ࡱ> hjgi 0bjbj.. 4TDbDb(@ @ 8\d4Pl"&&&nnngPiPiPiPiPiPiP$S8VPnnnnnP&&HP n&&gP ngP FcJ&PtԀD7H,SPP0PcHVVVXcJVcJnn nnnnnPPnnnPnnnnVnnnnnnnnn@ B :  Lecture MWF 11:45-12:45, REIC 203 Course: PHYS 471A CRN: 77434 Course Type: In person classroom teaching Instructor: Ataur R. Chowdhury Office: REIC 118 Office Hours: TR 10:30-12:00 Noon Contact: Phone (907) 474-6109 Fax (907) 474-6130 Email HYPERLINK "mailto:archowdhury@alaska.edu"archowdhury@alaska.edu Prerequisites: PHYS 220; PHYS 301; or permission of instructor. Text: Introduction to Solid State Physics, C. Kittel, Eighth Edition, Wiley. References: 1) Elementary Solid State Physics, M. A. Omar 2) Introduction to Solid State Physics, H. P. Myers 3) Solid State Physics, Ibach & Luth 4) Solid State Physics, Aschroft & Mermin Course Objectives: To acquire a basic understanding of (1) the fundamentals of crystal structure, (2) experimental determination of crystal structures, (3) foundations of crystal binding,(4) phonons and thermal properties, (5) electrical conductivity of solids, (6) energy bands of solids, and (7) semiconductor crystals and Fermi surfaces. Credits: 1 credit: 3 hours of lecture per week. Help Session: Help with the homework is available through the instructor during his designated office hours. Course Requirements/ Policies: Class Attednence: For a better understanding of the course, material attendance and participation in classroom activities are very important. This particular course is generally regarded as one of the specialty courses that deals with the fundamentals of classical and modern physics, and it is highly expected that the students will commit themselves to attend the class regularly. There will be supplemental materials for this course and the students will be held responsible for all the materials that will be brought in from outside the text. The students will be expected to take part in meaningful discussion and ask questions to better comprehend the subject material. It is highly expected that the students will cause least disruption of class activities by showing up before the class starts, not leaving the class before it stops, keeping cell phones in silent mode, and refraining from talking during the class. Homework: On the average, 4-5 problems will be assigned each week on Fridays. The homework will be due back by 5:00 PM the following Friday. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO EXCEPTIONS (barring emergencies and extreme situations). Group work is highly encouraged for solving problems, and for additional help with the homework the students are most welcome to consult the instructor during the office hour or any other time by prior appointment. Any homework you submit should reflect you own best effort. Copying of homework is absolutely not acceptable and will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Examinations: There will be a final comprehensive examination (Sept. 30, Friday, 11:30-1:00 PM, REIC 203) for this course. Examination will be open-book, open-note and will consist of, in most part, material similar to those in the homework and those worked out in class. Make-up exams, for valid reasons, may be arranged with approval from the instructor. Grading Policy: Homework 60% Final 40% Total 100% The final grading for this course will be based on a curve. For a given score, your letter grade will not be lower than what it would be expected based on standard grading scale (90-100 = A, 80-90 = B, etc.). Allowed grades are limited to letter grades A,B,C,D,F,I,BN, and no plus-minus grades will be given for this course. Incomplete Grade Policy: The letter I (Incomplete) is a temporary grade used to indicate that the student has satisfactorily completed (C or better) the majority of work in a course but for personal reasons beyond the students control, such as sickness, has not been able to complete the course during the regular semester. Negligence or indifference are not acceptable reasons for an I grade. Syllabus Addendum (Revised 8/22/2022) COVID-19 statement: Students should keep up-to-date on the universitys policies, practices, and mandates related to COVID-19 by regularly checking this website:  HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/coronavirus/uaf?authuser=0" \h https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/coronavirus/uaf?authuser=0 Further, students are expected to adhere to the universitys policies, practices, and mandates and are subject to disciplinary actions if they do not comply. Student protections statement: ϲ embraces and grows a culture of respect, diversity, inclusion, and caring. Students at this university are protected against sexual harassment and discrimination (Title IX). Faculty members are designated as responsible employees which means they are required to report sexual misconduct. Graduate teaching assistants do not share the same reporting obligations. For more information on your rights as a student and the resources available to you to resolve problems, please go to the following site:  HYPERLINK "https://catalog.uaf.edu/academics-regulations/students-rights-responsibilities/" \h https://catalog.uaf.edu/academics-regulations/students-rights-responsibilities/ HYPERLINK "https://catalog.uaf.edu/academics-regulations/students-rights-responsibilities/" \h . Disability services statement: I will work with the Office of Disability Services to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities. ASϲ advocacy statement: The Associated Students of the ϲ, the student government of ϲ, offers advocacy services to students who feel they are facing issues with staff, faculty, and/or other students specifically if these issues are hindering the ability of the student to succeed in their academics or go about their lives at the university. Students who wish to utilize these services can contact the Student Advocacy Director by visiting the ASϲ office or emailing  HYPERLINK "mailto:asuaf.office@alaska.edu" \h asuaf.office@alaska.edu. Student Academic Support: Speaking Center (907-474-5470,  HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-speakingcenter@alaska.edu" \h uaf-speakingcenter@alaska.edu HYPERLINK "mailto:speak@uaf.edu" \h , Gruening 507) Writing Center (907-474-5314,  HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-writing-center@alaska.edu" \h uaf-writing-center@alaska.edu HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-writing-center@alaska.edu" \h , Gruening 8th floor) ϲ Math Services,  HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-traccloud@alaska.edu" \h uaf-traccloud@alaska.edu, Chapman Building (for math fee paying students only) Developmental Math Lab, Gruening 406 The Debbie Moses Learning Center at CTC (907-455-2860, 604 Barnette St, Room 120,  HYPERLINK "https://www.ctc.uaf.edu/student-services/student-success-center/" \h https://www.ctc.uaf.edu/student-services/student-success-center/) For more information and resources, please see the Academic Advising Resource List ( HYPERLINK "/advising/lr/SKM_364e19011717281.pdf" \h /advising/lr/SKM_364e19011717281.pdf) Student Resources: DisabilityServices (907-474-5655, HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-disability-services@alaska.edu" \h uaf-disability-services@alaska.edu, Whitaker 208) Student Health & Counseling[6 free counseling sessions](907-474-7043, HYPERLINK "/chc/appointments.php" \h /chc/appointments.php, Gruening 215) Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities (907-474-7317, HYPERLINK "mailto:uaf-studentrights@alaska.edu" \h uaf-studentrights@alaska.edu, Eielson 110) Associated Students of the ϲ (ASϲ) orASϲʠStudent Government (907-474-7355, HYPERLINK "mailto:asuaf.office@alaska.edu" \h asuaf.office@alaska.edu, Wood Center 119) Nondiscrimination statement: The University of Alaska is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. The University of Alaska does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally protected status. The University's commitment to nondiscrimination, including against sex discrimination, applies to students, employees, and applicants for admission and employment. Contact information, applicable laws, and complaint procedures are included on UA's statement of nondiscrimination available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination" \h www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination. For more information, contact: ϲ Department of Equity and Compliance 1692 Tok Lane, 3rd floor, Constitution Hall, Fairbanks, AK 99775 907-474-7300 uaf-deo@alaska.edu Additional syllabi statement for courses including off-campus programs and research activities: University Sponsored Off-Campus Programs and Research Activities We want you to know that: UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination" \h www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination. Incidents can be reported to your universitys Equity and Compliance office (listed below) or online reporting portal. University of Alaska takes immediate, effective, and appropriate action to respond to reported acts of discrimination and harassment. There are supportive measures available to individuals that may have experienced discrimination. University of Alaskas Board of Regents Policy & University Regulations (UA BoR P&R) 01.02.020 Nondiscrimination and 01.04 Sex and Gender-Based Discrimination Under Title IX, go to:  HYPERLINK "http://alaska.edu/bor/policy-regulations/" \h http://alaska.edu/bor/policy-regulations/. UA BoR P&R apply at all university owned or operated sites, university sanctioned events, clinical sites and during all academic or research related travel that are university sponsored. For further information on your rights and resources  HYPERLINK "https://www.alaska.edu/equity/title-ix/student-placement-guidelines/" \h click here.     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