Institutional awards

Chancellor's Cornerstone Award 

About the award 

The Chancellor's Cornerstone Award recognizes ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê staff for sustained outstanding contributions toward accomplishing and enhancing the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê mission and strategic plan. Nominations accepted from Jan. 10 - Mar. 1, 2024. 

Congratulations to the 2023 Chancellor's Cornerstone Award recipients! Four outstanding staff members have been honored as Chancellor’s Cornerstone Award winners for 2023. The following four individuals will receive their awards during Staff Recognition and Development Day on April 5, 2023:

  • Felicia Burud, alumni relations manager, Alumni Relations
  • Tracy Coon, site manager/lead electrical engineer, HAARP
  • Lisa Yancey, academic and administrative affairs manager, CIS
  • Casey Stagno, CT3 equipment operator, Facilities Services 
Recipients are publicly recognized for work-related service and receive a plaque and gift as determined by the chancellor. A copy of the award is placed in the recipient's personnel file.

The 2024 nomination period is open through March 1, 2024.

All departments are encouraged to recognize their employees in addition to this award, and are encouraged to nominate staff members from both inside and outside their departments. When you submit a nomination, your department will be put in a drawing to receive an ice cream social.

Nominations are encouraged and accepted from peers, supervisors, customers, stakeholders, students, faculty, other academic, administrative, support, sponsored research and service staff, who have a working relationship with the nominee.

The award committee consists of volunteer members of the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Staff Council, and, whenever possible, at least one (1) previous recipient of the award. Award recommendations are forwarded to the chancellor for final selection.

Specific examples of the following should be included in the nomination:

  • Advocating on behalf of ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê in the workplace or in the community
  • Demonstrates sensitivity to cultural diversity and working to build an inclusive, welcoming environment
  • Showing concern for working well or for surpassing a standard of excellence
  • Demonstrating consistent superior performance and significantly exceeding position requirements
  • Taking on significant responsibilities in addition to exceeding expectations of their job
  • Taking ownership of services rendered and acting on behalf of the person being served
  • Demonstrating a helpful and positive attitude
  • Improving the workplace through exemplary initiative, dedication or leadership

For more information email Staff Council at or call 907-474-7964.

All staff members (excluding deans, directors, and executive staff and faculty) occupying any position at UAF are eligible to receive recognition.

In the mid–fifties a construction company clearing land for the Bunnell Building hauled the university cornerstone off with other construction debris. When Audrey Loftus, a staff member at the time, learned that the cornerstone was missing she explained to the construction company why it was so important that it be returned to its original spot.

"The cornerstone was the heart of the university. When it was put there it was not the cornerstone of a building. Judge Wickersham put it there as the cornerstone of the university itself," said Loftus during an interview in 1993.

The cornerstone was returned and rededicated in 1962; It still stands in front of the Bunnell Building today.

During her time at UAF, Loftus was a sort of cornerstone for the university as well. She built the foundation for what would later become Career Services, the UA Foundation and the ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Alumni Association.

There are many employees at UAF, who, like Audrey Loftus, understand the importance of the university's past and are working tirelessly today with an eye toward the future.

The Chancellor's Cornerstone Award is one way to recognize their efforts.


Chancellor posing with Cornerstone Award recipient, Felicia Burud

Honorary degrees

About the award 

Honorary Degrees are awarded to nominated recipients at the Honoree Recognition Ceremony the evening before ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Commencement. The Office of the Provost provides more information about Honorary Degrees criteria, past recipients, and nomination requirements. 

Chancellor white placeing a hood on a honorary degree recipient, Helen (Dick) MacLean

Meritorious Service Award 

About the award 

The ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Meritorious Service Award is a high and rare honor, given to individuals for outstanding service that is typically locale-oriented. Nominees should be individuals who have demonstrated evidence of significant services publicly, academically, voluntarily or philanthropically; have provided services to ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê or to one of the community campuses, or to an Alaska community; have longevity of commitment and/or service; and/or diversity – culturally and/or discipline.

The official criteria for this award is outlined in the UA Board of Regents’ policy and regulations (Part X – Academic Policy – Chapter 10.03.030).

Meritorious service awards may be conferred upon approval of the Board of Regents.

  1. Criteria The criterion for individuals to receive a meritorious service award from an MAU is evidence of significant public, academic, volunteer or philanthropic service to the MAU or one of its community campuses, or to an Alaska community.
  2. Campus Procedure The chancellors of each MAU will establish a meritorious service award committee and a separate procedure for nominating individuals for meritorious service awards that provides for an open process for suggesting prospective nominees and respect for a prospective nominee’s privacy. No current regent may be a prospective nominee. Each year each chancellor may nominate individuals to receive a meritorious service award and forward the names and supporting information to the president.
  3. President Review The president will investigate the qualifications and character of each nominee. The president may forward nominees for a meritorious service award to the board.
  4. Board of Regents’ Conferral The board may award a meritorious service award to a nominee. The board will confer each meritorious service award at the MAU that grants the award. A meritorious service award may not be awarded in absentia, but may be awarded posthumously if the board approved the recipient before their demise.

Nominations for meritorious service award candidates may be made by members of the Board of Regents, campus advisory councils, members of the university community, or citizens of the state. The MAU will acknowledge the receipt of such nominations to the nominator. The nominator may request to appear before the committee to speak to the nomination.

Ordinarily a meritorious service award will be conferred within the academic year in which it is approved. A chancellor may request from the president, postponement to the following year.

Nominations will include a brief statement of the following information on each candidate:

  1. name and pertinent personal information;
  2. outstanding service to the university and/or community;
  3. rationale for recommendation for meritorious service award;
  4. person making the nomination; and
  5. supporting letters.
  •  Nominations accepted - March 1 - June 30.
  • MSA committee reviews - July 1
  • MSA committee recommendations to Chancellor - August 1
  • Approved nominees forwarded to the UA president
  • Approved nominees placed on the September Board of Regents agenda

The MSA award will be presented during ¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê’s commencement ceremony May of the following year after acceptance.

Note: You must be logged into Google to access the form below. You can also mail or email the letter of nomination plus the documentation (up 5 supporting letters and a bio/resume of the nominee) by July 24 to:


¼«ËÙÁùºÏ²Ê Meritorious Service Awards Committee
c/o Office of the Chancellor
P.O. Box 757500
Fairbanks, AK 99775
Phone: 907-474-7112

Meritorious Service Award recipient, Ron Inouye