Current board

Director: Nancy Bigelow, Alaska Quaternary Center, 极速六合彩

Community Representative: Jeff Rasic, National Park Service

Agency Representative: Trent Hubbard, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys

Marine Science Representative:  Chris Maio, Geosciences, 极速六合彩

Social Science Representative: Joshua Reuther, Anthropology and UA Museum of the North

Life Science Representative: , Water and Environmental Research Center, 极速六合彩

Physical Science Representative: Pat Druckenmiller, Geosciences and UA Museum of the North

Student Representative: TBD

Faculty, staff, and affiliates with Quaternary interests

  • Claire Alix: Wood and charcoal identification, wood use, Arctic archaeology and ethnoarchaeology
  • : Vegetation history, biogeography, climate history
  • : Response of high latitude landscapes to climate change
  • Sarah Fowell: Palynology and biostratigraphy
  • :  Quaternary climate change and environmental responses
  • :  Mapping landscape response to climate change
  • Daniel H. Mann: Geomorphology, glacial geology, paleoecology
  •  Owen K. Mason: Coastal geomorphology, geoarcheology, alluvial history
  • Link Olson:  Mammalian molecular and morphological systematics, biogeography, phylogeography, geographic variation, and natural history.
  • Ben Potter: Paleoindian archaeology, paleoecology of interior Alaska
  • Jennifer Reynolds:  Submarine volcanism and sea floor mapping
  • :  Quaternary glaciation of Alaska
  • :  Isotopes addressing ecological and paleoecological questions


  • James Beget:  Quaternary tephras and loess
  • Dale Guthrie:  Ecology and evolution of Quaternary mammals, natural history of paleolithic art, ecological archaeology
  • Glenn P. Juday:  Ecology of northern forests
  • C. Peter McRoy:  Marine ecology, biological oceanography
  • David F. Murray:  Plant geography, plant systematics, circumpolar flora
  • Chien-Lu Ping:  Soil genesis, classification, paleosols