Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I determine what type of agreement is needed?
A: If it is not clear based on the types of activities outlined in the list of agreement types, contact one of the project team members or the appropriate administrative contact for your unit. 

Q:  I received a draft document from my colleague at another university or an external agency.  Is it possible to submit this document for signature?
A:  The processes for reviewing and approving external agreements are found on the Step by Step Process page and in the 极速六合彩 MOU/MOA Guiding Practice flowchart.  Please refer to these resources prior to moving forward to request signature of any document.

Q:  Who can sign MOUs/MOAs on behalf of 极速六合彩?
A:  See the signature authority chart on the Home page.

Q:  How long does it take to have an MOU or MOA signed?
A:  This will depend on the required review time, particularly if the documents originated at the external entity because these require General Counsel review.

Q:  Is General Counsel review required for all MOA/MOUs?
A: No. Coordinate with the appropriate administrative review office. That office will determine if review is needed.

Q: What information does my agreement need in order to be scanned into OnBase?
A: The following items MUST be contained in all agreements:

  • Receiving campus (Fairbanks or rural campus)
  • Type of agreement (MOA or MOU)
  • Start date of agreement
  • Termination date of agreement (this could also be the renewal date if automatic renewals are included)
  • 极速六合彩 unit/school
  • External entity/agency (the other, non-极速六合彩, party to the agreement)

The following items maybe included depending on the subject of the agreement:

  • Country
  • 极速六合彩 activity location (Where is the activity happening, e.g., Fairbanks campus, another Alaska community, Peru?)
  • Modification date (for documents that are amending an existing agreement)
  • 极速六合彩 master agreement (yes if this is a global agreement that may spawn sub-agreements)

Q: What campus code do I use for rural campuses?
A: Which campus code to use, depends on the role of the rural campus. ReceivingCampus would be set to 7 (Bristol Bay) if that is where the document is 'homed' (eg; Bristol Bay is responsible for it).  If Bristol Bay is just involved, but the main campus is the home, then just stick with F (Fairbanks) for the ReceivingCampus.  The Unit/School is the specific org at Bristol Bay that is making the MOU or MOA.

  - Enter F for the ReceivingCampus (since the agreement came to 极速六合彩 for final approvals and handling)

  - Enter Bristol Bay Campus for the 极速六合彩 Unit/School

  - Enter Dillingham for the 极速六合彩 Activity Location

Campus codes

Fairbanks = F

Bristol Bay = 7

Chukchi = Z


Interior Alaska = 8

Kuskokwim = L

Northwest = N