
I The meeting was called to order by President Duffy at 1:38 p.m. A. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bandopadhyay, S. Amason, A. Bristow, W. Box, Mark Bruder, J. Garza, D. Butcher, B. Kramer, Don Curda, L. Mammoon, T. Davis, Mike Murray, Maribeth Duffy, L. McRoy, Peter Eicken, H. Rybkin, Alexei Gardner, J. Swazo, N. Hartman, C. Illingworth, R. Lin, Chuen-Sen OTHERS PRESENT: Lincoln, Tamara Brown, J. Lindahl, M. Charles, G. Mason, J. Ducharme, J. Mortensen, B. Fast, P. McLean-Nelson, D. Gatterdam, R. Robinson, T. Gregory, G. Rosenberg, J. Layral, S. Roth, Mitch Lind, M. Shepherd, J. Martin, W. Weber, J. Reichardt, P. Wiens, J. Trabant, T. Zilberkant, E. NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: Banks, S. (Joe Hardenbrook) - AS¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Collins, J. - Dean, SOM Graduate Student, GSO Leipzig, J. - Dean, CLA Culbertson, S. - President, ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²ÊSC Tremarello, A - University Registrar B. The minutes to Meeting #96 (September 25, 2000) were approved as distributed via e-mail. C. The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail. II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to approve an Appeals Policy for Academic Decisions. 2. Motion to amend the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies & Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty B. Motions Pending: none III A. Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind - Chancellor Lind indicated that UAF is moving forward with the Strategic Plan 2005. Comments have been received and are welcome. A second draft will be available soon for comments. We hope to have this project done by early December. The Board of Regents will be meeting in Fairbanks November 17-18, 2000. Chancellor Lind encourages all faculty to attend. The biggest agenda item is the FY03 budget, both the operating and capital. The University as a system will be asking for $16.8 million. Two weeks ago the Chamber of Commerce held a forum for legislative candidates from this area and asked if they support the Regents' request for the budget. All responded yes. When asked if they support the $8 million to complete the museum, they responded yes. In terms of the capital project, we want to get the museum finished. Other projects that needs to be done are the Fisheries facility in Juneau and the Bristol Bay campus expansion in Dillingham. In addition, we are asking for planning money for a research laboratory facility on the Fairbanks campus. Another item for discussion is money to fix up the state courthouse building. We would like to acquire a new home for the Tanana Valley Campus. We are giving serious thought to that facility. That will be part of the request for the Board of Regents' budget. The Board will also hear a number of reports on vocational education programs around the state, hear an annual report of educational effectiveness and approve tuition rates for 2002. Hopefully they will give formal approval to the request for an EMS certificate. The Board of Regents will be looking at three naming proposals for this campus--Wood Center Ballroom (Carol Brown), the new entrance to campus (Thompson Drive), and the Health and Safety Building (Wittaker). Chancellor Lind indicated that a number of administrators will have the opportunity to go through a process called a financial review. This is a chance to look at a document regarding the financial activities of the university this past fiscal year. The legislature asked the university to provide a number of items for them called missions and measures. That data will be part of the report that will be presented to statewide. Chancellor Lind commented on the Crossroads activity held on Saturday. This has been an ongoing event for a number of year, started by William R. and Dorothy Jean Wood. It is an effort to raise a scholarship for ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê students in the creative and performing arts. He was pleased with the community turnout and support. Larry Duffy asked about the Board of Regents' resolution against the Tax Cap Initiative. Chancellor Lind indicated that the Board came out with the resolution because of their concern for what it will mean for education at all levels. It will have a devastating impact on K-12 education. The University has a number of partnership with communities which may be threatened. When we recruit faculty and staff, they are concerned about the quality of life. We no longer have the best package for benefits and salary. We have to be able to offer some things in terms of quality of life. It is a serious measure and Chancellor Lind encouraged all to get out and vote. B. Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt - Provost Reichardt gave an update on the planning process. We are actually using this plan. At this point we are asking faculty for ideas. The response has been great with over 70 ideas submitted. The challenge now is to use those ideas, plus what we know about ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and the environment we find ourselves in to construct an academic plan. That will influence what we do. Provost Reichardt will send a memo to faculty to look at the 70+ ideas and begin the process of identifying a handful of areas to focus on over the next five years. The Deans and Directors have held a brainstorming session on this. What we need to do now is have a creative discussion on these ideas. That process will be taking place over the next month. As part of that process he has scheduled a Provost Open Forum on November 14, from 1:00- 2:00 in the Natural Science lecture hall (201 NSF). On December 6th the Deans/Directors will have a retreat to look at the plan. As faculty members and particularly as Senate leaders, Reichardt encouraged the senate members to look at the 70 ideas. They can be accessed from the Provost's web page. Clearly academic planning is tied to the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê 2005 Strategic Plan. The Senate might consider devoting part of the next Senate meeting to a discussion of the debate at that point. Provost Reichardt has scheduled on November 9th a Department Chair workshop. It will be a three hour workshop and will be offered once in the morning and then repeated in the afternoon. Audioconferencing will be available to the rural campuses. Provost Reichardt recently spent the weekend at the University of Northern British Columbia, meeting with the Chancellors and Provosts from UNBC, ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê, UAS, and Yukon College (Whitehorse). They talked about a number of common interests. One item than came out was an agreement that UNBC, ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê, and UAS will take a look at taking a consortium approach to deliver over the entire region the Masters in Public Administration (UAS), Masters in Community Health (UNBC), and the Masters in Rural Development (¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê). This will be a challenging and interesting to look at over the next several years. Martha Steward will be here in November. This is a great opportunity for faculty to meeting with her and how to deal with federal agencies. ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê is entering a critical and important time on the accreditation self-study. Reichardt encouraged all faculty to keep tab on it and keep everyone on task as we move forward. Linda Curda asked how current programs and issues fit into the new academic plan. Provost Reichardt indicated that we currently have a mission statement and a working strategic plan. Some of the 70+ ideas present themes of where we ought to be going in our academic plans. There is still plenty of time left to submit ideas. Jim Gardner asked about the proposal process and the need to understand how a proposal should be formulated. The FY02 budget request for Teacher Preparation was formulated by a statewide group. It included Ed Leadership, Special Education, and funds for all three campuses for the post-baccalaureate program to prepare both elementary and secondary teachers. Outside the University was a movement led by the superintendents and principals from rural districts who said this idea of 5th year preparation of teachers was not meeting their needs. It became clear to key people within the university system that we need to backtrack on our commitment for a 5 year program as the only route to teacher preparation. President Hamilton told the three education schools there should be common elements of an on-campus program and there should be a distance delivered version. That put the teacher education initiative for the FY02 request on a different timetable and process. At this point ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and UAS have clarified their approach to teacher certification. UAA is in the final stages. Provost Reichardt characterized the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê proposal as a combination of the BAS and the 5th year program for elementary teacher preparation. It has the broad arts and sciences background and has a pedagogical piece that is dependent upon a year long internship. John Bruder asked about the timeline for implementation of a statewide program. Provost Reichardt indicated that UAF and UAS took very similar approaches. They were able to come up with a baccalaureate program that has approximately 125 credits. They are similar enough that they would be interchangeable. UAA has chosen to taken a different approach. They want to see the teaching methods modeled by their university instructors. This will mean integrating content and pedagogy. This will take longer to come up with the courses necessary to deliver a program. How long it will take to get a statewide program ready for delivery will depend on whether ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and UAS move it forward and try to include accommodation for UAA. Linda Curda commented on the transferability of course work taken across MAU. Provost Reichardt indicated that transferability would probably be done by a block method. C. Accreditation Report - Ron Gatterdam Ron Gatterdam indicated that the study we are doing is more than just an accreditation self-study, it is an analysis and critique of ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê that will be used for a few years as a major resource in the planning process. Gatterdam joined the accreditation effort in August. Each department and college/school have turned in notebooks. Dana Thomas and Ron Gatterdam have been reading all the notebooks. Feedback has been given to the deans of the various college/schools. There is a wide range in the quality of the notebooks. One of the things the accrediting body says about these notebooks is that they should represent an intellectual effort. The notebooks will not be edited, however, they will be returned to college/schools for final drafts which will be due February 15th. In addition, they will be asking each academic department to provide a one page summary. The other area that has been worked on is the actual document itself. They are trying to keep it under 300 pages. It will includes nine sections which are called standards. Working groups on these nine standards have submitted first drafts. They are pretty rough. They will be working on these first drafts and will return them to the working groups for additional work in December. A goal is to have up on the web by February 15th a first draft that everyone can read. It will be under the Provost�s web page. Ron Gatterdam would like serious input from the Senate. There are nine standards. The first two standards should interest the Senate the most. Standard One includes institutional priority and planning. Standard Two deals with academics. Standard 3-9 deal with a variety of things: faculty, governance, budget, library, and institutional integrity. We would like the Senate to devote part of the March meeting to discuss Standards 3-9. They want very serious feedback. At the April meeting they would like to discuss Standards 1 and 2. The second thing he would like the Senate to do is give them a half dozen things ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê should focus on in the next 2-5 years. In addition to the items, it would be good to know the faculty or senate role. Dana Thomas and Ron Gatterdam will be addressing the student government and Staff Council for similar feedback. IV Governance Reports A. AS¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê - S. Banks (Joe Hardenbrook) Joe Hardenbrook attended for AS¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê. Absentee voting booth will be set up in Wood Center on November 6 & 7th. Anyone registered to vote in the state can vote during that time. Candidate forums are set for November 1st. It will include a debate for Senate Seat O and House District 29. Elections for Student Government representatives, nominees for Student Regent, and student commissioner for the Commission on Post-Secondary Education will be coming up in November. Dana Thomas came to speak to AS¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê a couple of weeks ago. They will be appointing students to all 9 standard working groups. Jonathan Rosenberg asked how faculty can assist in getting students to vote. Hardenbrook suggested that faculty mention the absentee voting booth to all students. B. Staff Council - S. Culbertson Scott Culbertson was unable to attend but provided the following comments in the form of a handout. Dana Thomas and Ron Gatterdam are the guest speakers at the November 8 Staff Council meeting. Staff involvement in the accreditation process is the topic. Elections are underway for odd numbered units. Encourage staff in your area to get involved and make a difference. As a result of the Fall 2000 Staff Council Survey, the following issues are of concern to employees: red lining, under-paid if compared to other groups, cost of living increase, and geographic differentials. Staff Council passed an Executive Summary on October 13 on staff compensation that will impact and address each of these concerns. This document has gone to the statewide governance group, Staff Alliance for approval. Staff Council will continue to monitor this project. The entire UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA STAFF COMPENSATION SITUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT text available on /uafgov/www/comp.html Staff Council recently wrapped up their annual fund raiser for the Carolyn Sampson Memorial Scholarship. Staff Council raised $2,490 from the raffle. This does not include the generous $1,000 donation from the Fairbanks Pool Association and $200 from the Borealis Chapter #2 OES. Staff Council established this scholarship to provide new career paths or retraining to applicants wishing to re-enter the job market or whose work activity may be threatened by economic, health or other factors. Proceeds from the raffle will increase the scholarship principal to over $51,000 and it continues to grow! A $1,500 scholarship was offered to Denise Williamee for the 2000-01 academic year. Dale Seay from Statewide Human Resources is the guest speaker at the December 8 Staff Council meeting. The topic is the reclassification process. The 2001 Staff Council calendar will be available at the December 8 Staff Council meeting. C. President's Comments - L. Duffy President's comments were attached to the agenda. On a statewide level, initiative working groups established last year will be looking at criteria and evaluate proposals. This initiative process is a planning process. We are back into the planning and budget process. It is part of our duties as faculty members to be involved. At the Faculty Alliance retreat, a lot of discussion was on the initiative process. The President strongly supports faculty development but it is a campus function. It is Dr. Duffy's point of view that, within this academic plan, if we think faculty development is important, then we add it as one of our priorities and allocate the necessary resources. The Bachelor's degree in Education was also a topic of discussion at the retreat. ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and UAS education faculty are looking for solutions to deliver a statewide elementary education teachers program. Please have your faculty read the accreditation notebooks. D. President-Elect's Comments - N. Swazo A report attached to the agenda. V. Consent Agenda A. Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws, submitted by Core Review The motion passed with the adoption of the agenda. MOTION: ====== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws, as follows: CAPS - Addition [[ ]] - Deletion PERMANENT 7. The Core Review Committee reviews and approves courses submitted by the appropriate school/college curriculum councils for their inclusion in the core curriculum at UAF. The Core Review Committee coordinates and recommends changes to the core curriculum, develops the process for assessment of the core curriculum, regularly reports on assessment of the core curriculum, monitors transfer guidelines for core courses, acts on petitions for core credit, and evaluates guidelines in light of the total core experience. This committee will also review courses for oral, written, and natural science core classification. The committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each of the core component areas: (Social Sciences, English, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, [[and]] Communication, AND LIBRARY SCIENCE) and one faculty member from a non-core component area. Membership on the committee will include an undergraduate student. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Library Science is a Core component area and should have full voting membership. *** VI New Business A. Motion to approve the M.A. In Cross-Cultural Studies, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Jim Gardner introduced the motion to create a new degree program in Cross-Cultural Studies. This is linked to the next motion deleting the Ed.S. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to approve the M.A. degree program in Cross-Cultural Studies. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or Upon Board of Regents' Approval RATIONALE: See full program proposal on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall. Executive Summary MA, Cross-Cultural Studies The intent of this request is to convert the current Ed.S. in Cross- Cultural Education to an M.A. In Cross-Cultural Studies, to be administered through the Department of Alaska Native Studies and the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies, College of Liberal Arts, ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê. This will serve to broaden the applicability and appeal of the degree/coursework currently available for graduate students under the Education Specialist degree to fields beyond education that also involve cross-cultural issues and utilize indigenous knowledge systems (e.g., ecological studies, natural resources, health care, community development, social services, justice, Native studies, etc.). The M.A. degree is also designed to incorporate and contribute to newly emerging bodies of scholarship that have much to offer in addressing critical needs of the state, and it will continue to be available to students by distance education, in combination with intensive seminars and summer courses on campus. These program changes will help to improve the quality and availability of services and provide for more efficient utilization of existing resources as current faculty contribute to the instructional and research functions associate with the reconstituted program. No additional faculty resources are required, since instructional/advising responsibilities previously associate with the Ed.S. program will be shifted to the M.A. program. In addition, the revised program draws on several existing courses and will continue to utilize the established distance education course delivery system. Graduate students in education who have already completed an M.Ed. degree but wish to pursue advanced work in "cross-cultural studies" will still be able to do so, but as a second master's degree, rather than at the post- masters level. Objective 1 - To extend graduate opportunities in cross-cultural studies to students outside Fairbanks and beyond the field of education, including people working in ecological sciences, natural resources management, health care, community development, social services, justice and Native Studies. Objective 2 - To provide research and advanced study opportunities in comparative knowledge systems, world views and ways of knowing. Objective 3 - To increase cross-cultural understanding through the dissemination of student/faculty research and cultural documentation. B. Motion to delete the Ed.S. degree, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee The motion passed with no discussion and no objections. Larry Duffy indicated that these items will move through the process and up to the Board of Regents for their approval. MOTION ====== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to delete the Ed.S. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or Upon Board of Regents' Approval RATIONALE: See full program proposal on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall. Executive Summary Education Specialist, Cross-Cultural Studies This request for the deletion of the Ed.S. degree reflects the reconstruction of the current Ed.S. in Cross-Cultural Education into an M.A. in Cross-Cultural Studies to broaden it applicability and appeal for graduate students in a greater variety of fields involving cross- cultural issues and indigenous knowledge systems, and to incorporate newly emerging bodies of scholarship that have much to contribute in addressing critical needs of the state. The Ed.S. has been a stand-alone degree within the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê School of Education since the mid-1960s. It was initially created to provide a post-masters degree program for the preparation of school superintendents and was later expanded to include advanced study in the areas of cross-cultural education. Due to staffing reductions in the School of Education, the superintendents program was suspended in 1985, and then discontinued altogether at UAF when the responsibility for preparing school administrators was shifted to UAA in 1998. In the meantime, the Center for Cross-Cultural Studies (which had responsibility for the Ed.S. program in cross-cultural studies under SOE) was retained in the College of Liberal Arts when the School of Education was administratively shifted to the Graduate School in 1998, so this proposal is, in part, intended to bring the degree program in line with the academic unit under which it is to be administered. The impact of the proposed revision on student enrollment will be relatively minor, as only five students have completed the Ed.S. since 1990, and there are no active students enrolled in the program at the present time. Graduate students in education who have already completed an M.Ed. degree but wish to pursue advance work in "cross-cultural studies" will still be able to do so, but as a second master's degree or an interdisciplinary Ph.D., rather than at the post-masters level. C. Motion to adopt the "Guidelines for the Evaluation Process for Administrators", submitted by the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee Larry Duffy indicated that this was brought forward at the last Senate meeting for discussion. Mitch Roth introduced the motion and indicated that the committee met with Provost Reichardt and discussed his concerns about the legality of some of the wording. Changes were made and the Provost seemed satisfied. The remaining question the committee will be discussing is the need to add the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services to the list of administrators to be evaluated as he has contact with both faculty and staff. This motion deals only with the guidelines and not the list. Debi McLean-Nelson asked how the sample of faculty under paragraph #3 will be selected. Larry Duffy indicated that in the past questionnaires were sent to everyone in the unit and then the committee randomly picked people to provide more in-depth comments. Mitch Roth indicated that faculty will be selected from the unit. Ron Illingworth indicated that input from relevant constituencies would be done under paragraph #1 and additional relevant information gathered under paragraph #3. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate recommends that the "Guidelines for the Evaluation Process for Administrators" formulated by the Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee be adopted for use by committees assigned the task of reviewing administrators. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Each time an administrator is evaluated the committee assigned the task spends half their time developing a process for evaluation. This would save the committee time and also inform the administrators of the process prior to their evaluation. **** GUIDELINES FOR THE EVALUATION PROCESS FOR ADMINISTRATORS 1. Within the first three weeks of the Fall Semester the Supervisor of the Administrator to be reviewed will appoint an Ad Hoc Administrator Review Committee consisting of three tenured faculty members and two staff members from the Administrator's unit. In the case of evaluation of the Dean of the Graduate School, the Provost will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of one faculty drawn from the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate's Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee, two graduate program department chairs, two Deans/Directors, and a student representative from the Graduate Student Organization. In the case of evaluation of the Dean of Students, the Provost will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of one faculty member from the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate's Curricular Affairs Committee and one faculty member from the Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee, two Deans/Directors, and one student representative from AS¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and one student from the Graduate Student Organization. Additionally, two members of the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee shall serve in an ex officio capacity as representatives of the Faculty Senate. The Ad Hoc Committee will solicit input from all relevant constituencies on- and off-campus, including faculty, staff, and students. This may be accomplished through various instruments, e.g., a standard questionnaire completed anonymously and returned to the Committee Chair. 2. The Administrator to be evaluated will prepare a narrative self-evaluation of activities performed during the three year period (academic years) prior to the year of evaluation or since the last evaluation. This narrative should include reflections about how adequately s/he has fulfilled responsibilities of leadership consistent with his/her own performance expectations and those of faculty, staff, and students in the unit. Major or otherwise significant accomplishments should be highlighted. Any issues raised in the last evaluation should be referenced with a view to what progress has been made on those items. Finally, the self-evaluation should identify a limited set of reasonable goals for the unit over the next three years, with some discussion about specific strategies that may be undertaken through his/her administrative leadership. 3. The Ad Hoc Committee will interview a select sample of faculty, staff, students and others as relevant for further evaluative comments about the Administrator's performance. 4. The Ad Hoc Committee will interview the Administrator either in person or by conference call. The interview shall proceed on the basis of a selected set of questions which reference the Administrator's self-evaluation, the results of returned questionnaires, and the interviews of faculty, staff, and students. 5. The Ad Hoc Committee will prepare an evaluative summary, and submit its report to the Provost (in the case of evaluation of Deans and Directors) or to the Chancellor (in the case of evaluation of the Provost). The Ad Hoc Committee shall work as expeditiously as possible in completing its report and submit it to the Provost or Chancellor by March 15 of the Spring Semester. The report shall be submitted also to the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate's Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee for review. (a) At a date to be set by the Provost, the Provost shall meet in joint conference with the Ad Hoc Committee and the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee for final review, recommendations, and disposition of the Administrator�s evaluation. An evaluative summary of the Ad Hoc Committee's report will be made available to the faculty and staff of the Administrator's unit upon written request to the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor of the administrator will then provide his/her formal evaluation taking into account the Ad Hoc Committee's report. (b) At a date to be set by the Chancellor, the Provost and the Chancellor shall meet to discuss the Ad Hoc Committee�s evaluation of the Provost. During this meeting the Chancellor and Provost shall identify performance priorities for the next review period. The Chancellor shall meet in joint conference with the Ad Hoc Committee and the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate's Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee to summarize his evaluation. The Chancellor shall prepare an executive summary of the Provost's evaluation to be made available to the University community upon written request to the Office of the Chancellor. **** D. Resolution to support the use of a student satisfaction survey, submitted by Administrative Committee Larry Duffy spoke about the need for the university to get information from students and staff to make decisions. The problems with past surveys was the low return. It was recommended that the survey be given in class. The Faculty Alliance felt that the class time to conduct the survey was not appropriate. Dean Carla Kirts addressed the Administrative Committee and proposed a compromise of distributing the survey in the classroom and allowing students to return it the following class period. The goal is to get a better return and obtain a broader view of the student perception. Joe Mason asked that these surveys be rural friendly, the current SOI instrument is not rural friendly. Jonathan Rosenberg asked about the instrument itself. Wanda Martin spoke about the instrument and what can be added. After reviewing the survey during the break, the resolution passed without objection. RESOLUTION ========= Whereas, in recent years there has been a movement nationwide as well as within the Alaska legislature to evaluate higher education using the market driven approach of consumer satisfaction. Whereas, a relationship has been shown to exist between a student�s persistence and his or her expectations being met. Whereas, unmet expectations and low satisfaction appear to be the key factor in the attrition of students in good standing from institutions of higher learning. Whereas, it is a priority to attract and retain Alaskan students in the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and keeping students satisfied while meeting their expectations, now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate supports the use of the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory which will examine the student expectations at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Specifically, it will examine what is satisfying and important to ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê students, compare student ratings to national benchmark data and check student perceptions against those of faculty and staff, and Be It Further Resolved, That the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate encourages faculty whose classes are randomly selected to allow time to hand out the survey and to encourage students to return it at the next class period. E. Motion to accept "The Baccalaureate Experience: Core Curriculum Requirements" as updated by the Core Review Committee Jin Brown introduced the motion. The Core Review committee has been working since last spring to update the philosophy of the Core. This is not an attempt to change the Core Curriculum. They have worked very hard to update this statement without changing the spirit or the sense of the Core Curriculum. The committee is working on establishing a Core web site and would like the document to be available for students and new faculty to see what we are doing. Hajo Eicken asked to whom the document is directed. If this is directed to students it should be more down to earth. Larry Duffy also felt it should be something that college students can read. Linda Curda found it very hard to read. She recommended that the motion be sent back to committee for a rewrite of the philosophy to make it more readable. Dean John Leipzig gave a brief historical background of the Core. Jonathan Rosenberg suggested that an executive summary be added to the document. Ann Tremarello indicated there is a very short and succinct description of the Core in the catalog. The motion to send it back to committee passed with no objections. MOTION ====== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to send the motion on "The Baccalaureate Experience" back to committee. EFFECTIVE: Immediately MOTION REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE ============================== The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to accept "The Baccalaureate Experience: Core Curriculum Requirements" as updated by the Core Review Committee. EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: The Core Curriculum requirements were approved by the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate in April 1990 and this document was printed and distributed in August 1990. Since then the Senate has approved numerous changes and additions to the guidelines. This document includes all the changes and an updated philosophy statement. VII Public Comments/Questions Tanya Trabant, Career Counselor/Recruitment Coordinator, from Career Services spoke about the on campus recruiting program. This program is taking off this year because of the job marker. So many companies are in a seeker mode. They are more than actively seeking ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê students and alumni. Everyone agrees that to make an on campus recruiting program work, faculty are absolutely the fundamental key. The year we got a number of different department involved in Engineering and Computer Science week. Instead of having six employers and 20 students involved, we have 16 employers come to the event and had about 85 students involved. Faculty involvement is what makes that happen. Ways that faculty have been involved in the past include class announcements, taking with advisees, sending out information to department list serves, and posting notices on departmental bulletin boards. Recruitment information is also posted on Show News and on their web site. Larry Duffy asked how the office interacts with students on rural campuses. Tanya indicated that it is currently an on campus program. They do mail things out on the larger events such as the Visitor & Industry Job Fair and the Career Expo, so they can submit materials. VIII Committee Reports A. Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy A report was attached to the agenda. B. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner A report was attached to the agenda. C. Core Review - J. Brown A report was attached to the agenda. D. Curriculum Review - S. Bandopadhyay No report was available. E. Developmental Studies - J. Weber No report was available. F. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu A report was attached to the agenda. G. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement - T. Robinson A report was attached to the agenda. H. Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth A report was attached to the agenda. IX Discussion Items A. Curricular Affairs Committee report on Prerequisites Ron Illingworth spoke about the current prerequisites listed in the catalog and the need to update them and distinguish what is recommended and what is required. The committee would like to have the prerequisites reviewed to insure that they are accurate and complete. The other aspect of prerequisites is the monitoring or insuring that students in classes have completed the prerequisites prior to enrollment. Department can expect to see a list of their courses to be reviewed. The area that needs more discussion is in the management of the student's preparation for classes. Ann Tremarello indicated there is a problem with checking prerequisites on line. Seventy-five percent of ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê students do not have their records on the system. If the prerequisite switch is turn on in Banner, students must have the exact prerequisite or they will be denied registration. This means that all prerequisites must be written very specifically. No broad requirements such as "any lower division History course" can be used. The alternative is to use the prerequisite checking as an advisory document to faculty. What can be done is a listing, by course, of the students and if they have the prerequisite. This list would be distributed at the first day of class. X Members' Comments/Questions - none XI Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the complete tapes. Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary.