exceed five percent of the \par \tab faculty. \par \par }\pard\plain \s25\qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cgrid {\f7 6.\tab This award includes, at a minimum, a plaque and special \par \tab cords to be worn with their graduation regalia, as well \par \tab as all the rights, honors and privileges thereto. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\cf1 \par }{ \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab M.\tab Resolution on the Dean of the Graduate School position, submitted by Faculty Affairs \par \par Peter McRoy spoke about the concerns of the committee in replacing the Dean of the Graduate School with a Vice Provost position. Discussion about this raised a lot of issues. One concern was losing status as a developing graduate school if it was moved under the Provost Office. He felt that people see a Dean as a different position than a Vice Provost, with different responsibilities and functions. Pete Pinney indicated that in a discussion with the Dean Kan they asked him a number of questions. The following handout highlighted his remarks. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {Topics to be discussed by Joe Kan include: \par \par \bullet Should the Dean of the Graduate School position be full-time? \par \par 80% time should be adequate for the size of the Graduate School. \par \par \bullet Outcomes assessment implementation task alone is not enough to justify for the title of a Vice Provost. \par \par 20% time should be adequate to implement the outcomes assessment plan \par \par \bullet A suitable position title has been suggested \par \par (a) Dean of the Graduate School and Director of Outcomes Assessment \par Or \par (b) Dean of the Graduate School (with outcomes assessment responsibility written into the job description). \par \par \bullet Should the search be national or internal to 极速六合彩? \par \par National Search is preferred if we want to find a suitable person with administrative experience from a Research-I University to advance 极速六合彩 from the current Research-II university status to the Research-I university status in the foreseeable future. \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s21\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {Brett Simmons indicated that he drafted the resolution and he was not able to find out why we needed to change from our current structure of a Graduate Dean to a Vice Provost. He felt that to move from a Research I University to a Research II University we need someone full time. Dan Odess remarked that the responsibilities of adding outcome s assessment to the Graduate Dean seemed to be make the position a split focus. Larry Duffy spoke about the faculty and resources under this position. He felt the current system does not work and we need to do something different. Brett Simmons said we need to do the right thing. Peter McRoy spoke about the shift in the Graduate School at the University of Washington. The resolution passed by a vote of 11 yes, and 7 nays. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par RESOLUTION: \par ========== \par \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {WHEREAS, In order to support the 极速六合彩 strategic plan, the 极速六合彩 academic development plan, and 极速六合彩\rquote s aspirations as the nation\rquote s northernmost Land, Sea, and Space Grant institution, the university needs a strong graduate school headed by a full-time dean, and \par \par WHEREAS, the Faculty Senate believes that it would be a serious mistake to replace the existing Dean of the Graduate School position with a new Vice Provost for Graduate and Instructional Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School position, and \par \par WHEREAS, A full-time Dean of the Graduate School with responsibilities dedicated to graduate education and research, who is the product of an aggressive external search, will best serve graduate education and research at UAF, now \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Faculty Senate proposes the following: \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li1440\widctlpar\adjustright {1.\tab The proposed plan to eliminate the existing full-time Dean of the Graduate School position should be abandoned. \par 2.\tab The proposed plan to create a new Vice Provost for Graduate and Instructional Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School position should be abandoned. \par 3.\tab The University should implement an immediate external search for a full-time Dean of the Graduate School in order to fill the existing position. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \par \par VIII\tab Discussion Items \par \par \tab A.\tab Ad Hoc Committee on Review of 极速六合彩's Academic Development Plan \par \par Godwin Chukwu indicated that the 极速六合彩 Academic Plan was implemented two years ago and is now up for review. He is soliciting five members for an ad hoc committee. Pete Pinney, Doug Schamel, and Larry Duffy have volunteered as members. If anyone is inter ested in serving they should contact the Governance Office. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Recommendations on Senator of the Year Recognition \par \par Godwin Chukwu asked for recommendation on how to spend the money the Provost Council has provided for the Senator of the Year recogniti on. Jane Weber recommended a plaque and reception. Peter McRoy suggested that the award recipient receive their choice of a selection from the University Press. \par \par \par \par IX\tab Committee Reports \par \par \tab A.\tab Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. A Certificate & A.A.S. in Para-Professional Educator will come forward to the Senate at the next meeting. Two other items of discussion include contact/credit hours requirements for internships/practicums and for online courses. \par \par \par \tab B.\tab Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy \par \par The following report covering two meetings was distributed as a handout. Godwin Chukwu questioned the statement about the budget liaison. Abel Bult-Ito clarified that he meets with the Provost to gather information that can then b e presented to the Senate. \par \par }\pard\plain \s23\qc\widctlpar\adjustright \b\fs32\loch\af52\hich\af7\dbch\f52\cgrid {\b0\fs24\loch\af7 \hich\af7\dbch\af52\loch\f7 FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE \par }\pard\plain \qc\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {PUBLIC MEETING \par Monday, 11 Nov 2002 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par Committee Members Present: \par Abel Bult-Ito, CSEM (Co-chair), Bret Luick, CRA, Jennifer McBeath, SALARM, Peter McRoy, SFOS (Chair), Dan Odess, CLA, Bret Simmons, SOM \par \par Old Business: \par 1.\tab Spouse Appointment Policy \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 A draft policy is in progress; no further development at this time. \par \par {\listtext\pard\plain\s28 \f7 \hich\af7\dbch\af0\loch\f7 2.\tab}}\pard \s28\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080\ls1\adjustright {\b0\f7\cf0 Proposed Vice Provost for Graduate and Instructional Affairs \par }\pard \s28\widctlpar\adjustright {\b0\f7\cf0 The Committee discussed many aspects of this proposal from the Provost. We general ly agreed that the position of Dean of the Graduate School is an important position and should not be eliminated. Bret Simmons will draft a motion to this effect for review by the Committee and subsequent submission to the Administrative Committee. \par \par 3. \tab Parking \par Shirish Patil is the chair of the new Parking Subcommittee of the Master Planning Committee (PS/MPC) and he sent a sort report of the first meeting of the PS/MPC to Faculty Affairs for information. The PS/MPC will replace all older parking commit tees and functions; in addition a new appeals committee has been created. A consulting firm is being sought to study parking on campus. It is not clear if the new committee will treat many of the issues expressed by faculty and staff consequently this r emains an important item for Faculty Affairs. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {4.\tab 极速六合彩 Budget liaison \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 Abel Bult-Ito, budget liaison for the Faculty Senate, now meets regularly with the Provost to discuss questions pertaining to the budget. He will report directly to the Senate Administra tion Committee and to Faculty Affairs. A discussion of issues concerning the budget ensued and these will be forwarded to the Provost for comment. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par 5.\tab Regulation of Research Misconduct \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 Drs. Swazo and Duffy drafted a policy last year that remains in the hands of the university attorneys. No date is projected for forwarding to Faculty Affairs. \par \par 6.\tab Classified Research \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The Ad Hoc Committee on Classified Research is trying to have a draft of a policy concerning classified and proprietary research ready for the Senate this semester. \par \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 New Business: \par \par {\listtext\pard\plain\s28 \f7 \hich\af7\dbch\af0\loch\f7 1.\tab}}\pard \s28\widctlpar\jclisttab\tx1080\ls2\adjustright {\b0\f7\cf0 Do we need a policy on public events? \par }\pard \s28\widctlpar\adjustright {\b0\f7\cf0 The motion concerning the KUAC gubernatorial debate that failed on the floor of the last Senate meeting prompted considerable discussion from 极速六合彩 senators. The debate raised questions on appropriate 极速六合彩 policies and procedures for such public meetings held on campus. The discussion in Faculty Affairs concerned the need to develop such a policy. In committee discussion it was also noted that UAF provides space for no charge to some organizations that are known to have \lquote socially incorrect\rquote policies. Is it appropriate to use state resources to support these organizations? The examination of such 极速六合彩 policies, if any, will be on the FA agenda for next semester. \par \par 2.\tab Distinguished professor \par The Faculty Senate Office sent an item to the Committee concerning a proposed draft regulation for a Distinguished Professor status from the Faculty Alliance. Currently there is no such status at UAF nor are there any guideline or procedures for such an appointment. McRoy will seek further details for the next meeting. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {3.\tab Next meeting: 05 Dec 02, 3 PM in Runcorn Room \par \par ------------------------ \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard\plain \s2\qc\keepn\widctlpar\outlinelevel1\adjustright \b\loch\af4\hich\af4\dbch\f4\cgrid {\b0 \hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE \par }\pard\plain \qc\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {PUBLIC MEETING \par Thursday, 05 Dec 2002 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par Committee Members Present: \par Abel Bult-Ito, CSEM (Co-chair), Joan Leguard, CLA, Peter McRoy, SFOS (Chair), Dan Odess, CLA, Shirish Patil, SME, Roger Smith, GI \par \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 Old Business: \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {1.\tab Parking \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 \tab Shirish Patil distributed reports of he Circulation and Parking Subcommittee. The new committee will rev isit many of the issues raised by a report on the Master Plan from Faculty Affairs last semester (Spring 02). The major priority for the committee is to develop a long term plan for parking and vehicle movement but short term issues also fall within thei r portfolio. A new consulting firm will be hired to study parking lot locations and vehicle and pedestrian movements. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\tab Faculty Affairs members expressed concerns that only one faculty member (of 11) sits on the committee and that there are no representativ es from the West Ridge units on the committee. This was generally considered unacceptable. The Faculty Senate must step in to insure that faculty interests are adequately represented on this important body. A resolution will be drafted. In addition co m mittee members thought it important that the issues raised by parking and circulation continue to be addressed, i.e. there is not a final solution. Faculty Affairs, through Dr. Patil, urges that his subcommittee not lose sight of the needs of all faculty and staff most of whom have no desire and/or feel unsafe with long walks to remote parking areas as proposed it the original draft Master Plan. Faculty Affairs also expressed concerns over the new parking appeals committee. Is it adequate to deal with t he problems created by an often over zealous police force and parking regulations that change abruptly without notice? \par \par 2.\tab Motion on Vice Provost for Graduate and Instructional Affairs \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 \tab Bret Simmons, on behalf of Faculty Affairs, drafted a motion concerning the proposed revision of the position of Dean of the Graduate School. Concerns expressed in committee included the tendency toward inflation of administrative positions and, more importantly, the overall role of the Graduate School at UAF. Committee me m bers expressed opinions that the Graduate School if it is to develop should be headed by a dean sought through a national search. Discussion is needed to decide the future of the Graduate School. A motion concerning the proposed change is on the agenda of the next Senate meeting for action. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par 3.\tab 极速六合彩 Budget Liaison \par Abel Bult-Ito reported on the response of the Provost to the following budget-related questions: \par \tab 1. Questions were raised about the breakdown of funds within a College or School, especially re lated to funds allocated to the departments/programs for instructional/academic purposes and those allocated to run the Administration. For all 极速六合彩's Colleges and Schools, the committee would very much appreciate receiving a breakdown in funds showing th e allocation of funds to departments/programs and those allocated to run the administrative structure of these Colleges and Schools. \par \tab 2. Other issues were brought up related to the F&A tax on grants that do not bring in indirect costs. The committee would appreciate answers to the following questions: \par \tab a) What is the rationale for the F&A tax? \par \tab b) Does the F&A tax affect direct costs of the grant? \par \tab c) How many grants, in terms of percentage to total number of grants received and total amount of grant $$ received, are affected by this F&A tax? \par \tab d) What is the annual $$ amount generated by this F&A tax? \par \tab e) How are funds generated by this F&A tax allocated? \par \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 \tab Dr, Bult-Ito gave a short synopsis of the Provost\rquote s response to these questions which was largel y a passing of the, er.., buck to other administrators for more information. Faculty Affairs sees the line of inquiry as crucial to involving the Senate in budget matters and strongly supports Dr, Bult-Ito in his effort. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par 4.\tab Spouse Appointment Policy \par \tab A draft policy will be available for review early next semester. (Bult-Ito/Luick) \par \par 5.\tab Regulation of Research misconduct \par \tab Still on hold. (McRoy) \par \par 6.\tab Classified Research \par \tab A draft policy concerning classified and proprietary research will be sent to Faculty Affairs for review early next semester. (McRoy) \par \par 7.\tab Policy on public events \par \tab This issue will be an agenda item for next semester. A more generalized policy is envisions but more research on existing policies and procedures is needed. (Odess/McRoy) \par \par }\pard\plain \s28\widctlpar\adjustright \b\cf6\cgrid {\b0\f7\cf0 8.\tab Distinguished Professor (McRoy) \par \tab The agenda for the next Senate meeting includes a motion from the Faculty alliance on the regulations to establish a Distinguished Professor classification in the UA system. This proposal raises many issues and has had no int ernal discussion at UAF. Is this to be a new category of faculty, a tool for recruiting top people, a self-appreciation title or what? What about funding such positions? Does every school/ unit get one? We can but look forward to the discussion on the Senate floor. \par \par Submitted by Peter McRoy, chair, Faculty Affairs. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab C.\tab Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \endash M. Murray \par \par Rolf Gradinger indicated that the committee has met several times to approve course/degree proposal requests. One issue being disc ussed is stacked courses. The committee will meet on Friday. A subcommittee on the Joint Ph.D. proposal will meet on Friday as well. No written report was available. \par \par \par \tab D.\tab Core Review - D. Schamel \par \par The following report was distributed as a handout. \par \par Report of activities of the Core Review Committee \par Submitted by Douglas Schamel, School of Education; 6 December 2002 \par \par The Core Review Committee met on October 30, November 13, and November 20. \par \par We considered two proposals to add courses to the "Perspe ctives on the Human Condition". PETE 100X was proposed as an alternative to ANTH/SOC 100X. After lengthy discussion and testimony from several departments, PETE withdrew its request and promised to work on the proposal. CHEM 300X was proposed as an alt ernative Ethics course. Testimony from the current course instructor, and faculty from several departments, persuaded the committee that this proposal also needed more work. \par \par It was clear to the committee that a new procedure for approval of Core courses should be written and implemented. This procedure should include a checklist for approvals, impacts, and assessments. This will be on the agenda of the committee in a future meeting. \par \par The committee examined 16 petitions during this reporting period; 9 were approved and 7 were not approved. All requests that were disapproved involved students attempting to use 极速六合彩 courses as substitutes for the Core. It is noteworthy, perhaps, that all these requests would have been approved if these students had been transfer students. The committee members are struggling with this inequity. \par \par The committee is also discussing potential changes to the rules of the Core, such that courses used to fulfill Core requirements could also be used to meet major or minor requirements in the B.S. degree program. Stay tuned. \par \par We have worked closely with deans, directors, and department heads to add appropriate prerequisites for "O" and "W" courses to the 2003-04 极速六合彩 catalog. We appreciate the cooperation received. \par \par Committee Chai r Schamel and committee member Brown met with directors of the rural campuses at UAF on December 5. We listened to their concerns regarding implementation of Core courses, and have been invited to join them again in the future for an audioconference. It was great to begin a conversation on how the Fairbanks campus can provide assistance to the branch campuses, and how the branch campuses are providing a conduit for rural students to come to, and succeed at, the Fairbanks campus. \par \par \par \tab E.\tab Curriculum Review - G. Holton \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab F.\tab Developmental Studies - J. Weber \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab G.\tab Faculty Appeals & Oversight - P. Layer \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. \par \par \par \tab H.\tab Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement \endash A. Bult-Ito \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. The following minutes were distributed as a handout. \par \par Minutes of Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement Committee Meeting \par Tuesday, 3 December 2002 / 9am \par Office of Faculty Development, 222 Bunnell \par \par Committee Members present: Abel Bult-Ito (Chair), Paul McCarthy, Joy Morrison, E. Thomas Robinson, Channon Price, Ann Wilson \par \par Committee Members absent: Brian Barnes, Gerald Berman, George Charles, Linda Curda, Lee Haugen, Roger Norris-Tull, Shunpu Zhang \par \par Guests present: Norm Swazo and Hild Peters \par \par 1. Norm Swazo, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, informed the committee on the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) grant. Norm is the team leader of this three-yea r project. "The 'Liberal Education and Global Citizenship: the Arts of Democracy,' is a curriculum and faculty development project designed to prepare future college graduates to become more informed, socially responsible and engaged citizens of the nati o n and the world. The project will assist participating institutions as they provide students with a sophisticated understanding of their increasingly interconnected but unequal world" (极速六合彩 News Release, 11 April 2002, provided to the committee by Norm). This grant is sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and supported by the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education. \par \par Norm expressed that one of his goals is to move this project be yond the College of Liberal Arts and get more campus-wide participation. Norm also provided the committee with a progress report, which is printed below. The FDAIC would like to congratulate Norm and the other core team members (George Charles, Mary Erhlander, Karen Erickson, David Koester, and John Leipzig) on obtaining this highly prestigious grant, which will allow for exciting "global" developments on our campus. \par \par 极速六合彩 FIPSE TEAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS (to date, October 2002) \par \par 1. Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development \par \par 2. Anthropology Department \par \par * A new course, entitled Globalization and Culture, is being developed for curricular review in the spring cycle 2003 and first offering during fall 2004. \par \par 3. College of Liberal Arts \par \par * A draft proposal for a Certificate in Global Studies has been circulated to all CLA Departments and to other colleges and schools for faculty review and comment. A second request for review and comment has been issued. \par * The FIPSE team is exploring three main ideas for a spring se mester 2003 faculty development program (N.B. The Provost's Associate for Faculty Development has encumbered $4000 towards our faculty development planning, i.e., Provost's matching funds, to a total of available funds of $8,000): \par \tab - a public lecture by a high profile public service figure on a topic of current international events; this includes FIPSE team application for additional institutional "special projects funds" ($3000-$5000) from the Office of the President in support of related costs \par \tab - a faculty development workshop by a political theorist on issues of critical citizenship and multiculturalism related to liberal education \par \tab - a public panel discussion on the theme of indigenous rights and tribal sovereignty, with reference to Alaska Native interests \par \tab - a global studies reading room is in the planning, e.g., with access to newspapers from around the world, to be housed in Rasmuson Library and Wood Center \par \par 4. History Department \par \par * HIST 320 Modern Scandinavian History is scheduled to be taught durin g spring semester 2003, revised in format to cover the development of parliamentary democracy in the Scandinavian states, aspects of social democracy and the welfare state, and Scandinavian values of cooperation and neutrality in the global arena. \par \par 5. Northern Studies Program \par \par * The program has developed a new course, NORS/PS 193 Citizenship, Leadership, and Choice. The course is being offered fall semester 2002. \par \par 6. Political Science Department \par \par * In response to the circulated proposal for a Certificate in Global Studies the department has contributed a proposal recommending a minor in Global Studies. \par * The department has revised an existing course, PS 202 on Democracy and Global Society, currently being reviewed by the CLA Academic Council. The course is scheduled for first offering in its revised format during AY2003-2004. \par \par 7. Philosophy & Humanities Department \par \par * The department was successful in obtaining a $35.6K grant to fund a visiting scholar in philosophy. This faculty member is from the Institute of Philosophy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, People's Republic of China. This fall semester he is teaching PHIL F471 Contemporary Philosophical Problems on the theme of "Asian Values and Human Rights" and delivering public lectures at the Univers ity of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Alaska Anchorage, and University of Alaska Southeast (Juneau). \par * The department has been approached by the Board of Directors of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations to hold its 2004 ann ual meeting at UAF on the theme of globalization. The department has accepted this request, having received the requisite institutional commitment from the Office of the Provost ($2000, plus use of classrooms for plenary and concurrent sessions). \par * The department has scheduled a new course, PHIL F472 International Ethics, for offering during spring semester 2003. \par \par ---------- \par \par 2. We continued discussion of IAS teaching evaluations. Hild Peters, Assistant to the Provost, joined us for these discussions. H ild gave us some additional background on the use of IAS evaluations, which included (most of these items can be found on the Provost's web site): \par \tab - University of Washington IAS forms were approved by the Faculty Senate about 15 years ago, including information on how they should be used, which items can be public information, and use of yellow sheets. \par \tab - IAS evaluations are mainly used for Promotion and Tenure reviews. \par \tab - Some problems associated with IAS evaluations are for example: in team-taught cours es only one instructor gets formal credit and evaluations, no evaluations need to be administered for classes with an enrollment below 5 students (this resulted this academic year in one Promotion/Tenure file not containing any IAS forms), and no evaluati ons for independent study classes. \par \par Other discussion items included: \par \tab - How to make the yellow sheet comments available without the possibility of identifying the students (yellow sheets are currently only available to the instructor). \par \tab - Concerns about turn around times of IAS forms that sometimes are quite long. \par \tab - Timing of administering the IAS forms and doing informal evaluations during the semester. \par \tab - Hild pointed out that a pilot is currently underway (justice courses) to test online IAS forms for online courses and when this goes well to expand this pilot project to include for example rural campus courses. \par \tab - Channon Price pointed out that the FDAIC looked at the IAS forms several years ago and came to the conclusion that the University of Washingto n forms in comparisons to other institutions came out close to the top. If we change this evaluation tool we would sacrifice 15 years of statistics and the University of Washington research base on teaching evaluations. Channon also agreed with Jordan T i tus' point that teaching evaluations are definitely a two-way street. That is, we need to inform the students about the specific meanings of the individual items (they are already briefed on the general usage and importance of the IAS evaluations), and j ust as importantly, survey the students to learn how they interpret and thus respond to the individual items. Without both efforts, there will still be too much comparison of "apples and oranges". \par \par The committee agreed not to appoint a sub-committee but to continue discussion of this issue in the committee and invite Jordan Titus again to attend the next meeting. \par \par 3. Report by the Sub-Committee on the Faculty Mentoring Program. \par Joy indicated that she received comments from the other committee members, Paul McCarthy and George Charles, and is waiting for comments from Roger Norris-Tull. Once Rogers comments are received, the committee will meet and formulate a proposal to the FDAIC. \par \par 4. Policy for funding faculty travel. \par Joy asked the committee to help dr aft guidelines for awarding of faculty development travel funds. This is timely, because this year's funds for travel are very small compared to last year and Joy receives many requests for travel funding. Note: Joy indicated that some of these requests are less than courteous. Colleagues, please be civil and try to understand that travel funds are limited! \par \par 5. Faculty Development at UAF Annual Report. \par Joy gave us a copy of a letter from Provost Paul Reichardt, dated 11 November 2002, related to the Annual Report. The committee will include this letter in discussions of the Annual Report at the next meeting. \par \par 6. Report by the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. \par Abel Bult-Ito gave a short report on the issues discussed by this committee. These include h ow to define a unit and which units should be allowed to submit their own unit criteria. The general consensus appears to be (and supported by the Provost) that departments should be allowed to submit their own unit criteria even if they are smaller than a unit peer review committee. The Ad Hoc committee decided to hold off on suggesting major revisions of the policies/regulations related to unit criteria until more information has been gathered. The committee has received unit criteria from the Journal ism Department, School of Management, and School of Mineral Engineering. These are at initial stages of review. \par \par 7. The next meeting of the FDAIC is scheduled for 9:00 am on Tuesday 14 January 2003. The committee will meet again in the Office of Faculty Development conference room, 222 Bunnell. The tentative agenda for this meeting is: \par \tab - Continued discussion of IAS teaching evaluations. Jordan Titus will be invited to participate in the discussions (15 min). \par \tab - Report by the Sub-Committee on the Faculty Mentoring Program (15 min). \par \tab - Faculty Development at UAF Annual Report (15 min). \par \tab - Other business (15 min). \par \par 8. Meeting was adjourned at 10:05am. \par \par \par \tab I.\tab Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria - G. Holton \par \par A report was attached to the agenda. Larry Duffy asked if there was any timeframe to submit unit criteria. Godwin Chukwu stated there was no timeframe. \par \par \par \par X\tab Members' Comments/Questions \par \par Peter McRoy indicated that KUAC had a report this morning concerning the Commonweath North report. \par \par Ron Illingworth gave an update on the ACCFT negotiations. They are at a point where they need to bring in a mediator. Their new buttons indicated the unions make it work. He also indicated that whatever they come up with in their negotiations United Academics may fac e in their next contract renewal. \par \par Paul Reichardt invited faculty to stay after the meeting and discuss the VP position. \par \par Eva Kopacz stress the importance of being involved in discussions and decisions especially in regards to participation in the current Vice President for Human Resources position search. \par \par \par XI\tab Adjournment \par \par }\pard\plain \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright \f12\cgrid {\f7 \tab The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. \par }\pard \s19\fi-1800\li1800\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \s19\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance \par \tab Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the \par \tab complete tapes. \par \par \tab Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }}