

I	The meeting was called to order by President Duffy at 1:35 p.m.

	Bandopadhyay, S. 		Amason, A.
	Box, M. 			Kramer, D.
	Bristow, W.  			Lincoln, T.
	Bruder, J.    			Lindahl, M. 
	Butcher, B.  			Mortensen, B.
	Curda, L.      			McLean-Nelson, D.
	Davis, M.     			Murray, M.
	Duffy, L.     			Rybkin, A.
	Gardner, J.  			Shepherd, J.
	Garza, D.      			Zilberkant, E.
	Hartman, C.      			
	Illingworth, R. 		OTHERS PRESENT:
	Lin, C.   			Chukwu, G.
	Lindahl, M.    			Ducharme, J.
	Mammoon, T.   			Gold, C.
	Mason, J.     			Gregory, G.
	McBeath, J. 			Hacker, R.
	McRoy, P.			Layral, S.
	Robinson, T. 			Lind, M.
	Rosenberg, J.			Martin, W.
	Roth, M.			Morrison, J.
	Swazo, N. 			Myers, N.
	Weber, J.			Reichardt, P.
	Wiens, J. 			Trabant, T.
					Uzzell, S.
					Wilson, D.

	Culbertson, S.-President, 极速六合彩SC	Banks, S. - President, AS极速六合彩
	Collins, J.  - Dean, SOM   	Graduate Student, GSO
	Leipzig, J. - Dean, CLA
	Tremarello, A - University Registrar

	B.	The minutes to Meeting #99 (February 5, 2001) were 
approved as distributed via e-mail.  

	C.	The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail with 
minor modification of order.

II	Status of Chancellor's Office Actions
		A.	Motions Approved:  
			1.	Motion to amend Section 3 (Article V: 
				Committees, Standing, Permanent) of the 
				Bylaws by deleting E. 9.
			2.	Motion to amend the Foreign Language 
				Advanced Placement Credit policy.
			3.	Motion to recommend 极速六合彩 Administrators 
				be reviewed on a four year cycle according 
				to Guidelines.
		B.	Motions Pending:  
			4.	Motion to approve the Certificate and 
				A.A.S. degree program in Dental Assistant.
			5.	Motion to approve the Certificate and 
				A.A.S. degree program in Tribal Management.

III	A.	Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind - 

Chancellor Lind indicated that we still have a long way to go with the 
legislature in terms of funding.  UA is still making the case for the 
$16.9 million.  You have to look carefully at the numbers that they use.  
A lot has to do with what is the base that we really start at--is it the 
base that we expect it to be or is it $5 million lower.  Chancellor Lind 
encouraged faculty to do what they can as they have the opportunity 
to let the legislature know the important of the budget request.  The 
Board of Regents will be meeting this week in Juneau and a lot of people 
will be meeting with legislators.  We need to keep that figure ($16.9 
million) in front of them and point to all the things we have been able to 
do as a result of what we have gotten and those things we need this 
year.  All of the initiatives that people worked hard on--those are the 
things we are trying to get with the funds.  We have some good 
initiatives and we need the money to do them.  It is nice to see how the 
various pieces are fitting together with the work done on the initiative 
at the state level, how those are working in conjunction with the 
initiative that are going forward with at the federal level, as well as 
some of the ideas that are being proposed by President Hamilton.  
President Hamilton will be making proposals to the BOR this week 
regarding the use of the BP funds.  These compliment one another and 
are tied to the academic development plan.  It good to see that we 
have a plan in place and some of these funding directions are going 
down the same path.  

Last year we had a successful private fund raising effort.  It was $9.2 
million dollars and did not include money from the Rasmuson 
foundation.  We will continue to work hard on that front to get as much 
private money as we can.  It is a challenge because there are not that 
many opportunities in the state.  We will keep looking for new sources.  
We have to be very active outside the state as well.  This year with the 
Rasmuson money it includes $5+ million for the library, $5+ million for 
the museum, and $4+ million for fisheries.  We are very fortunate and 
very appreciative of the support from the Rasmuson family.  

Chancellor Lind shared an overhead regarding facilities.  It provided an 
update on where we are with regards to facilities on campus.  They 
have been under pressure to use the money the legislature has given 
them and now they have a plan in place to spend the funds.  John 
Bruder asked about the Bristol Bay Campus.  Chancellor Lind indicated 
that the legislature has not yet dealt with any portion of the capital 

Godwin Chukwu asked about the BP funds.  Chancellor Lind indicated 
that the money was in the University Foundation.  President Hamilton 
will be speaking to the Board of Regents this week to get some 
conceptual approval as to the broad categories the money will be used.  
Then he will go to the Board of Trustee for their concurrence.  

	B.	Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt -

Provost Reichardt announced that Dan Johnson, Provost at UAA has 
taken a job as President at the University of Toledo.  

The motions pending include the Certificate & AAS in Dental Assistant.  
At his request Ralph Gabrielli has been asked to add some detail in 
regards to budget and projections for the number of student in the 
program and the number of graduates.  New programs in the health 
sciences are under intense scrutiny by statewide and the Board of 
Regents.  The Certificate & AAS in Tribal Management has been 
returned to CRA and Interior-Aleutians to provide additional 
development in the write-up to distinguish between the two programs.  
The only difference in the two packets was the list of courses.  It was 
not clear to him what guidance will be given to students as to which one 
to choose and what each of the two were intended to accomplish.  

Provost Reichardt wished to talk about the approach SAC and 
statewide administration are taking to coordination of distance 
delivered courses and programs.  A about a year ago SAC produced the 
White Paper on Distance Delivery in which they outlined a number of 
challenges and opportunities and the responses to those.  Recently 
they have revisited the White Paper.  An update is being circulated.  In 
the process of looking at things it became apparent that we need to 
formulize the way we make decision about collaborative and 
cooperative programs that are distance delivered.  There are three 
general areas.  One area is curriculum--what is needed in terms of 
courses and programs.  Clearly curricular issues are the purview of the 
faculty.  The second area has to do with the implementation.  Once we 
decide we want to deliver something in a collaborative way, how do we 
go about doing it, how do we insure we have the right support.  The 
final issue is how do we determine the policies under which we will 
operate.  The proposal in detail is that the Faculty Senates would have 
the responsibility to approve curriculum and degree programs and the 
condition under which we will distance deliver.  The faculty sign off on 
decisions and then the administration ratifies the Senate motions.  If, 
however, we want to do something in collaboration with other MAUs 
(i.e., BA in Education) and all three programs require two science 
courses, it doesn't make sense to offer six science courses by 
distance.  They might decide to assign one MAU the responsibility to 
create and deliver three courses.  How do we go about reaching those 
decisions and making sure the courses meet the requirement?  The 
only thing SAC and the UA system can do is give or withhold assistance 
in publicity about what is offered.  Decisions would be made by a six 
member inter-MAU curriculum planning team which would be advisory to 
SAC.  Each faculty senate will appoint one member and each provost 
will appoint one member.  SAC would then have responsibility for policy 
implementation and strategic planning.  Once we decide what we will do 
then the Distance Education coordinating council will decide how we will 
do it.  There will be a number of campus representative on that council.   
SAC will be meeting this week to discuss the draft and then will be 
meeting on March 23 with the Faculty Alliance.  

Ron Illingworth stated that this draft did not include collaboration with 
the unions particularly in regard to workload and intellectual property 
rights.  Those are elements that have significant relationship to what 
courses get offered.  Provost Reichardt indicated that in an earlier 
draft had the labor management committees in the faculty box.  
However, they are not faculty--they are labor management 
committees.  The unions are not part of the curriculum process or 
policy development and implementation process at the university.  
They are not part of the delivery process of the university.  The unions 
and the CBA present some boundaries to what we can and cannot do.  

John Bruder asked about the role of CDE and cross-regional offerings.  
Reichardt indicated that they would be part of the coordinating council 
and may be taped for some systemwide responsibilities in terms of 

Peter McRoy asked about curriculum oversight.  Provost Reichardt 
indicated that the curriculum planning team would advise SAC on 
curriculum issues that are not MAU specific.  This process and group 
will only deal with those things they have agreed to do collaboratively.  
This structure would replace UALC.  

	C.	Comments from Debbie Wilson, 极速六合彩 Dining Services -

Debbie Wilson is with 极速六合彩 Dining Services which was formulated over a 
year ago.  They are responsible for the dining facilities on campus.  The 
most obvious renovations on campus have been to Wood Center.  In 
addition, the West Ridge Cafe just completed their renovation.  They 
have an expanded menu.  Other facilities include The Campus Cache and 
the Pub.  They have spend roughly $550,000 on the campus since July 
of last year to upgrade facilities.  Some of the services provided 
include:  Presto lunch service, cold weather lunch delivery service, 
catering, gift certificate, birthday cakes, and gift baskets.  Debbie 
Wilson provided a gift basket which was won by Ron Gatterdam.  Food 
Service Advisory board was created to oversee dining services.  It is 
composed of faculty, staff and students.  The most recent charge of 
the committee is the renovation of Wood Center and the Lola Tilly 
Commons.  If you are interested in serving on the committee please 
contact Debbie Wilson.  

IV	Governance Reports

	A.	AS极速六合彩 - S. Banks

No report was available

	B.	Staff Council - S. Culbertson

Scott Culbertson gave a report of what the Staff Council has been 
involved in.  The University is working on a new classification system.  
To get everything started they have been giving presentations at the 
various campus.  

Staff Council put together an informational forum on the union 
process.  They invited the various unions interested in the university, 
as well as university human resources representatives to discuss how 
it will all work.    

Staff Council is selling raffle tickets to support the Carolyn Sampson 
Scholarship fund.  

	C.	President's Comments - L. Duffy

Larry Duffy provided the following comments as a handout.  

Commencement for the Fairbanks campus and TVC will be held on 
Sunday, May 13 this year at the Carlson Center.  Rural community 
campus will be hold their commencements locally.  In thinking about 
graduation over the last few years, I remember the hard work of 
former Senate President Ron Gatterdam and members of the Faculty 
Affairs Committee - fighting for the principle that its the right of 极速六合彩 
faculty to award students their degrees.  Every year about April, the 
Senate reviews the degree candidate list and a motion is passed.  
However, "right" never came without "duties" and responsibilities.   It 
seems to me if faculty have the right to award degrees, they have at 
least two duties.  The first duty is to grade in a fair, honest and non-
discriminatory way.  The second duty is to attend graduation to honor 
the students who have worked hard and hopefully developed into fellow 
travelers in the search for knowledge.  Graduation lets us step back 
from our daily tasks and see, as these young people go forward, that 
we are helping in making the world a little better place.  Please 
encourage your colleagues to attend graduation!  There is plenty of 
room - let's start a 极速六合彩 tradition of all faculty - tripartite, bipartite, 
full-time, part-time, research, term, whatever - attending and 
celebrating the success of 极速六合彩 students at graduation.

Also, in regard to student success, the quality of programs, light 
cycle, cultural environment and many other factors make success 
difficult for some 极速六合彩 students.  To help these students, Dr. Wanda 
Martin is developing an Early Warning-Alert program.  This is going to 
require faculty working closely with these students.  Unlike what some 
critics feel, I think our faculty does an OK job in the area of advising.  
At a research university like 极速六合彩, balancing competing demands is 
difficult.  As you will see in Standard 4 we do just as well as other 
research universities.  However, remember advising is a "duty" that we 
must improve upon if we expect our "rights" to be respected by the 
citizens of Alaska.

Other comments by Larry Duffy included a reminder that Senate 
elections are taking place.  He encouraged participation by faculty.  

V	New Business

	A.	Motion to approve a new integrated B.S./M.S. degree 
program in Computer Science, submitted by Curricular Affairs & 
Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee

Ron Illingworth, chair of Curricular Affairs introduced the motion.  This 
is an accelerated program which allows students to obtain a BS and MS 
in five years.  Jim Gardner indicated that the Graduate Academic & 
Advisory Committee also reviewed the program proposal.  The switch 
from the bachelor to master's degree level should occur during the 
junior or senior year.  The motion passed unanimously.


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to approve a new integrated B.S./M.S. 
degree program in Computer Science.  

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 2001 
				Upon Board of Regents' Approval

	RATIONALE: 	See full program proposal #66 on file in 
				the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.


Executive Summary
B.S./M.S., Computer Science

The Department of Mathematical Sciences proposes a NEW integrated 
Computer Science BS/MS degree program for qualified undergraduate 
students to complete BS and MS degrees in a shorter time than 
traditional BS plus MS degrees.  The combined accelerated degree for 
Computer Science undergraduate students is designed for students to 
complete both a Bachelor in Science and a Master in Science in five 
years.  The basic rationales for the program are:  

1.	Better use of University resources
2.	Leverage existing strong BS programs to increase graduate 
3.	A national trend in a highly demanding field
4.	An attractive option for qualified undergraduate students

Students, university, and industry are three most important 
components for the technology advancement.  Since this is an 
integrated program for excellent students through planning and 
commitments, it is a win-win-win (WWW) program.  Students can finish 
both degrees in shorter time without sacrificing educational quality in 
the discipline.  The university can retain excellent undergraduate 
students in the graduate program and increase the enrollment and 
throughput.  Computer science graduates have accepted positions with 
Microsoft, IBM, SUN, DEC, ARCO, BP as well as government agencies 
(state and federal), research institutes and centers.  They are main 
stream workforces for the information era.

	B.	Motion to amend the Constitution dealing with research 
faculty membership on Senate, submitted by Faculty Affairs

Peter McRoy, chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee introduced the 
motion.  This was brought back from the motion introduced last year.  
The changes are in respect to the length of time research faculty are 
on contract.  Currently research faculty are counted for faculty 
representation on the Senate but are unable to serve on the Senate.  
The motion will be voted on at the next senate meeting.



The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves to amend Article III, Section 2 of the 
极速六合彩 Faculty Senate Constitution as follows:

[[  ]]  =  Deletions
CAPS =  Additions

	ARTICLE III - Membership

Sect. 2	Voting members of the Senate must EITHER hold academic 
		rank [[and must be]] WITH full-time CONTINUING 
		APPOINTMENT AT [[permanent employees of]] the 
		OR 'TERM'.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Upon Chancellor approval

	RATIONALE:  	The number of research faculty on campus has 
		increased in recent years.  Members of this faculty group 
		seek participation in faculty governance as well as 
		representation on the Faculty Senate.  This change 
		accommodates this group of faculty.

	C.	Motion to add Senate agenda item on budget presentation, 
submitted by Faculty Affairs 

Peter McRoy stated that this is a broad responsibility of Faculty 
Affairs Committee and it was felt that the Senate should be involved in 
the budget process.  Larry Duffy indicated that the Chancellor and 
Provost had no objection.  The motion passed unanimously.  


The 极速六合彩 Faculty Senate moves that the Senate agenda will include a 
standing agenda item on the university budget and it associated 
priorities, to be presented by the Chancellor and/or designated 

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	Review of the university budget is one of the 
		charges of the Faculty Affairs Committee. 

	D.	Nomination for President-Elect

Larry Duffy opened nominations for President-Elect.   A nomination has 
been received for Godwin Chukwu.  Nominations will remain open until 
the next Senate meeting at which time the election will take place.  

VI	Discussion Item

	A.	Accreditation - Dana Thomas & Ron Gatterdam 
		See:  /provost/accreditation/draft/
		1.	Standard 1 - Institutional Mission and Goals
		2.	Standard 6 - Governance and Administration
		3.	Standard 9 - Institutional Integrity

Larry Duffy indicated that today's discussion would center on the 
above standards.  Standard 2 - Educational Effectiveness and Standard 
4 - Faculty will be discussed at the next Senate meeting on April 2nd.  

Ron Gatterdam indicated that the standards are up on the web.  There 
is the capability to send email back to them with comments.  They 
would like to have comments from a broad perspective.  What is up on 
the web is a rough draft and is not complete--it is a first public draft.  
It is the intent of the administration to use the document for future 
planning as well as accreditation.  

Discussion on Standard 1, 6, and 9 continued and additional comments 
can be submitted on the web site (see address above).  Ron Gatterdam 
asked for comments on the disconnect between the Fairbanks campus 
and the rural campuses.  Ron Gatterdam indicated there is a 
disconnect between the institutes, the main campus, and the rural 
campuses as well.  Dana Thomas indicated that discussion on Standard 
6 did not go below the college/school level.  

VII	Public Comments/Questions

Joy Morrison, Office of Faculty Development, asked for ideas for 
faculty development.  Bob Lucas will be here for two workshops on 
March 20-21 sponsored by the Office of Sponsored Programs.  The 
Faculty Development web page is under the Provost's web page.  All the 
training sponsored by the Office of Faculty Development is on the web.  
Joy Morrison also asked for assistance for the Faculty Handbook.  They 
are looking at training for 极速六合彩 faculty on the topic of distance 

Tonya Trabant and Susan Uzzell from Career Services spoke about the 
upcoming Career Expo on March 7 and 8th.  The National Student 
Employment is the week of April 2-6.  It will include a student job fair 
and the exceptional student employee award.  

VIII	Committee Reports 

	A.	Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth

A report was attached to the agenda.  Ron Illingworth expressed his 
concern over the program proposals that were returned directly to 
CRA without notification to the committees which approved them.  

	B.	Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy

A report was attached to the agenda.  

	C.	Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner

A report was attached to the agenda.  

	D.	Core Review - J. Brown

No report was available

	E.	Curriculum Review - S. Bandopadhyay

No report was available

	F.	Developmental Studies - J. Weber

A report was attached to the agenda.  

The Committee met with Chancellor Lind and Provost Reichardt on 
Thursday and President Hamilton today about the UA Scholars Program 
and developmental studies in general.  President Hamilton assigned two 
tasks for the committee to look at.  A general discussion of the 
underprepared student and the role of the university took place.  

	G.	Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu

No report was available.

	H.	Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement - T. 

A report was attached to the agenda.  

IX	Members' Comments/Questions - none

X	Adjournment

	The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

	Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance 
	Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the 
	complete tapes. 

	Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary.