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FURTHER, DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION IS PROHIBITED. Decisions affecting an individual's employment will be based on the individu al's qualifications, abilities and performance, as appropriate. \par }\pard \s15\qj\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 \par \par }\pard \s15\qj\fi720\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 EFFECTIVE: \tab The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate requests that first \par }\pard \s15\qj\fi720\li720\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 discussion of the amendment be placed on the Human \par Resources Committee agenda at the March BOR meeting. \par }\pard \s15\qj\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 \par }\pard \s15\qj\fi720\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 RATIONALE: \tab Under the current policy, students, staff and \par }\pard \s15\qj\fi720\li720\ri360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright {\f7 faculty could be discriminated against because of their \par sexual orientation. As an institution of higher learning, \par the University of Alaska should be setting an example to \par the rest of the state in terms of recognizing and \par respecting all of the diverse peoples of Alaska. By adding \par sexual orientation to the policy, the university is further \par sending a message to all students, staff, and faculty that \par this is a place where they are welcome, accepted, and \par protected against discrimination. \par }\pard\plain \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f20 \par \page The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the interim procedures for votes of censure or votes of no confidence of administrators as approved by the Senate at its meeting #104 on October 29, 2001. \par \par \par CAPS = Additions \par \par \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar\adjustright {In the interim, the Senate requires that faculty calling into question their confidence in an administrator of a college, school, or campus request by memorandum to the 极速六合彩 Provost and the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate President an immediate evaluation of the administrator according to the process defined in the current policy \ldblquote Guidelines for the Evaluation Process for Administrators\rdblquote (as passed at Senate Meeting #97, 30 October 2000). This request must be warranted by a simple majority vote (absentee vote included) of all academic FACULTY and/or special rank faculty WITH TITLE PRECEEDED BY 'RESEARCH' OR 'TERM' of that unit. T his vote must be taken in a manner that accords with Board of Regents regulation on Open Meetings (R02.06.01 ff.).}{\cf6 }{ A faculty vote of censure or vote of no confidence taken contrary to this interim procedure will be considered out of order by the Faculty Senate and without merit for official action. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Immediately, to be in effect until the Senate \par \tab \tab approves a revised procedure for votes of censure/votes \par \tab \tab of no confidence of administrators. \par }\pard\plain \s16\ri-90\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab This clarifies which faculty are eligible to vote. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par }{\f20 \par \page \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding which includes two new courses. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 or \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #43-44 and #45 \par \tab \tab on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par \tab (Submitted by Allied Health) \par }\pard \fi-720\li720\widctlpar\adjustright {43.\tab NEW COURSE: HLTH 208 - Human Diseases (3+0) 3 credits; \par \tab offered Fall and As Demand Warrants; effective Fall 2002. \par 44.\tab NEW COURSE: HLTH 236 - Insurance Reimbursement for the \par \tab Medical Office (3+0) 3 credits; offered Fall and Spring; may \par \tab be repeated; effective Fall 2002. \par 45.\tab NEW DEGREE PROGRAM: Certificate, Medical Billing and Coding - \par \tab Requires 31 credits (10 courses); effective Fall 2002 or upon \par \tab BOR approval. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par Certificate, Medical Billing and Coding \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright { \par The field of medical administration has expanded in recent years. The Medical Billing and Coding Program is designed to incorporate theory and application. This focused delivery will provide the student wi th the knowledge and job skills required for entry-level employment in the medical field. \par \par There is a current and future need for trained medical billers and coders. Health care delivery is changing. Practitioners are being challenged to deliver quality patient care as well as contain the rising costs. Managed care programs, patient's loss of insurance and reduction in benefits, cost containment measures, and community pressure have amplified the market for competent and cross-trained medical billers an d coders. \par \par }\pard \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright { To summarize, there is a current need for educated medical billers and coders, which is projected to extend into the foreseeable future. The proposed Medical Billing and Coding Certificate program will prepare students for employment in the me dical field. Implementation of this program will position the College of Rural Alaska, Tanana Valley Campus to meet the present and increasing demand for vocational-technical training and provide the medical community with medical billers and coders. \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\page }{\f20 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s16\ri540\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the B.Ed. \par }\pard\plain \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Spring 2003 or \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #78 on file in the \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f20 \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Executive Summary \par B.Ed. \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright { \par The University of Alaska provided four-year undergraduate B.Ed. degrees at UAA, 极速六合彩 and UAS until the Board of Regents suspended admission to these degrees in 1998. Since they have been replaced by new degrees, we are req uesting that the B.Ed. be deleted. Students who were declared as B.Ed. majors prior to that time have had the option, and the support necessary, to complete their degree requirements by December of 2002. \par \par }\pard \ri450\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright {Between 1998 and 2001, the only route for student s wishing to gain teacher certification within the UA system was to complete a 5th year, post-baccalaureate teacher preparation program. However, in 2000, each MAU was given permission to develop a new undergraduate degree program that would prepare stud e nts as elementary teachers. In June of 2001, the UA Board of Regents approved new undergraduate degrees at each of the MAU's. These degrees, all defined as a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, serve as a replacement for the B.Ed. at each of the t hree campuses. The new degrees were designed collaboratively by UAA, 极速六合彩 and UAS faculty and there is transferability for students throughout the University of Alaska system. \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright { \par }\pard\plain \s16\ri540\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The new degree incorporates many of the courses and components of the previous degree, but its design includes new responsibilities for students and faculty, and it responds directly to new national and state standards including NCATE standards, the Alaska Teacher Standards, the Alaska Student Content Standards and the Alaska Standa rds for Culturally Responsive Schools. It is also fully compatible with the Alaska Quality Schools Initiative. \par }\pard\plain \ri540\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par Since there is a well-documented and critical need for teachers in Alaska, the addition of a new undergraduate degree to replace the B.Ed. is an important step to take in responding to this need. \par \par The new BA in Elementary Education provides the option for students in rural areas, as well as those on the Fairbanks Campus, to seek an undergraduate degree and teaching certificate in a much-needed p rofession. The teacher shortage in rural areas, the high teacher turnover rate, and the predicted shortage in urban areas is a critical problem that the University system can, and should, respond to by providing this new degree option. \par \par }\pard\plain \s18\ri450\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright \loch\af4\hich\af4\dbch\f4\cgrid {\hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 In addition to sup\hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 porting the Mission of the University of Alaska, the replacement of the B.Ed. with the new BA in Elementary Education directly responds to, and supports, each of the six primary goals in the final draft of the 极速六合彩 Strategic Plan \hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 .\hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 This is accomplished through the following: (1) academic content requirements and the necessary collaboration across 极速六合彩 departments; (2) degree requirements for on-going fieldwork in schools and communities; and (3) the built-in professional developme \hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 n\hich\af7\dbch\af4\loch\f7 t for cooperating teachers and administrators and the required formal partnerships with schools and districts in rural and urban areas. \par \par }\pard\plain \ri450\widctlpar\tx360\adjustright \f7\cgrid {Alaska's comprehensive educational reform effort--i.e., the Alaska Quality Schools Initiative--has generated an unprecedented public interest in Alaska\rquote s educational system. At this critical juncture in determining educational policy in the state, the University has the opportunity to make a long and lasting contribution to the state and to its children. The high level of collaboration among UAA, 极速六合彩 and UAS faculty in the development of three new undergraduate teacher education degrees, the interest and support provided by a significant number of arts and sciences faculty members, and the prospects for increased attent ion to, and support for, teacher preparation programs are reason to believe that the University does indeed have the will to respond to the great need to prepare teachers for our unique Alaska contexts. \par }\pard\plain \s17\ri450\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par }\pard\plain \ri450\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\caps \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\page }{\f20 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {MOTION: \par }\pard \qj\ri360\widctlpar\adjustright {====== \par \par }\pard \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the requirements for the Associate of Applied Science degree as follows: \par }\pard \qj\ri360\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par [[ ]] = deletion \par CAPS = addition \par \par \par }{\b ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE \par \par }\pard \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright {Associate of Applied S cience degrees are awarded in specific occupational fields with emphasis on entering the job market. This degree, usually seen as a terminal degree, can serve as the basis for additional education. FOR SPECIFIC MAJOR REQUIREMENTS, REFER TO THE DEGREES A ND PROGRAMS SECTION OF THIS CATALOG. \par \par }{\i Note: students planning to go on to a baccalaureate degree need to work closely with their advisors and are encouraged to select courses meeting core requirements and courses designated within majors and minors. Only t hose courses with an "X" designator count towards the baccalaureate core \par }\pard \qj\ri360\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\b Requirements\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..}{\tab }{\b Credits}{ \par }\pard \ri360\widctlpar\adjustright {All credits for the A.A.S. degree must be at the 100-level or above and be distributed as follows: \par }\pard \qj\ri360\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {\b RELATED INSTRUCTION \par \par Communication\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9}{\tab }{\b 9 \par (WRITTEN COMMUNICATION)\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9..}{\tab 6}{\b \par }\pard \qj\li360\widctlpar\adjustright {ENGL 111X \endash Introduction to Academic Writing \tab \tab 3 \par AND \par CIOS 260 -- BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS \tab \tab 3 \par Or \par ENGL 211X \endash Academic Writing about Literature \tab \tab 3 \par or \par ENGL 212 \endash Business, Grant, and Report Writing \tab \tab 3 \par or \par }\pard\plain \s15\li360\widctlpar\tqr\tx1440\adjustright \f21\cgrid {\f7 ENGL 213X \endash Academic Writing about the Social \par }\pard \s15\li360\widctlpar\adjustright {\f7 \tab and Natural Sciences \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b (ORAL COMMUNICATION)\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9....}{\tab 3 \par }\pard \qj\li360\widctlpar\adjustright {COMM 131X -- Fundamentals of Oral Comm: Group Context\tab 3 \par Or \par COMM 141X -- Fundamentals of Oral Comm: Public Context\tab 3 \par \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright {[[Mathematics or natural science (3 credits) \tab \tab \tab 3]] \par [[A math or natural science course at the 100 level or above\tab 3]] \par \par }{\b COMPUTATION\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9.}{\tab }{\b 3 \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {ANY COURSE AT THE 100 LEVEL OR ABOVE IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (MATH, COMPUTER SCIENCE, STATISTICS)\tab \tab 3 \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { OR TTCH 131 -- MAINTENANCE MATHEMATICS \tab \tab 3 \par OR CIOS 116 -- BUSINESS MATH USING CALCULATORS\tab 3 \par OR ABUS 155 -- BUSINESS MATH \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par OR HLTH 116 -- MATHEMATICS IN HEALTH CARE\tab \tab 3 \par OR \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright { OTHER PROGRAM APPROVED DISCIPLINE-BASED COMPUTATION \par COURSE OR COURSES \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par }\pard\plain \s17\widctlpar\adjustright \cgrid {\f7 \par [[Humanities, social science, math, natural sciences or Perspectives on the Human Condition \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3]] \par \par }\pard\plain \qj\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {\b HUMAN RELATIONS\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9.}{\tab }{\b 3 \par }\pard \qj\li360\widctlpar\adjustright {ANTH 100X/SOC 100X \endash INDIVIDUAL, SOCIETY AND CULTURE 3 \par OR \par ABUS 154 \endash HUMAN RELATIONS \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par OR \par HS 120 \endash CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN HUMAN SERVICES \tab 3 \par OR \par ECE 245 \endash CHILD DEVELOPMENT \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par OR \par RHS 115 \endash ISSUES OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT \tab \tab 2 \par AND RHS 110 \endash CROSS-CULTURAL BRIDGING SKILLS \tab 2 \par OR \par }\pard \qj\li360\ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {ANL 287 \endash TEACHING METHODS FOR ALASKA NATIVE \par LANGUAGES \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par }\pard \qj\widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\b Major specialty \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab }{\tab }{\b at least 30 \par \par Electives to total \tab \tab \tab }{\tab \tab \tab }{\b 60}{ \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par }\pard \ri450\widctlpar\adjustright {\tab RATIONALE: \tab This amendment brings the AAS degree into \par \tab \tab compliance with NWASC accreditation standards by \par \tab \tab adding a Human Relations component and by clarifying \par \tab \tab the Computation component requirements. Additionally, \par \tab \tab it increases the computation requirement by eliminating \par \tab \tab the option to take a natural science course instead of \par \tab \tab computation courses. It also improves the relevancy of \par \tab \tab the degree by requiring a written composition course \par \tab \tab which is application intensive. It continues to exceed \par \tab \tab accreditation standards in the Communication area. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\f20 \par \page \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend the requirements for the Associate of Arts degree as follows: \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par [[ ]] = deletion \par CAPS = addition \par \par \par }{\b Associate of Arts \par }{ \par }\pard \ri450\widctlpar\adjustright {The Associate of Arts degree represents the completion of broad-based college study. This degree may serve as a starting point for a career or a stepping stone to a baccalaureate program. A student may earn only one A.A. degree. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\b Requirements \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Credits \par }{ \par }\pard \ri450\widctlpar\adjustright {All credits for the A.A. degree must be at the 100 level or above, and 20 credits must be at the 200 level or above, and be distributed as follows: \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }{\b Communications: (9 credits) \par }{ \par ENGL 111X --Introduction to Academic Writing \tab \tab 3 \par ENGL 211X --Academic Writing about Literature \par or ENGL 212-- Business, Grant and Report Writing \par or ENGL 213X--Academic Writing about the Social \par \tab and Natural Sciences \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par COMM 131X --Fundamentals of Oral Communication: \par \tab Group Context \par or COMM 141X --Fundamental of Oral Communication: \par \tab Public Context \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par \par }{\b Mathematics or Natural Science: (10 Credits) \par }{MATH 107X ---Function for Calculus** \par or MATH 131X -- Concepts and Contemporary \par \tab Applications of Mathematics \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par \tab (OR Math 200X, 201X, 202X, 272X, or any math \par \tab course having one of these as a prerequisite) \par One natural science course, with lab, selected from \par \tab the baccalaureate core \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 4 \par Mathematics (MATH, COMPUTER SCIENCE, STATISTICS \par \tab AT THE 100 LEVEL OR ABOVE) or natural science}{\b }{\tab 3 \par \par }{\b Humanities and Social Science: (18 Credits) \par }{ANTH 100X/SOC 100X --Individual, Society and Culture \tab 3 \par ECON 100X/PS 100X --Political Economy \tab \tab \tab 3 \par HIST 100X --Modern World History \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par ART/MUS/THR 200X -- Aesthetic Appreciation: \par \tab Interrelationship of Art, Drama and Music \par or HUM 201X --Unity in the Arts \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par ENGL/FL 200X --World Literature \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par Humanities or social science elective \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par \tab Two semester-length courses in a single Alaska \par \tab Native Language or other non-English language or \par \tab three semester-length courses (9 credits) in American \par \tab Sign Language taken at the university level may \par \tab substitute for two of the courses above. \par \par }{\b Library and Information Skills: (0-1 credit) \par }{Successful completion of library skills competency test, \par or LS 100X, or LS 101X \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 0-1 \par }{\i \par Successful completion of the library skills competency \par test satisfies this requirement of the core curriculum, \par but does not carry degree credit. \par (It is strongly recommended that this requirement be \par completed before enrolling in the 200-level English course \par requirement or that it be completed concurrently with \par enrollment in the 200-level English core requirement.) \par }{ \par }{\b General Electives: (22-23 credits) \par }{ Any combination of courses (Students planning to go \par on to the baccalaureate degree are advised to select \par courses meeting remaining core requirements, and \par courses designated within majors and minors.) \tab \tab 22-23 \par \par }{\b Electives to Total\tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 60 \par }{ \par \par *English 212 doesn't fulfill the second half of the written \par communication requirement for the baccalaureate degree. \par \par }\pard \ri450\widctlpar\adjustright {**MATH 161 --Algebra for Business and Economics, is not an equivalent course for MATH 107X. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab To clarify the mathematical science elective \par \tab \tab requirements. \par \par \par }{\f20 \page \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to accept the recommendation of the CORE Review Committee to restate the Natural Science requirement of the CORE Curriculum to allow a student to complete two 4-credit courses, with labs, from two different areas (departments) of the approved Natural Science CORE courses (e.g. Biology and Chemistry) - OR - a 2 course depth sequence. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Spring 2002 \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright { \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab Students changing from majors that require \par \tab \tab specific Natural Science courses to majors that allow \par \tab \tab students to make their own CORE Natural Science \par \tab \tab choices are regularly caught up in completing a second \par \tab \tab half (most usually a depth emphasis) of a CORE \par \tab \tab sequence not needed for the new major. This \par \tab \tab restatement of the requirement would eliminate the \par \tab \tab most petitioned aspect of the CORE Curriculum, widen \par \tab \tab student options, and maintain the integrity of this \par \tab \tab important element of the CORE Curriculum. \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par \par [[ ]] = \tab Deletions \par CAPS = \tab Additions \par \par \par }{\b Baccalaureate Core \par }{\b\fs28 \par }{Courses used to meet core requirements may not be used to meet any other requirements for a degree. \par \par }{\b Requirements\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\tab Credits \par \par Communication (9 credits) \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\tab 9 \par }{ENGL 111X-Introduction to Academic Writing* \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\tab 3 \par ENGL 211X-Academic Writing about Literature \par OR ENGL 213X-Academic Writing about the Social and \par \tab Natural Sciences \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9..\tab 3 \par COMM 131X-Fundamentals of Oral Communication: \par \tab Group Context OR COMM 141X-Fundamentals of \par \tab Oral Communication: Public Context \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9...\tab 3 \par *ENGL 190H may be substituted. \par \par }{\b Perspectives on the Human Condition (18 credits)..\tab 18 \par }{(Humanities and social sciences) \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\tab 18 \par Complete the following six courses: \par ANTH 100X/SOC 100X-Individual, Society and Culture \tab 3 \par ECON 100X or PS 100X-Political Economy \tab \tab \tab 3 \par HIST 100X-Modern World History \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par ART/MUS/THR 200X-Aesthetic Appreciation: \par \tab Interrelationship of Art, Drama and Music OR \par HUM 201X-Unity in the Arts \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par ENGL/FL 200X-World Literatures \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par COMM 300X-Communicating Ethics OR \par JUST 300X-Ethics and Justice OR \par NRM 303X-Environmental Ethics and Actions OR \par PS 300X-Values and Choices OR \par PHIL 322X-Ethics \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 3 \par OR complete 12 credits from the above courses plus two \par semester-length courses in a single Alaska Native language \par or other non-English language or three semester-length \par courses (9 credits) in American Sign Language taken at \par the university level. \par \par }{\b Mathematics (3 credits) \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\tab 3 \par }{MATH 107X-Functions for Calculus OR MATH 131X-Concepts \par and Contemporary Applications of Mathematics \tab \tab 3 \par OR MATH 200X, 201X, 202X, 262X, 272X or any math \par course having one of these as a prerequisite \par * MATH 161 is not an equivalent course to MATH 107X. \par \par }{\b Natural Sciences (8 credits) \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\tab 8 \par }{[[Complete two 4-credit courses, with labs, from approved \par natural science core courses with depth or breadth emphasis. \par Both courses must be from the same emphasis area, that is, \par either breadth or depth.]] \par \par COMPLETE TWO 4-CREDIT COURSES, WITH LABS\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\tab 8 \par \par EITHER FROM TWO DIFFERENT AREAS (DEPARTMENTS) \par \tab OF THE APPROVED NATURAL SCIENCE CORE COURSES \par \tab (E.G. BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY) - \par OR - A TWO COURSE DEPTH SEQUENCE (E.G., PHYS 103X and \par \tab PHYS 104X). \par \par [[}{\b Breadth emphasis \par }{The two courses must be in different natural sciences or \par must be interdisciplinary in nature. \par Select two courses from the following:]] \par ATM 101X-Weather and Climate of Alaska \tab \tab \tab 4 \par BIOL 100X-Human Biology (4) \par or BIOL 103X-Biology and Society (4) \par or BIOL 104X-Natural History (4) \par OR BIOL 105X- FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGY I \par OR BIOL 106X-FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGY II \par OR BIOL 211X-Human Anatomy & Physiology I \par OR BIOL 212X-Human Anatomy & Physiology II \tab \tab 4 \par CHEM 100X-Chemistry and the Modern World \par OR CHEM 103X-BASIC GENERAL CHEMISTRY \par OR CHEM 104X-BEGINNINGS IN BIOCHEMISTRY \par OR CHEM 105X-GENERAL CHEMISTRY \par OR CHEM 106X-GENERAL CHEMISTRY \tab \tab \tab \tab 4 \par GEOG 205X-Physical Geography \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 4 \par GEOS 100X-Introduction to Earth Science \par OR GEOS 101X-THE DYNAMIC EARTH AND \par OR GEOS 112X-HISTORY OF EARTH AND LIFE \par OR GEOS 120X-Glaciers, Earthquakes, Volcanoes \par OR GEOS 125X-Humans, Earth and Environment \tab \tab 4 \par MSL 111X-The Oceans \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab 4 \par PHYS 102X-Energy and Society \par OR PHYS 103X-COLLEGE PHYSICS \par OR PHYS 104X-COLLEGE PHYSICS \par OR PHYS 115X-PHYSICAL SCIENCE I \par OR PHYS 116X-PHYSICAL SCIENCE II \par OR PHYS 175X-Astronomy \par OR PHYS 211X-General Physics \par OR PHYS 212X-General Physics \par OR PHYS 213X- Elementary Modern Physics \tab \tab \tab 4 \par \par }{\b Depth [[emphasis]] SEQUENCES \par }{[[The two courses must be sequential courses or a two-semester \par survey in the basic natural sciences (biology, chemistry, earth \par science, physics). \par Select one sequence from the following:]] \par BIOL 105X-106X-Fundamentals of Biology I and II \tab \tab 8 \par BIOL 211X-212X-Human Anatomy & Physiology I and II \tab 8 \par CHEM 103X-104X-Basic General Chemistry- \par \tab Beginnings in Biochemistry \tab \tab \tab \tab 8 \par CHEM 105X-106X-General Chemistry \tab \tab \tab \tab 8 \par GEOS 101X-The Dynamic Earth and \par GEOS 112X-History of Earth and Life \tab \tab \tab \tab 8 \par PHYS 103X-104X-College Physics \tab \tab \tab \tab 8 \par PHYS 211X-212X-General Physics \tab \tab \tab \tab 8 \par PHYS 211X-213X-General Physics/Elementary Modern Physics 8 \par PHYS 212X-213X-General Physics/Elementary Modern Physics 8 \par \par }{\b Library and Information Research (0-1 credit)\u8230\'c9..\tab 0-1 \par }{Successful completion of library skills competency test or \par LS 100X or 101X prior to junior standing \tab \tab \tab 0-1 \par \par }{\b Two writing intensive courses designated (W) and one \par oral communication intensive course designated (O) \par or two oral communication intensive courses designated \par (O/2), at the upper-division level \par (see degree and/or major requirements) 0 additional \par \par Total Credits Required \u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9\u8230\'c9.\tab 38-39 \par \par }{ \par \page }{\f20 \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par }\pard\plain \s16\widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid {The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to delete the MAT, Elementary. \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \f7\cgrid { \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 or \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #21 on file in \par \tab \tab \tab \tab the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright {Executive Summary \par MAT, Elementary \par \par In 1999, in conjunct ion with the development of a new post-baccalaureate teacher education programs for elementary and secondary teachers, the School of Education decided to test a pilot program that allowed post-baccalaureate teacher education students to earn an MAT degree in conjunction with the coursework and internship required for a teacher education license. After two years, with ongoing review and reflection of the advantages and disadvantages of the pilot MAT option (including the solicitation of a great deal of fee dback from cooperating mentor teachers and administrators), the School of Education suspended admission to its MAT programs in spring 2001. \par \par In place of the MAT, the School of Education designed an option for post-baccalaureate teacher education students to pursue the more respected and more rigorous M.Ed. This option allows post-baccalaureate students to use 15 of the required 27 credits from their licensure program to satisfy one-half of the 30 credits required for an M.Ed. Degree in Curriculum and Ins truction. \par \par This new option has been in place for two years and the response from students, university faculty and school district personnel has been very positive. In contrast to the MAT degree, the M.Ed. provides the option for students who complete our post-baccalaureate teacher education programs to continue their graduate work with us, and it provides the opportunity for the School of Education to provide professional development and support for beginning teachers. The M.Ed. can also be used as a fo undation for a Ph.D. because of its requirements for research and the completion of a research project or a thesis. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f20 \par }{\page }{\f20 The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #105 on December 10, 2001: \par \par \par }{MOTION: \par ====== \par \par The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a Master's of Software Engineering degree program. \par \par \par \tab EFFECTIVE: \tab Fall 2002 or \par \tab \tab \tab \tab Upon Board of Regents' Approval \par \par \tab RATIONALE: \tab See full program proposal #18 on file \par \tab \tab in the Governance Office, 312 Signers\rquote Hall. \par \par \tab \tab In forwarding this request for approval, the Graduate \par \tab \tab Academic & Advisory Committee notes the \par \tab \tab importance of allocating a further (i.e., third) faculty \par \tab \tab position with this new program to ensure its viability. \par \par }{\f20 \par }{\tab \tab \tab \tab \par \par Master's of Software Engineering \par }\pard \ri540\widctlpar\adjustright { \par The Masters in Software Engineering is meant to prepare students for careers as software prac titioners, i.e., those whose primary job is to develop or maintain software. It this goal is well met, then the program will directly benefit software practitioners and their employers. \par \par The main reason for the existence of the field of software enginee ring is to seek and find solutions to various software practitioners' performance problems. Thirty-two years of software engineering efforts have produced good results in software engineering technical areas such as tools, process, re-use, testing, et ce t era and in management areas such as software project management. Unfortunately the fruits of this labor are often not known to or used by software practitioners. Thus the 极速六合彩 Software Engineering program goal is to help improve the performance of softwa re practitioners through knowledge, understanding and use of software engineering principles and practices. \par \par This program has been a successful track in the computer science graduate program since its inception in 1993. The software engineering track in the Computer Science Master's program was originally intended as an independent program, but was developed as a track for budgetary reasons. We are now proceeding with the separation of this track into a separate program according to our original plan. The program is not otherwise being changed from its already successful form. Indeed, the graduates of this program have been successful in obtaining employment. \par \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f20 \par }}