
The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #134 on February 6, 2006:


The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to amend the Computation requirements for the Certificate and A.A.S. degree (2005-2006 ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Catalog, page 78, 80).

            EFFECTIVE:               Fall 2006

            RATIONALE:  This change eliminates CIOS 116 from the options available to complete the related instructional Computation requirement.  CIOS 116 has been deleted as a course.  Existing course ABUS 155 will continue to meet this requirement.


[[  ]] = deletion
CAPS = addition

Computation........................................... 2-3

Complete one of the following: 



The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #134 on February 6, 2006:


The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to amend the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate By-laws, Section 3 (Art. V: Committees, Permanent) increasing membership on the Committee on the Status of Women as follows: 

[[   ]]  - Deletions
CAPS - Additions

Sect. 1          (ART III:  Membership)

E.             The standing and permanent committees of the Senate are:


7.            The Committee on the Status of Women.  Membership will consist of [[eight]] NINE people, [[one]] TWO of whom will be senators, the others to be elected at large from among ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê faculty.

            The purpose of this committee is to monitor the status of women faculty at ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê and to work proactively for gender equity.

            Such actions will include, but are not limited to:  Maintaining lists of women faculty with hire, tenure and promotion dates; Organizing and supervising surveys on the status of women and assessing the cultural climate of the university as it pertains to women; Recommending policy to address the needs of women faculty; Supporting mentoring of women, both new and mid-career faculty, including running workshops on mentoring, promotion & tenure, negotiating techniques and other forms of faculty development identified as necessary; Addressing family-work issues, such as child care, parental leave, spousal/partner hire; Coordinating with other campus and university groups which deal with women's and gender issues; and any other issues which would help women to achieve equity at UAF.

EFFECTIVE:          Immediately

RATIONALE:        The Faculty Senate recently approved a motion on mixed gender representation for all Senate committees.  Adding an additional Senate seat will assist in fulfilling that goal.

The central component of the intellectual experience at the university is the core curriculum.  It is possible to achieve a better correspondence between the content of the core and the courses selected to substitute for core courses without making the curriculum into a procrustean bed.  



The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #134 on February 6, 2006:


The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate moves to amend the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Faculty Senate By-laws, Section 1 (Art. III: Membership) as follows: 

[[  ]]  - Deletions
CAPS - Additions

Sect. 1          (ART III:  Membership)

B.             Representation shall be by academic OR RESEARCH unit and based on the number of full-time faculty equivalent (FTFE) in each unit as described below.

1.            A unit is a single school or college or a collection of schools and/or colleges OR COLLECTION OF RESEARCH INSTITUTES (see item 7).

2.             For representational purposes only a faculty member shall be defined as one who holds academic rank or special academic rank. 

3.             Each faculty member whose annual academic appointment equals or exceeds 1560 hours will be considered 1 FTFE.

4.             Each faculty member whose annual academic appointment is less than 1560 hours will be considered a fractional FTFE with the fraction being the number of hours of annual academic appointment divided by 1560.

5.             Each unit will elect the number of representatives to the Senate equal to the number of FTFE in that unit divided by the total ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê FTFE, multiplied by 35 and rounded to the nearest integer.

6.             A faculty member having appointment split between units shall be included in each unit in proportion to the respective appointment for the computation of item 5.

7.             All schools or colleges whose representation under item 5 is zero shall be grouped into the conglomerategroup and this group shall be treated as a single unit for purposes of the computation of item 5. If a unit which would have been grouped in the conglomerategroup decides instead that the unit would be better served by joining with another school or college, it may do so upon the mutual agreement of those units.

8.             Re-apportionment will be done for the elections held in even numbered years or upon two-thirds vote of the Senate.


C.            Election Procedure

1.             Election shall be held by the ACADEMIC units OR THE SENATE OFFICE FOR THE RESEARCH INSTITUTES to provide representatives to the Senate according to Article III of the Senate Constitution.  Elections and election procedures are the responsibility of the units, subject to the following:

2.             A faculty member may vote for Senate representatives in only one unit. That unit must be the unit of primary appointment or, in the case of evenly split appointment, the unit of the faculty member's choice.

3.             Units with full-time permanent faculty based on other than the Fairbanks campus should elect Senate representatives in a number that is at least equal to the proportion of the non-Fairbanks based FTFEs.

4.             Units with faculty who teach in associate, certificate, or noncredit programs should elect representatives in proportion to such faculty.

5.             Units with senior faculty should elect associate and full professors as Senate representatives in a number that is at least equal to the proportion of such faculty.

6.             Units with graduate programs should elect at least one graduate faculty member.

7.             Each unit shall elect at least half as many alternate representatives as representatives.

D.            Vacancies

1.             In the case of death, resignation, or transfer of an elected representative of the Senate, an alternate shall immediately become the representative. [[The alternate selected to fill the vacancy shall be the highest vote-getter from the constituency election for alternates as specified in the bylaws.  If no alternate is available, then]] The president of the Senate will appoint a[[n alternate]] REPLACEMENT with the concurrence of the affected constituency, and the consent of the Administrative Committee.

EFFECTIVE:              Immediately

RATIONALE:              This change will give the research faculty that don't have an affiliation with a college/school a separate unit for representation on the Faculty Senate.  Small units will be able to have continued membership on the Senate by guaranteeing at least two seats for each unit, therefore having staggered terms.  Specifying the alternate to fill vacancies shall be the highest vote getter is not always possible and is not necessary.