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The proposed criteria were \par \tab \tab submitted by the SOM Dean with approval of a majority \par \tab \tab of SOM faculty. The Unit Criteria proposal incorporates \par \tab \tab minor changes in format and wording requested by the \par \tab \tab committee. The resulting criteria have been found to be \par \tab \tab consistent with 极速六合彩 guidelines. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab **** \par }{\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on Classified Research, moves to approve a 极速六合彩 Policy on Classified and Proprietary Research as follows. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab BOR Policy P10.07.02 specifies that the \par \tab \tab university may engage in classified research, subject to \par \tab \tab approval of the Chancellor, but no procedures or guidelines \par \tab \tab are in place for faculty review and advice on such \par \tab \tab contracts. The suggested guidelines provide for oversight \par \tab \tab and faculty review of classified and proprietary research \par \tab \tab contracts while honoring ongoing agreements with \par \tab \tab university constituents. \par \par \par }{\f40 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab ** \par }{\f40 \par }{\page \par }{\b 极速六合彩 Policy Concerning Classified and Proprietary Research \par }{ \par \par This statement of policy and procedures addresses the issues of whether and, if so, under what conditions, classified and proprietary research should be conducted at the University. The goal of this policy is to establish a rigorous procedure guaranteeing that any classified or proprietary research be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the mission of the 极速六合彩. \par \par T he conduct of classified research restricts participation of students and limits faculty who work on such research. The results of classified research may not be contained in theses nor used for faculty review or advancement. The University seeks a poli cy, in principle, of complete disclosure of research activities and sources of funds. \par \par At times, freedom of discourse and dissemination conflicts with the greater, immediate needs of society. Research funded by industrial organizations may involve patent applications that require a short delay of publication of a thesis resulting from that research. Faculty members may also wish to act as consultants on classified research projects not involving the use of University facilities. \par \par For reasons such as the a bove, proposals to conduct classified and proprietary research will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the University campus chancellor and the 极速六合彩 Faculty Research Oversight Committee, with disclosure to the Faculty Senate, following the guidelines s et forth below. \par \par Definitions \par \par }{\ul Classified Research}{: Research that has a security classification established by a federal agency. \par \par Various agencies of the federal government may designate some federally sponsored research project, either all or a portion of a particular project, as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential. Under the terms of this policy, research projects so designated are considered classified. \par \par }{\ul Proprietary Research}{: Industrially sponsored proprietary research for which the sponsor requires a delay in publication of the results after submission of the final report. \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par \par }{\b\f7 GUIDELINES ON NEGOTIATING CLASSIFIED RESEARCH CONTRACTS OR ACTIVITIES}{\f7 \par \par }\pard\plain \ri-120\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {1.\tab The University will under no circumstances enter into any agreement or contract for which the direct prima ry purpose of the research or application of the results is the destruction of human life or harm to humans. The University will undertake only those contracts and activities that do not compromise the safety and/or well-being of Alaskans and that honor existing agreements with the diverse peoples of Alaska. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par 2.\tab The University will make every reasonable effort to keep classified information and activities separate from the normal academic functions of the University. \par \par 3.\tab No thesis that may not be published because it contains federally classified or proprietary information will be accepted toward fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree. \par \par 4.\tab For proprietary research the University will not enter into or renew any contract or accept any grant t hat prohibits the open publication or dissemination of research results within a reasonable period, typically (and expected to be) no more than 60 days or a period negotiated at the time of contract initiation. \par \par 5.\tab No University courses given for credit shall be classified in any part. \par \par 6.\tab The University will not accept any contract that cannot be publicly acknowledged. The University will maintain an open record of all classified and proprietary research contracts. \par \par 7.\tab The University will permit the parti cipation of faculty members in classified research of their choice by means of normal consulting arrangements or leaves of absence without pay. Faculty shall not use classified research work in consideration for tenure, promotion or post-tenure review \par \par 8.\tab Any unique security costs associated with classified or proprietary research will be borne by the unit within which the contract is sponsored. \par \par 9.\tab The University will establish and maintain Facilities Security Officers to the degree necessary to ensure the legal compliance of all classified agreements. \par \par 10.\tab A Faculty Research Oversight Committee will be established as a Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate to review all classified and proprietary proposals, grants and contracts to advise the chancellor of their compliance or lack thereof with University policy. Membership on the committee shall be limited to 9 senators, with no more than 2 members being from the same unit. The Facilities Security Officer shall be an ex-officio member of the committee . Committee membership must broadly represent the university community. \par \par 11.\tab The committee will offer changes to this policy as needed through periodic reviews occurring no less than once every 5 years. \par \par \par }{\ul Basic Principles \par }{ \par The 极速六合彩 mission statement proclaims that the 极速六合彩 is "the nation\rquote s northern most Land, Sea and Space Grant university and international research center, [which] advances and disseminates knowledge through creative teaching, research and public service with an em phasis on Alaska, the North and their diverse peoples" (BOR Policy 10.01.03). Through exercising the fulfillment of that mission, the University has enabled relationships with government and industry presenting intellectual and professional opportunities to faculty and students that they would not otherwise have. Concomitant with the open and full pursuit of that mission comes our understanding that the pursuit of knowledge must be tempered by ethical obligations to society; hence our concern with an eth ical approach to permitting classified and proprietary research on campus. \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The purpose of academic research in the University is the education of students, at all levels, and the generation of new knowledge. It is important that the University undertake r esearch of high quality and originality. Ongoing research strengthens the University in a variety of ways; \par *\tab through the stimulation of creative and intellectual investigation by faculty and students, \par *\tab through the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge that benefits society, \par *\tab through participation in a learning process that is unique to research and creative investigation, \par *\tab through transmission of new knowledge to students in the classroom. \par \par \par }{\ul Obligation \par }{ \par The university guarantees each memb er of the academic community the freedom to inquire and affirms the right of each member to access all available information in his or her field. A basic function of the University is to carry out research in an open and unrestricted manner with complete freedom to publish or otherwise disseminate the results of its search for knowledge. The requirements of secrecy and restrictions on freedom to publish, which are inherent in security classification, or the restrictions on dissemination, which derive fro m proprietary rights of privately sponsored research, are in direct opposition to this function. \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {Exercising this function does not, however, prohibit self-imposed restrictions based on the professional ethics of a particular discipline. It also does not p rohibit the existence of classified information to reside on campus such as sometimes arises, for instance, in connection with consulting work. This policy is directed towards maintaining a separation between classified information and the teaching and r esearch functions of the University.}{\kerning28 \par }{ \par The review process for classified and proprietary research proposals shall be as follows: \par \par *\tab The Faculty Research Oversight Committee shall use a checklist to determine if a project requires formal review. \par *\tab The Faculty Research Oversight Committee shall review classified or proprietary proposals and offer recommendations to the chancellor in an expedited fashion. \par *\tab The Faculty Research Oversight Committee will publish an annual report on the status of classified and proprietary contracts, grants and proposals to the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate on an annual basis. \par *\tab The Faculty Research Oversight Committee (see above) shall also include a person from the Office of Sponsored Research and a designee of the chancellor as ex-officio members. \par \par }{\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\b WHEREAS,}{ The 极速六合彩 rifle team won its fifth consecutive NCAA title in March, setting NCAA records in smallbore and aggregate scoring, and \par \par }{\b WHEREAS,}{ Matt Emmons captured the smallbore title for the third straight year, breaking his own NCAA record and becoming the first person to win four individual titles in a career, and \par \par }{\b WHEREAS,}{ Per Sandberg led 极速六合彩's air rifle team to a new NCAA composite score, and \par \par }{\b WHEREAS,}{ Jamie Beyerle was crowned the champion in air rifle, the first freshman in school history to win a national title, and \par \par }{\b WHEREAS, }{Matt Wallace earned a silver medal in smallbore at the Junior Olympics, and \par \par }{\b WHEREAS,}{ Seven members of the Nanook rifle team earned National Rifle Association All-American status based on their performance throughout the 2002-2003 season with an emphasis on the NCAA sectionals and their grade point averages, now \par \par }{\b THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,}{ That the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate congratulates the 2002-2003 极速六合彩 rifle team as NCAA champion and commends the team's superior performance. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\f40 \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 Godwin A. Chukwu \par President, 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate \par May 6, 2003 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate 极速六合彩 degrees pending completion of all University requirements. [Note: copy of the list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.] \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab These degrees are granted upon \par \tab \tab recommendation of the program faculty, as verified by \par \tab \tab the appropriate department head. As the representative \par \tab \tab governance group of the faculty, we are making that \par \tab \tab recommendation. \par \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the Reserving Courses for Graduate Programs policy (page 26 of the 2003-04 极速六合彩 catalog) as follows: \par \par [[ ]] \tab = Deletion \par \par ______ \tab = Addition \par \par CAPS \tab = Addition \par \par }{\b \par RESERVING COURSES FOR GRADUATE PROGRAMS \par }{ \par If [[you're]] YOU ARE a senior with only a few remaining requirements for your bachelor's degree, you may take courses at the }{\ul 400-LEVEL}{ [[upper division]] or graduate level and have them reserved for an advanced degree. To do this, you must be in your final year of an undergraduate program and must submit a writt en petition during the first four weeks of the semester identifying which courses being taken that semester are to be reserved for graduate study and not counted toward your bachelor's degree. (Reserving courses does not, however, assure they will be acc epted by a graduate advisory committee as part of your eventual graduate program.) \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: This motion specifies the upper division level \par \tab \tab requirement that is allowed in graduate programs. \par \tab \tab Current policy is out of compliance with graduate \par \tab \tab program requirements. \par \par }{\f40 \par \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cf1\cgrid {\f7 The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the Emergency Services (formerly Fire Science) Certificates. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 or \par \tab \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #28 on file in the \par \tab \tab \tab Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\ri180\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab \tab The demand for Emergency Services (formerly Fire \par \tab \tab Science) Certificates with concentrations in Emergency \par \tab \tab Medical Services, Hazardous Materials Control, Municipal \par \tab \tab Fire Control, Public Safety, and Wildlands Fire Control \par \tab \tab have always been low. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }{\f40 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \page \par Executive Summary \par Certificate, Emergency Services \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\adjustright { \par }\pard \ri180\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩-TVC Emergency Services (formerly Fire Science) Program requests the deletion of Certificates in Municipal Fire Control, Wildlands Fire Control, Hazardous Materials Control, Public Safety, and Em ergency Medical Services. Since 1979 only 25 certificates have been issued compared to 283 A.A.S. degrees and 6 B.T. degrees. Most fire departments place little value on certificates compared to A.A.S. degrees for hiring and promotions. This was confir m ed by outcomes assessment questionnaires from both employers and graduates that indicate a new trend within the fire service. Employers are now seeking emergency personnel that are proficient in areas of written and oral communication, computation and hu m an relations rather than graduates with only the FIRE and EMS courses. Graduates without general education skills are unable to pass highly competitive written entrance exams administered by larger fire departments for placement on hiring rosters. The c e rtificate has outlived it usefulness for highly competitive careers in fire departments and emergency services. Graduates seeking leadership roles in the fire services are recognizing the benefit of completing the B.T. degree which combines the technical knowledge of the A.A.S. degree with business administration to become Fire Chiefs of the future. \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\adjustright { \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\f40\fs28 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION \par FOR \par }{\b\i\f40\fs32 GODWIN A. CHUKWU \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has professionally and ethically served the Faculty Senate since 1999; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has served as a member of the Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee from 1999 to 2001, and as Chair from 2000 to 2001; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu initiated the Faculty Senate newsletter to better inform the faculty on pertinent university information that would assist faculty in their jobs; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu included rural sites prominently in faculty discussions by virtue of conducting meetings from extended campuses throughout the year; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has served as Chair of the Administrative Committee and as President-Elect of the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate for 2001-2002; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has served as a member of the 极速六合彩 Governance Coordinating Committee from 2001-2003; and \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has served as a member of the Faculty Alliance and UA Systemwide Governance Council from 2001-2003; and, \par \par WHEREAS, Godwin Chukwu has served as President of the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate from 2002-2003; and, \par \par WHEREAS, the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty and the university by Godwin Chukwu, as he concludes his term as President; now, \par \par THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate acknowledges the many contributions of Godwin Chukwu and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 Pete Pinney \par President, 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate \par May 6, 2003 \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Developmental Studies Committee and the Curricular Affairs Committee, moves to approve the following Mandatory Placement Policy: \par \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b Placement Policy \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \qj\fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab Students who do not meet basic skills stan dards in reading, writing, and mathematics must complete appropriate Developmental Education course instruction. Such students should not enroll in 100-level or above courses that depend on these skills until they have satisfactorily met the exit criteri a of the appropriate Developmental Education course(s). \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2003 to be phased in gradually \par \tab \tab over the next two years. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\tab RATIONALE: \tab Current policies in place at UAF require \par \tab \tab assessment and advising, but not placement. First-term \par \tab \tab students entering certificate or degree programs, \par \tab \tab transfer students with less than 30 acceptable credits, \par \tab \tab and non-degree seeking students planning on taking 100- \par \tab \tab level written communication or mathematics courses, or \par \tab \tab courses with these as a prerequisite, will be assessed in \par \tab \tab reading, writing, and mathematics. The 极速六合彩 Developmental \par \tab \tab Studies program underwent an external review during \par \tab \tab AY 2002. One of the recommendations of that external \par \tab \tab review was to establish a mandatory placement policy. \par \tab \tab Because implementation of this policy is likely to require \par \tab \tab the establishment of additional sections of existing \par \tab \tab courses and additional assessment opportunities, the \par \tab \tab recommendation included a phase-in approach over a \par \tab \tab 2 year period. \par \par \tab \tab The professional associations for the Developmental \par \tab \tab Studies area, the National Association of Developmental \par \tab \tab Education (NADE), the College Reading and Learning \par \tab \tab Association (CRLA), American Mathematical Association of \par \tab \tab Two Year Colleges (AMATYC) all recommend mandatory \par \tab \tab assessment and mandatory placement. These \par \tab \tab recommendations are based on the results of extensive \par \tab \tab national research projects. These two elements, \par \tab \tab mandatory assessment and mandatory placement, have \par \tab \tab been identified as two elements which have a strong \par \tab \tab correlation with increased student success in college-level \par \tab \tab coursework. \par \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{\cf1 MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate, upon recommendation of the Faculty Development Assessment, and Improvement Committee, moves to approve the following addition to the IAS student evaluation package: \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s15\li180\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT TO THE CLASS. (If possible have your department chair visit your class and read this statement, and take questions.) \par }\pard\plain \li360\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\cf1 \par }\pard \li540\widctlpar\adjustright {\cf1 Since 1980 极速六合彩 students have been filling out teaching evaluations at the end of each class each semester. There are several important reasons for this exercise: \par \par }\pard \li540\widctlpar\tx1080\adjustright {\cf1 1.\tab To aid future students by curriculum improvement; \par 2.\tab To aid future students by improvement of teaching by \par \tab individual faculty members; \par 3.\tab To aid future students in course selection; \par 4.\tab For input in faculty tenure and/or promotion reviews. \par }\pard \li540\widctlpar\adjustright {\cf1 \par The evaluation consists of TWO different forms. The first is computer-scored. Each question on this form needs to b e carefully read and answered. Questions 1-4 are the most important and relevant, so pay special attention to them. The average of these four questions is the primary measure of the instructor's performance in the class. The statistical results from th is form are returned, well after grades are submitted, to the instructor and their dean. They also go into the instructor's permanent file. \par \par The yellow comment forms are returned, well after grades are submitted, to the instructor ONLY. Use this form to give your faculty member helpful suggestions about improving the class. \par \par Your careful input on both forms is very important. \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cf1\cgrid {\f7 \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\cf1 \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \f4\cf1\cgrid {\f7 \tab RATIONALE: \tab During extensive discussions in the Faculty \par \tab \tab Development Assessment, and Improvement Committee, \par \tab \tab areas were identified, which could improve the IAS student \par \tab \tab evaluation process. One of those included the \par \tab \tab improvement of students' understanding of the \par \tab \tab importance of the IAS and \ldblquote yellow sheet\rdblquote evaluations \par \tab \tab and what they are used for. This motion will establish \par \tab \tab such an improvement. \par \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }{\f40 \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par }\pard \ri90\widctlpar\adjustright { \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to endorse the 2003-2004 committee membership as attached. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab New Senate members' preference for \par \tab \tab committee selection were reviewed and weighted \par \tab \tab against membership distribution from schools and \par \tab \tab colleges. \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab \tab \tab \tab \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\ul 2003 -2004 极速六合彩 FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP \par }{ \par \par STANDING COMMITTEES \par \par }{\ul Curricular Affairs \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright {\tab Carol Barnhardt, SOEd. (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx2060\adjustright {\tab Steve Cysewski, CRA (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright {\tab Michael Hannigan, CRA (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Susan Herman, SOM (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx2060\adjustright {\tab Mario Kupries, CSEM (05) \par \tab Rainer Newberry, CSEM (04) \par \tab William Schneider, CLA (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright {\tab Yuri Shur, CSEM (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\tx1700\adjustright {\tab }{Jeannette}{ Smith, CLA (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx2060\adjustright {\tab Eduard Zilberkant, CLA (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx1700\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\ul Faculty Affairs \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx2060\adjustright {\tab Mark Box, CLA (04) \par \tab Karen Erickson, CLA (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Joan Leguard, CLA (05)}{ \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx2060\adjustright {\tab Bret Luick, CRA/CES (04) \par \tab Jenifer McBeath, SALRM (04) \par \tab Peter McRoy, SFOS (04) \par \tab Dan Odess, CLA (04) \par \tab Shirish Patil, SME (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1520\tx1800\adjustright {\tab Craig Wisen, SOM (05) \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par PERMANENT COMMITTEES \par \par }{\ul Core Review (Elected) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx1700\adjustright {\tab Jin Brown, Communication, CLA (04) \par \tab Derick Burleson, English, CLA (05) \par \tab Jill Faudree, Math, CSEM (04) \par \tab Mary Goodwin, Humanities, CLA (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx1800\adjustright {\tab Paul McCarthy, Library \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx1700\adjustright {\tab Rainer Newberry, CSEM, Sciences (04) \par \tab Jonathan Rosenberg, Social Sciences, CLA (05) \par \tab Doug Schamel, Education (04) \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\ul Developmental Studies Committee (Elected) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Judy Atkinson, Interior-Aleutians, CRA (04) \par \tab Jane Allen, Kuskokwim, CRA (05) \par \tab Patty Baldwin, RSS \par \tab John Bruder, Bristol Bay, CRA (05) \par \tab George Guthridge, Bristol Bay, CRA (05) \par \tab Richard Carr, English, CLA (05) \par \tab John Creed, Chukchi, CRA (04) \par \tab Pat Doak, Sciences (05) \par \tab Kathleen Gustafson, Math, CSEM (04) \par \tab Cindy Hardy, TVC (04) \par \tab Ron Illingworth, Devel. Studies, CRA (04) \par \tab Wanda Martin, Advising Center \par \tab Joe Mason, Northwest, CRA (04) \par \tab Jane Weber, TVC (04) \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\tx720\adjustright {\ul \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\ul Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee (Elected) \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\tx720\adjustright {\tab Gang Chen, SME (04) \par \tab Claudette Engblom-Bradley, SOEd. (04) \par \tab Carol Gold, CLA (04) \par \tab Robert Gorman, CES (05) \par \tab Brian Himelbloom, SFOS (04) \par \tab Allen Morotti, SOEd. (05) \par \tab Paul Layer, CSEM (04) \par \tab Brenda Norcross, SFOS (05) \par \tab Michael Pippenger, SOM (05) \par \tab Julie Riley, CRA/CES (04) \par \tab Hank Wickmann, SOM (04) \par \tab CLA (05) \par \tab CSEM (05) \par \tab SME (05) \par \tab SNRAS (04) \par \tab SNRAS (05) \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\ul Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Gerald Berman, CLA (04) \par \tab Mike Davis, CRA (05) \par \tab Lee Haugen, SOEd. (04), \par \tab John Kawula, Library \par \tab Paul McCarthy, CSEM (04) \par \tab Joy Morrison, Faculty Development Office \par \tab Mike Nakoneczny, CLA (05) \par \tab Channon Price, CSEM \par \tab Larry Roberts, CRA (05) \par \tab Tom Robinson, SOM \par \tab Shunpu Zhang, CSEM (04) \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\ul Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Abhijit Dandekar, SME (04) \par \tab Mary Erhlander, CLA (04) \par \tab Rolf Gradinger, SFOS (04) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1520\tx1800\adjustright {\tab Maureen Hogan, SOEd (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1440\adjustright {\tab Zhongo (John) Ma, CSEM (04) \par \tab Christa Mulder, CSEM (04) \par \tab Maribeth Murray, CLA (04) \par \tab Doug Reynolds, SOM (04) \par \tab Jennifer Reynolds, SFOS (05) \par \tab CLA (05) \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx1520\tx1800\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \ri20\widctlpar\tx360\tx720\tx1700\adjustright {OTHER: \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\tx360\tx720\adjustright {\ul 极速六合彩 Governance Coordinating Committee \par }{\tab Abel Bult-Ito, President-Elect \par \tab Pete Pinney, President \par \par }{\ul 极速六合彩 Faculty Alliance Representatives}{ \par \tab Abel Bult-Ito, President-Elect \par \tab Pete Pinney, President \par \tab Gary Holton \par \par }\pard \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\page }{\f40 The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }\pard\plain \s18\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid {\f7\fs24 MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for \par its 2003-2004 meetings. \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab Meetings have to be scheduled and the Wood \par \tab \tab Center Carol Brown Ballroom reserved well in advance. \par \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab ** \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab \tab \tab \tab 极速六合彩 FACULTY SENATE \par }\pard\plain \s18\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid {\f7\fs24 \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 2003-2004 \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Calendar of Meetings \par \par Mtg. # \tab Date \tab Day \tab Time \tab Type \par \par 117 \tab 9/22/03 \tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab audioconference \par \par 118 \tab 10/27/03 \tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab face-to-face \par \par 119 \tab 12/8/03\tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab audioconference \par \par 120 \tab 2/2/04\tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab audioconference \par \par 121 \tab 3/1/04\tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab face-to-face \par \par 122 \tab 4/5/04\tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab audioconference \par \par 123 \tab 5/3/04\tab Monday\tab 1:00 p.m.\tab face-to-face \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par }\pard\plain \s18\widctlpar\adjustright \f2\fs20\cgrid {\f7\fs24 Location: Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom \par }\pard\plain \ri-260\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f40 \par \par \par }{\page }{\f40 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #116 on May 5, 2003 \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard \ri180\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to a uthorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate on all matters within its purview which may arise until the Senate resumes deliberations in the Fall of 2003. Senators will be kept informed of the Administrative Committee's meetings a nd will be encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab May 5, 2003 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab This motion will allow the Administrative \par \tab \tab Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that \par \tab \tab necessary work can be accomplished and will also allow \par \tab \tab Senators their rights to participate in the governance \par \tab \tab process. \par \par \par }{\f40 \par }}