
The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #122 on April 5, 2004:

Statement of Faculty Senate representatives of the Classified Policy
Reconciliation Committee

The Faculty Senate is "The primary mechanism for the formulation and oversight of academic policy is the Faculty Senate. Among concerns addressed by the Faculty Senate are: course and program development and change; policies related to academic procedures; academic freedom and faculty rights and responsibilities; and, quality of teaching, research and service" (/uafgov/faculty). Underlying the following revision of the senate's proposal are these concerns.

1. The institutional officer charged with security oversight (the Facility Securities Officer or equivalent) must be funded fully so that she or he can conduct a complete and thorough review of proposals and assess all the impacts of the proposed activity. Full funding of this office is the most important guarantee for the safety of the community, the protection of the academic environment, and compliance with federal requirements for security.

2. The 极速六合彩 Faculty Research Oversight Committee must not only be independent but also seen to be so. The review panel members will not require a security clearance as they will review an unclassified report of the proposal that is prepared by the Facility Securities Officer. The review committee will give a finding of advice to the chancellor. It is critical that the chancellor is not seen to be shaping the advice coming to her or him.

3. The senate must be able to meet its responsibilities so that the academic integrity of the university is maintained in teaching, research, and service. A faculty review panel elected from the senate will enable the senate to meet these responsibilities.

The purpose of academic research in the university is the education of students, at all levels, and the generation of new knowledge. It is important that the university undertake research of high quality and originality. Ongoing research strengthens the university in a variety of ways.


极速六合彩 Policy Concerning Classified and Proprietary Research

RATIONALE: This policy is offered pursuant to Regents' policy 10.07.02, which says that the university may engage in classified or proprietarily research, subject to approval of the chancellor, "in accordance with Regents' Policy, University Regulation, applicable laws and regulations, and MAU rules and procedures."

Towards ensuring that classified and proprietary research will be conducted in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with mission of the 极速六合彩, this policy will provide the chancellor with findings on research proposals reached after a review by a duly constituted committee of faculty.

The Faculty Senate seeks a policy, in principle, of complete disclosure of research activities and sources of funds. The conduct of classified research inherently restricts participation of students and faculty who work on such research.

At times, freedom of discourse and dissemination conflicts with the greater, immediate needs of society. Research funded by industrial organizations may involve patent applications that require a short delay of publication of a thesis resulting from that research. Faculty members may also wish to act as consultants on classified research projects not involving the use of University facilities.

For reasons such as the above, proposals to conduct classified and proprietary research will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the university campus chancellor. With disclosure to the Faculty Senate, an Faculty Research Oversight Committee will advise the chancellor by means of a finding arrived at by a review following the guidelines set forth below.

Basic Principles

The 极速六合彩 mission statement proclaims that the University of Alaska Fairbanks is "the nation's northern most Land, Sea and Space Grant university and international research center, [which] advances and disseminates knowledge through creative teaching, research and public service with an emphasis on Alaska, the North and their diverse peoples" (BOR policy 10.01.03). Through exercising the fulfillment of that mission, the university has made possible relationships with government and industry presenting intellectual and professional opportunities to faculty and students that they would not otherwise have. Concomitant with the open and full pursuit of that mission comes our understanding that the pursuit of knowledge must be tempered by ethical obligations to society; hence our concern with an ethical approach to permitting classified and proprietary research on campus.


Classified Research: Research that has a security classification established by a federal agency. Various agencies of the federal government may designate some federally sponsored research project, either all or a portion of a particular project, as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential. Under the terms of this policy, research projects so designated are considered classified.

Proprietary Research: Industrially sponsored proprietary research for which the sponsor requires a delay in publication of the results after submission of the final report.

Faculty Research Oversight Committee

The Faculty Senate shall establish a Faculty Research Oversight Committee as a standing committee of the senate to review all classified and proprietary proposals, grants, and contracts according to the guidelines listed below and to advise the chancellor of their compliance or lack thereof with university policy. Membership on the committee shall be limited to 9 senators, with no more than 2 members being from the same unit. A Facilities Security Officer shall be an ex-officio member of the committee. The committee will also include someone from the Office of Sponsored Research and a designee of the chancellor as ex-officio members. Committee membership must broadly represent the university community.


Guidelines for the Faculty Research Oversight Committee for Reviewing Classified or Proprietary Research Proposals

Proposal review requires that each principal investigator prepare a short non-classified or non-proprietary description and title for the project that can be publicly reviewed. The following will apply to such statements. The Facilities Security Officer must participate in the review process to clarify questions pertaining to classified material.

1. The university will undertake only those contracts and activities that do not compromise the safety and/or well being of Alaskans and that honor existing agreements with the diverse peoples of Alaska.

2. The university will under no circumstances enter into any agreement or contract for which the direct primary purpose of the research or application of the results is the destruction of human life or harm to humans.

3. The university will make every reasonable effort to keep classified information and activities separate from the normal academic functions of the university.

4. No thesis or project that may not be published because it contains federally classified or proprietary information will be accepted toward fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree.

5. For proprietary research the university will not enter into or renew any contract or accept any grant that prohibits the open publication or dissemination of research results within a reasonable period, typically (and expected to be) no more than 60 days or a period negotiated at the time of contract initiation.

6. No university courses given for degree credit shall be classified in any part.

7. The university will not accept any contract that cannot be publicly acknowledged. The university will maintain an open record of all classified and proprietary research contracts.

8. The university will permit the participation of faculty members in classified research of their choice by means of normal consulting arrangements or leaves of absence without pay. Faculty shall not use classified research work in consideration for tenure, promotion, or post-tenure review.

9. Any unique security costs associated with classified or proprietary research will be borne by the unit within which the contract is sponsored.

10. The university will establish and maintain Facilities Security Officers to the degree necessary to ensure the legal compliance of all classified agreements.

11. The Faculty Research Oversight Committee will offer changes to this policy as needed through periodic reviews occurring no less than once every 5 years.

Review Process for Classified and Proprietary Research Proposals

The following procedures shall apply to all proposals submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs.

1. The Office of Sponsored Programs will use a checklist to determine if a project requires formal review by the Faculty Research Oversight Committee.

2. The Faculty Research Oversight Committee will review proposals identified as classified or proprietary according to the guidelines given above and offer recommendations to the chancellor in an expedited fashion.

3. The committee will publish an annual report on the status of classified and proprietary contracts, grants and proposals at UAF to the Faculty Senate.



The university guarantees each member of the academic community the freedom to inquire and affirms the right of each member to access all available information in his or her field. A basic function of the university is to carry out research in an open and unrestricted manner with complete freedom to publish or otherwise disseminate the results of its search for knowledge. The requirements of secrecy and restrictions on freedom to publish, which are inherent in security classification, or the restrictions on dissemination, which derive from proprietary rights of privately sponsored research, are in direct opposition to this function.

Exercising this function does not, however, prohibit self-imposed restrictions based on the professional ethics of a particular discipline. It also does not prohibit the existence of classified information to reside on campus such as sometimes arises, for instance, in connection with consulting work. This policy is directed towards maintaining a separation between classified information and the teaching and research functions of the university.


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #122 on April 5, 2004:


Whereas current University practice does not allow a person to register for a class if there is an outstanding parking ticket even if the ticket is being contested, and

Whereas such a practice constitutes an undeclared qualification for course registration that is not stated in the catalog, and

Whereas students are being denied access to the University because of this practice, now

Therefore be it resolved that the Faculty Senate requests that the Business Office, Registrar, and Parking Services end this practice and sever all connections between parking violations and student registration.


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #122 on April 5, 2004:


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V, Committees, E. Standing) of the bylaws to establish a standing "Unit Criteria Committee."

CAPS = Additions
[[ ]] = Deletions



EFFECTIVE: Immediately

RATIONALE: Currently the Senate has an Ad Hoc committee that fulfills this responsibility. That committee is composed of members drawn from the Senate's other standing committees, with the result that members of the Unit Criteria committee are effectively pulling double duty. It is apparent that the work done by this committee will be ongoing, as each unit develops criteria and is required to renew them via the Faculty Senate every five years.


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #122 on April 5, 2004:


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve the Unit Criteria for the Science and Engineering units of CSEM. These criteria shall remain in effect in the event that there is a dissolution of CSEM until such time as the units develop criteria of their own.

EFFECTIVE: Immediately, Upon Chancellor Approval

RATIONALE: The committee assessed the unit criteria submitted by the College of Science, Engineering, and
Mathematics (CSEM). With some changes, agreed upon by the school representative, the unit criteria were found
to be consistent with 极速六合彩 guidelines.

There is a proposal to move Engineering into a new College of Engineering and Mining. These criteria will continue to
be in effect until each of the separate units develop criteria of their own.


March 8 2004


I. Purview

The 极速六合彩 document, "Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies", supplements the Board of Regents (BOR) policies and describes the purpose, conditions, eligibility, and other specifications relating to the evaluation of faculty at the 极速六合彩 (极速六合彩). Contained herein are regulations and procedures to guide the evaluation processes and to identify the bodies of review appropriate for the university.

The university, through the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate, may change or amend these regulations and procedures from time to time and will provide adequate notice in making changes and amendments.

These regulations shall apply to all of the units within the University of Alaska Fairbanks, except in so far as extant collective bargaining agreements apply otherwise.

The Provost is responsible for coordination and implementation of matters relating to procedures stated herein.

II. Initial Appointment of Faculty

A. Criteria for Initial Appointment. Minimum degree, experience and performance requirements are set forth in 极速六合彩 Faculty Policies, Chapter IV. Exceptions to these requirements for initial placement in academic rank or special academic rank positions shall be submitted to the chancellor or chancellor's designee for approval prior to a final selection decision.

B. Academic Titles. Academic titles must reflect the discipline in which the faculty are appointed and reside within a specific discipline. Units wishing to appoint academic rank faculty within schools and colleges to titles must have the concurrence of the specific discipline in which the title resides.

C. Process for Appointment of Faculty with Academic Rank. Deans of schools and Colleges, and directors when appropriate, in conjunction with the faculty in a unit shall establish procedures for advertisement, review and selection of candidates to fill any faculty positions as they become available. Such procedures shall be consistent with the University's affirmative action policies and shall provide for participation in hiring by faculty and administrators as a unit.

D. Process for Appointment of Faculty with Special Academic Rank. Deans and/or directors, in conjunction with the faculty in a unit, shall establish procedures for advertisement, review, and selection of candidates to fill any faculty positions as they become available. Such procedures shall be consistent with the University's stated affirmative action policies, and shall provide for participation in hiring by faculty and administrators in the unit. These procedures shall be on file in the Chancellor's Office.

E. Following the selection process, the dean or director shall appoint the new faculty member and advise him/her of the conditions, benefits, and obligations of the position. If the appointment is to be at the professor level, the dean/director must first obtain the concurrence of the Chancellor or his/her designee.

F. Letter of Appointment. The initial letter of appointment shall specify the nature of the assignment, the percentage emphasis that is to be placed on each of the parts of the faculty responsibility, and any special conditions relating to the appointment. This letter of appointment establishes the nature of the position and, while the percentage of emphasis for each part may vary with each workload distribution, the part(s) defining the position may not. Subsequent letters of appointment may vary the workload distribution and nature of the assignment.


A. General Criteria and Definitions
Criteria as outlined in "极速六合彩 Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies" Chapter IV AND CSEM UNIT CRITERIA, STANDARDS, AND INDICES, evaluators may consider, but shall not be limited to, whichever of the following are appropriate to the faculty members' professional obligation: mastery of subject matter; effectiveness in teaching; achievement in research, scholarly, and creative activity; effectiveness of public service; effectiveness of university service; demonstration of professional development and quality of total contribution to the university.

For purposes of evaluation at UAF, the total contribution to the university and activity in the areas outlined above will be defined by relevant activity and demonstrated competence from the following areas: 1) effectiveness in teaching; 2) achievement in scholarly activity; and 3) effectiveness of service. As used in these procedures, unless otherwise specified, the following terms shall mean:

1. "Faculty." Those persons who have accepted and hold appointment to academic rank or special academic rank.

2. "Academic Ranks." Ranks held by persons having the title of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor. These titles denote academic rank exclusively. The title of instructor may also be a title of academic rank at the discretion of the policies and procedures approved for each university; or when included in the description of membership in the relevant Article of a collective bargaining agreement. Faculty holding academic rank are eligible for promotion and tenure.

3. "Special academic ranks." Ranks held by persons having the following title and the qualification specified:

Lecturer: employed to teach full- or part-time; or titles of academic rank preceded by:

Adjunct: employed to teach on or more courses up t o15 credit hours per year, or other academic assignment at less than 50 percent of a full-time appointment;

Visiting: employed to perform the faculty functions expected of academic rank for a specific period;

Clinical: special category reserved for practitioners in the health care delivery professions.

These titles denote special academic rank exclusively. The title of instructor may also be a title for special academic rank at the discretion of the policies and procedures approved for each university; or when included in the description of membership in the relevant Article of a collective bargaining agreement.

4. "Tenure." The status of holding a faculty appointment on a continuing basis following evaluation and award according to the terms of Chapter IV and BOR Policy 04.04.04.B.

5. "Tenure track position." A tenure track position is one which may lead to consideration for appointment to tenure as described in the policies and procedures for each university. A tenure track position requires the performance of faculty function at least 50% of full-time. For exceptional case, and when in the judgment of the Chancellor the best interests of the university will be served, a faculty member may be appointed to a tenure track position at less than 100% but more than 50% of a full-time appointment.

B. Criteria for Instruction
A central function of the university is instruction of students in formal courses and supervised study. Teaching includes those activities directly related to the formal and informal transmission of appropriate skills and knowledge to students. The nature of instruction will vary for each faculty member, depending upon workload distribution and the particular teaching mission of the unit. Instruction includes actual contact in classroom, correspondence or electronic delivery methods, laboratory or field and preparatory activities, such as preparing for lectures, setting up demonstrations, and preparing for laboratory experiments, as well as individual/independent study, tutorial sessions, evaluations, correcting papers, and determining grades. Other aspects of teaching and instruction extend to undergraduate and graduate academic advising and counseling, training graduate students and serving on their graduate committees, particularly as their major advisor, curriculum development, and academic recruiting and retention activities.

1. Effectiveness in Teaching
Evidence of excellence in teaching may be demonstrated through, but not limited to, evidence of the various characteristics that define effective teachers. Effective teachers WILL DEMONSTRATE SOME, BUT NOT NECESSARILY ALL, OF THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS IN AN INDIVIDUAL YEAR:

a. are highly organized, plan carefully, use class time efficiently, have clear objectives, have high expectations for students;

b. express positive regard for students, develop good rapport with students, show interest/enthusiasm for the subject;

c. emphasize and encourage student participation, ask questions, frequently monitor student participation for student learning and teacher effectiveness, are sensitive to student diversity;

d. emphasize regular feedback to students and reward student learning success;

e. demonstrate content mastery, discuss current information and divergent points of view, relate topics to other disciplines, deliver material at the appropriate level;
f. regularly develop new courses, workshops and seminars and use a variety of methods of instructional delivery and instructional design;
g. may receive prizes and awards for excellence in teaching;

Specific Engineering criteria for teaching performance before appointment or promotion to:

Assistant Professor: Evidence of teaching ability and a commitment to a quality teaching program in the department

Associate Professor: The record must show that the material taught is contemporary and relevant and that the presentations stimulate the learning process. Evidence of the expected quality of instructional performance may include (but is not limited to) course and/or curriculum development, novel approaches to instruction, versatility in instructional assignments, effective guiding and mentoring of individual students, and effective classroom teaching performance.

Professor: Significant contributions to the instructional program are expected. These may include contributions to major improvements in course and/or curriculum offerings, ability to motivate and/or inspire students, and exemplary training of graduate students. Both faculty and students must consider the teaching performance to be high quality.

Specific Sciences criteria for teaching performance:

Assistant Professor: Evidence of teaching ability and a commitment to a quality and current teaching program in the department.

Associate Professor: The record must show that the teaching material is contemporary and relevant and that the presentations stimulate the learning process. Evidence of the expected quality of instructional performance may include (but not is limited to) course and/or curriculum development, novel approaches to instruction, versatility in instructional assignments, effective guiding and mentoring of individual students, and high quality classroom teaching performance.

Professor: Significant contributions to the instructional program are expected. These may include contributions to major improvements in course and curriculum offerings, ability to motivate or inspire students, and exemplary training of graduate students including success in graduating students. Both faculty and students must consider the teaching performance to be of high quality.

2. Components of Evaluation
Effectiveness in teaching will be evaluated through information on formal and informal teaching, course and curriculum material, recruiting and advising, training/guiding graduate students, etc., provided by:

a. systematic student ratings, i.e. student opinion of instruction summary forms,
and at least two of the following:

b. narrative self-evaluation,

c. peer/department chair classroom observations,

d. peer/department chair evaluation of course materials.

C. Criteria for Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity
Inquiry and originality are central functions of a land grant/sea grant/space grant university and all faculty with a research component in their assignment must remain active as scholars. Consequently, faculty are expected to conduct research or engage in other scholarly or creative pursuits that are appropriate to the mission of their unit, and equally important, results of their work must be disseminated through media appropriate to their discipline. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize the distinction between routine production and creative excellence as evaluated by an individual's peers at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and elsewhere.

1. Achievement in Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity
Whatever the contribution, research, scholarly or creative activities must have one or more the following characteristics:

a. They must occur in a public forum,

b. They must be evaluated by appropriate peers,

c. They must be evaluated by peers external to this institution so as to allow an objective judgment,

d. They must be judged to make a contribution.

2. Components of Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity
Evidence of excellence in research, scholarly, and creative activity may be demonstrated through, but not limited to:

a. Books, reviews, monographs, bulletins, articles, proceedings, and other scholarly works published by reputable journals, scholarly presses, and publishing houses that accept works only after rigorous review and approval by peers in the discipline.

b. Competitive grants and contracts to finance the development of ideas; these grants and contracts being subject to rigorous peer review and approval;

c. Presentation of research papers before learned societies that accept papers only after rigorous review and approval by peers;

d. Exhibitions of art works at galleries; selection for these exhibitions being based on rigorous review and approval by juries, recognized artists, or critics;

e. Performance in recitals or productions; selection for these performances being based on stringent auditions and approval by appropriate judges;

f. Editing or refereeing articles or proposals for professional journals or organizations;

g. Scholarly reviews of publications, art works and performance of the candidate;

h. Citations of research in scholarly publications;

i. Published abstracts of research papers;

j. Reprints or quotations of publications, reproductions of art works, and descriptions of interpretations in the performing arts; these materials appearing in reputable works of the discipline;

k. Prizes and awards for excellence of scholarship;

l. Awards of special fellowships for research or artistic activities or selection of tours of duty at special institutes for advanced study;

m. Development of processes or instruments useful in solving problems, such as computer programs, SOPHISTICATED COMPUTER MODELS THAT HELP IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS, and systems for the processing of data, genetic plant and animal material, and where appropriate, obtaining patents and/or copyrights for said development.

Specific criteria for Engineering research performance before promotion or appointment to:

Assistant Professor: Evidence of the ability to establish a viable research program in the area of specialization, normally a sub discipline of engineering (with the option of research in engineering education in certain circumstances).

Associate Professor: Must have established an appropriate research program which produces significant publication in refereed professional journals and presentation of research results at professional meetings. The submission of research proposals, and acquisition of external research funding, the completion of contract research reports, and publication in conference proceedings constitute supplementary evidence that the research program is of high quality. The faculty member may show independence and leadership by the creation of research ideas that translate into projects which involve students.

Professor: The research program should have produced several publications in the refereed professional literature, and there should be a record of student involvement. The publications should be of sufficient quality and quantity to demonstrate the existence of an on-going, professional independent research program. A national or international reputation (as demonstrated by professional activities or presentations at meetings but especially by citations of publications and/or documented opinions of other engineers and scientists in the field) is expected. There should be a record of successful completion of graduate work by his or her students.

Specific Criteria for Science research performance:

Assistant Professor: Evidence of the ability to establish a viable research program in the area of specialization, normally a sub-discipline of the natural sciences (with the option of research in science education).

Associate Professor: Must have established an appropriate research program that produces significant publications in refereed professional journals. Presentation of research results at professional meetings, the submission of research proposals, and the acquisition of external research funding constitute supplementary evidence that the research is of high quality. The faculty member should show independence and leadership by the creation of research ideas that translate into projects that involve both graduate and undergraduate students.

Professor: The research program should have produced a sufficient number of publications in the refereed professional literature, and there should be a record of student involvement including successful mentoring of Ph.D. students. The publications should be of sufficient quality and quantity to demonstrate the existence of an on-going, professional, independent research program. An international reputation (as demonstrated by professional activities or presentations at meetings and by citations of publications or documented opinions of other scientists in the field) is expected.

D. Criteria for Public and University Service and PROFESSIONAL SERVICE
Public service is intrinsic to the land grant/sea grant/space grant tradition, and is a fundamental part of the university's obligation to the people of its state. In this tradition, faculty providing their professional expertise for the benefit of the university's external constituency, free of charge, is identified as "public service." The tradition of the university itself provides that its faculty assume a collegial obligation for the internal functioning of the institution; such service is identified as "university service".

1. Public Service
Public service is the application of teaching, research, and other scholarly activity and creative activity to constituencies outside the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It includes all activities which extend the faculty member's professional, academic, or leadership competence to these constituencies. It can be instructional, collaborative, or consultative in nature and is related to the faculty member's discipline or other publicly recognized expertise. Public service may be a systematic activity that involves planning with clientele and delivery of information on a continuing, programmatic basis. It may also be informal, individual, or professional contributions to the community or to one's discipline, or other activities in furtherance of the goals and mission of the university and its units. Such service may occur on a periodic or limited-term basis.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

a. Providing information services to adults and youth;

b. Service on or to government or public committees;

c. Service on accrediting bodies;

d. Active participation in professional organizations;

e. Active participation in discipline-oriented service organizations;


g. Prizes and awards for excellence in public service;

h. Leadership of or presentations at workshops, conferences, or public meetings;

i. Training and facilitating

j. Radio and TV programs AND INTERVIEWS, newspaper articles and columns, publications, newsletters, films, computer applications, teleconferences and other educational media;

k. Judging and similar educational assistance at science fairs, state fairs, and speech, drama, literary, and similar competitions;

2. University Service
University service includes those activities involving faculty members in the governance, administration, and other internal affairs of the university, its colleges, schools, and institutes. It includes non-instructional work with students and their organizations. Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to;

a. Service on university, college, school, institute, or departmental committees or governing bodies;

b. Consultative work in support of university functions, such as expert assistance for specific projects;

c. Service as department chair or term-limited and part-time assignment as assistant/associate dean in a college/school;

d. Participation in accrediting reviews;

e. Service on collective bargaining unit committees or elected office;

f. Service in support of student organizations and activities;

g. Academic support services such as library and museum programs;

h. Assisting other faculty or units with curriculum planning and delivery of instruction, such as serving as guest lecturer;

i. Mentoring new faculty;

j. Prizes and awards for excellence in university service.







4. Evaluation of Service
Each faculty member's proportionate responsibility in service shall be reflected in annual workload agreements. In formulating criteria, standards and indices for evaluation, promotion, and tenure, individual units should include examples of service activities and measures for evaluation appropriate for that unit. Excellence in public, university, and PROFESSIONAL service may be demonstrated through, e.g., appropriate letters of commendation, recommendation, and/or appreciation, certificates and awards, and other public means of recognition for services rendered.

Specific Engineering criteria for service performance before appointment or promotion to:

Assistant Professor: None in addition to 极速六合彩 criteria

Associate Professor: Positive contributions to departmental and/or university matters, effective professional contributions to the public, and/or effective services to the profession are expected.

Professor: Evidence of leadership in the service area is mandatory. Significant contributions to the development of departmental and/or university programs including committee leadership or 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate service and associated committees are expected. Effective application of service is professional expertise provided to professional or public organizations as in engineering society leadership including reviewing proposals, refereeing manuscripts, and editing for professional organizations or publications.

Examples of service activities appropriate for faculty in engineering include (but are not limited to):

Specific Sciences criteria for science service performance:

Assistant Professor: None in addition to 极速六合彩 criteria.

Associate Professor: Positive contribution to departmental and/or university matters, effective professional contributions to the public, and/or effective service to the profession are expected.

Professor: Evidence of leadership in the service area is mandatory. Significant contributions to the development of departmental and/or university programs are expected, including service to the general public and Alaska teachers.

Measures of effectiveness of performance include (but are not limited to):

E. Curation
Curators at the University of Alaska Museum (UAM) can hold a tenure-track faculty position. Rank and tenure are held within departments at UAF, and Curators are thus treated as joint appointments between a department and UAM. As is the case for all tenure-track faculty at CSEM, Curator's performances are evaluated on the basis of their activities in teaching, research and service.

1. Curation involves the management and development of a formally recognized University collection that exists to serve as a research resource for students and researchers at university, state, national, and international levels. Examples of curatorial activities include, but are not limited to:

a. maintaining, enhancing, and enlarging the collection (includes computerization and database development, archival upgrades, specimen conservation and identification, and adding specimens or objects to existing collection);

b. interacting with state and federal agencies and with the public on collections-related issues;

c. facilitating collections use through loans, exchanges, and visiting researchers;

d. maintaining appropriate permits (as needed for the collections);

e. supervising collections managers, student employees, and volunteers;

f. working with public program staff to create exhibits and educational activities appropriate to the collection;

g. pursuing funding for collections growth and maintenance;

h. producing curatorial or collections-related publications, reports, and/or manuals;

i. ensuring university compliance with state and federal laws that pertain to the collection.

2. Specific criteria for curatorial performance:

Assistant Professor and Curator
Evidence of curatorial ability and a commitment to developing and managing research collections relevant to the area of specialization includes the following:

a. Curators will develop the collections as a permanent record of the natural and/or cultural diversity of Alaska and the Circumpolar North and as a research resource for studies of biological and/or cultural diversity.

b. Collections care includes responsibility for the physical condition and storage of objects/specimens, corresponding documentation, budgetary management, and annual reports.

1. Curators will preserve the specimens, artifacts, objects, and material under their purview through the use of methods and techniques professionally accepted within their respective disciplines.

2. Curators will ensure that all records and field notes concerning collection materials are maintained in a secure fashion and meet or exceed documentation standards for their respective discipline.

3. Curators will maintain current accession files, deaccession files, and catalogues of objects in their collections. They will develop electronic databases with computer data formats that follow data standards of the respective discipline and UAM.

4. Curators will develop, maintain, and revise written policies and procedures for caution of objects or specimens in their collections.

c. Curators will take part in interpretive activities of the Museum in order to fulfill the Museum's mission to interpret the natural and cultural history of Alaska. In this regard, preparation of small exhibit is approximately the equivalents of publication of a professional article; project direction of a large complex exhibit that includes preparation of a serious catalogue is approximately the equivalent of publication of a scholarly book.

d. Curators will actively prepare grant applications for external support for their curatorial activities and collection-based research.

Associate Professor and Curator
Consistent contributions to interpretive (education and exhibition) activities of the Museum, response to collection-related inquiries (from other professionals, the public and state agencies) and/or development of interpretive materials for the public-at-large are expected. Use of the collections for teaching and/or research must be evident. Active solicitation for external funds to support curatorial activities and collection-based research must be evident.

Professor and Curator
Significant development of the collections under the Curator's care is expected. This development includes sustained growth of the collections as research resources and as a means of fulfilling the Museum's mission of acquiring, preserving in perpetuity, investigating, and interpreting objects and specimens relating to the natural and or cultural history of Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Significance of collections will be measured in terms of research significance, value to University of Alaska research and instructional programs, and value to national and international research programs. The Curator should be a recognized authority in his/her field, locally and nationally. They must have a record of success in acquiring external funds for their curatorial activities and collection-based research.

3. Evaluation of Curation
A committee composed of the tenured curators at the museum will provide an evaluation to the unit peer committee. In formulating criteria, standards and indices for evaluation, promotion, and tenure, the Museum should include examples of curatorial activities and measures for evaluation appropriate for that unit. Excellence in curation may be demonstrated through, e.g., appropriate letter of commendation, recommendation, and/or appreciation, certificates and awards, and other public means of recognition for services rendered.

The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #122 on April 5, 2004:


WHEREAS, The 极速六合彩 rifle team won its sixth consecutive NCAA Rifle Championship title in March,

WHEREAS, freshman Matt Rawlings was named a Co-Shooter of the NCAA Championship, and

WHEREAS, Matt Rawlings captured the individual smallbore championship and finished second in air rifle; Joe Hein was second in smallbore and fifth in individual air rifle; Jamie Beyerle took third in both smallbore and air rifle; and Karl Olsson posted a sixth place finish in smallbore, and

WHEREAS, four members of the Nanook rifle team earned National Rifle Association All-American status--Matt Rawlings and Joe Hein were named first-team All-American by the National Rifle Association in both smallbore and air rifle; Karl Olson was named first-team All-American in the smallbore division and second-team honoree in air rifle; and Matthew Wallace was named first-team All-American in smallbore, now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate congratulates the 2003-2004 极速六合彩 rifle team as NCAA champion and commends the team's superior performance.