ࡱ> GIF '!bjbj .4n84">L(       ,R!$99N^  :{,r d0.$$99$ h:   Sample Budget Justification Use the same cost categories that the funding agency uses. This example uses the National Science Foundations cost categories. Salaries: 2.0 mos. per year (348 hours at *$xx/hour) is requested for the PI to administer the project, and 1.0 mo. per year (174 hours at *$xx/hour) is requested for the Co-I to conduct the fieldwork. Support is also budgeted for 2 graduate students (academic year and summer) to assist in compiling the data. 1.5% leave reserve is included on faculty salaries; salaries include a 2.9% inflation increase for faculty and 3.25% increase for staff each year. *(OSP Note: Per NSFs Grant Proposal Guide, Section C.2.g.(i)(b) Salaries & Wages, Procedures: The budget justification should detail the rates of pay by individual for senior personnel, postdoctoral associates, and other professionals.) You can use hourly/monthly/bi-weekly/etc. Benefits: Staff benefits are applied according to ϲʒs provisional negotiated benefit rates for FY14. Rates are 31.2% for faculty salaries and 8.2% for graduate students (summers only). Health insurance is included for the graduate students, per ϲ policy. A copy of the rate agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/" http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/ Travel: Domestic: 2 trips per year are requested for the PI and Co-I to travel from Fairbanks to Nome, AK to conduct fieldwork. 1 trip is budgeted per year to travel to San Francisco, CA for the PI to meet with collaborators. 1 trip is budgeted in Year 1 to travel to Anchorage, AK for a conference. Per diem (meals/incidentals/lodging) is budgeted at 7 days at $282/day for Nome and 5 days at $226/day for San Francisco in accordance with GSA/JTR Regulations. Per diem in Anchorage is 3 days at $159/day per UA Board of Regents regulations. Car rental is budget in San Francisco at $50/day. Foreign: 1 trip in Year 2 is budgeted for the Co-I to travel to Tokyo City, Japan to meet with collaborators and discuss findings. Per diem is $404 in accordance with JTR Regulations. Transportation to and from the airport is budgeted at $40/trip. (OSP Note: Travel includes airfare charges, transportation charges, per diem, and can also include extra bag charges, and related conference fees/meeting registration charges, depending on how these charges are processed at the departmental level. Lodging and per diem rates can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm" http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm, with the exception of Alaska in-state meals and incidentals in Juneau, Fairbanks, or Anchorage which are set by the Board of Regents at $60/day.) Equipment: Funds are requested to purchase a scanning electron microscope ($5,500, quote attached) to analyze the samples collected during fieldwork. (OSP Note: The equipment threshold is $5,000, which matches federal standards. Quotes should be included for equipment requests.) Subawards: A subaward will be made to the University of Tokyo ($125,000 over 3 years) for their portion of the research analyzing samples collected locally in Japan and comparing them to the Alaska samples. The University of Tokyo was selected because of their sole expertise in this field. A budget and narrative is attached for the subaward. Materials & Supplies: Funds are requested for field supplies such as data loggers and sample containers, and other general project supplies. (OSP Note: Any single item under $5,000. See the above note regarding equipment threshold. Project-specific computer systems and software will most likely fall into this category.) Other Direct Costs: Per ϲ policy, in-state tuition costs are included for the graduate student (academic year only). Funds are requested for further sample analysis by SampleCorp., Inc. at $50/sample. Funds are also proposed for the ϲ Analysis Lab to verify the integrity of the samples at $2/sample. $2,000 is requested for airlifting supplies to the field location per year. $500 per year is budgeted for toll/communication charges. $2,500 is requested for page charges/publication costs of the research findings. $500 is included for shipping the samples to and from collaborators. (OSP Note: This category should also include all other ϲ Recharge Center costs, computer support services, participant support costs, vessel charters, animal care costs, consultants, etc.) (OSP Note: Costs that are normally not allowable as direct costs include: general office supplies, general computer supplies and software, administrative costs, general copying costs, general postage costs, office equipment, furniture, utilities, and dues/membership costs. These are usually recovered through F&A. Some of these such as postage costs, copying costs, office, and computer supplies are allowable if identifiable as project-specific. More information is available in ϲʒs CASB DS-2 Statement at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/controller/cost-analysis/downloads/Disclosure/ϲ_Disclosure_Rec.pdf" http://www.alaska.edu/controller/cost-analysis/downloads/Disclosure/ϲ_Disclosure_Rec.pdf) Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The provisional predetermined rate for sponsored research is 50% of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, scholarships, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/" http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. (OSP Note: Participant Support Costs are F&A exempt on NSF and some NIH proposals only. This is an NSF/NIH cost category that other sponsors do not use, and therefore should have F&A charged to it if submitting to a sponsor besides NSF or a relevant NIH program.) Alternative Indirect Cost Statement when the Sponsor Limits F&A Recovery: Facilitates and Administrative (F&A) Costs are calculated at xx.x% as per the proposal guidelines. Alternative Indirect Cost Statement when the Sponsor Prohibits F&A Recovery: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs have not been included in the budget as per the proposal guidelines.     OSP Sample Budget Justification Updated: August 6, 2013 Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 )2RXj    ) * . 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